There are many spices needed, and some people suggested that people in the village grow their own.

Fortunately, many people are going to open up wasteland, so there is plenty of land.

It’s just that the first batch of spices and raw materials have to be outsourced.

Outsourcing is also simple. It's just supplies. What can't Shen Ruoqing buy?So at Shen Ruoqing's signal, Shen Xiangbei took over the purchase of the first batch of raw materials.

After discussing some minor matters, the meeting ended.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when the conference ended, and everyone walked home together with friends.

People from the educated youth area also carried their benches back together, and everyone excitedly discussed the matter of setting up a factory in the brigade. They were basically of the same age, and most of them had graduated from junior high school and high school, which gave them a great advantage.

Old educated youths like Ma Weiguang originally thought that they would spend their whole lives farming, but they never expected that they would still have the opportunity to be a worker.

"Don't think so well. The threshold is set as long as a primary school diploma. It's clear that they want to benefit the people in their own village. Who said that the higher the education level, the greater the probability of admission? I didn't hear it said at the conference that those with high work points Do you give priority to people? How many centimeters do you have throughout the year? Don't you know how many centimeters you have?" Xu Ruhua said.

Anyway, according to what Captain Tang said, even if he joined the factory as a worker, he probably wouldn't be able to find a free position.She had already given gifts to Vice Captain Qi, so she might as well wait until the health center was built and become a trainee nurse.

What Xu Ruhua said was not unreasonable, but educated youth still had expectations.

"Didn't you hear him say that you need to take an exam to pass? Proving that the cultural level is still important, and since we have come to Dashoudou Village, we are members of Dashoudou Village." Yang Pingfang said.

She had written to her family several times, but her family's reply did not mention returning to the city, which made Yang Pingfang feel cold.The work points she earned were not that many, just enough to feed and clothe herself.It was too hard to work in the field. There was no hope of being a trainee nurse before. Now that she had the opportunity to be a worker, she would definitely not let it go.

Didn’t you hear Captain Tang say that girls have a higher chance of being admitted?She is also a girl, so she definitely has an advantage over male educated youths.

Everyone thinks differently.

Soon, two days later, Captain Tang came to Shen's house with Vice Captain Qi holding a thick stack of registration forms and transcripts.

"Director Shen, everyone's attitude is very positive. You see, almost everyone in our team who meets the requirements has signed up."

"Captain Tang, just call me Xiangbei as before. It doesn't sound as cordial as before, whether you are the director of the factory or not." Shen Xiangbei handed out cigarettes to Captain Tang and Vice Captain Qi.

"Look, these are the candidates selected by Vice Captain Qi and I."

Captain Tang handed the roster to Shen Xiangbei. He and Vice Captain Qi had already selected a group of people. If Shen Xiangbei eliminated a few more people, the quota would be almost confirmed.Shen Ruoqing also watched from the side.

"Shu Lijuan doesn't want it." Shen Ruoqing saw Shu Lijuan's name at a glance.

"Why is this? Shu Lijuan has already married to our village. She is of the right age, has met the education level, and her test scores are pretty good," Captain Tang said.

"We can't recruit so many people in the first batch. Didn't we say before that people with high work scores will be given priority? The Li family's centimeters are not high, so let them wait for the next batch." Shen Ruoqing found a random reason and put Shu Lijuan's The name was crossed out.

After all, he is an unimportant person, and Captain Tang and Vice Captain Qi will not refute Shen Ruoqing at this time.

Then a few more people were selected to go out, and the quota was finally determined. "I'll post this list tonight."

The first batch of recruits were young people, but Captain Tang and the others had drawn up a list in advance. They were all women in the brigade who showed off their cooking skills. They were the first batch of workers.

After posting the list, some people were happy and some were sad.

Many people were very happy to see their names on the list, and they would all be workers in the future.

Shu Lijuan read the list several times but didn't see her name.

"Impossible, how could it be without me?"

Shu Lijuan gritted her teeth.

"Daughter-in-law, it's normal for you not to be selected, but Captain Tang said that if the factory has good results, it will recruit a second batch of workers soon. It will be the same when we come back," Li Tiezhui said.

"No, this is impossible! I have a high school education, how could I not be selected? I know, it must be Shen Ruoqing's fault! It's her! The director of the factory is her brother, and she just doesn't want me to be selected!" said After that, Shu Lijuan ran towards the Shen family.

Shen Ruoqing was preparing the medicinal materials when he heard Shu Lijuan's voice shouting outside: "Shen Ruoqing, come out!"

Shu Lijuan's voice was so loud that many people gathered around to watch.

Shen Ruoqing opened the door slowly: "Shu Lijuan, what can I do for you?"

Seeing Shen Ruoqing's look like nothing had happened, Shu Lijuan became extremely angry: "My name is not on the recruitment list. Did you do something about it?"

Shen Ruoqing smiled: "You didn't get selected, so you came here to blame me?"

"Your brother has become the factory director and wants to remove me. Isn't it just a matter of his words? Shen Ruoqing, why don't you let me be a worker?"

Shen Xiangbei also came back at this time. He has been very busy these two days due to factory matters.

"Daughter-in-law, Hammer, what do you mean? These lists were finalized by us after comprehensive consideration. There is naturally a reason why you were not selected, that is, someone is more suitable than you. Do you think everyone is like Even if you're not selected, can you come over and make a fuss?"

"What do you mean someone is more suitable than me? Sister Qian and Wang Lian are both on the list. Their culture is junior high school culture. How can I not compare with them?"

"Qian Damei is the female educated youth with the highest centimeters in the Educated Youth Point. When Captain Tang and I were considering the quotas, we decided to give one quota to each male educated youth in the Educated Youth Point. Qian Damei has the highest centimeters, so we admitted her. The same goes for Wang Lian. Yes, Wang Lian's family's centimeters are also very high. I said before that people with high work points are given priority. Although Li Tiechui earns a lot of work points every day, according to family calculations, your family's centimeters are not high, so they were dismissed. What's the matter? Problem?"

"What the hell are you talking about? That Zhang Cuihua doesn't even have a primary school diploma, and her centimeters are not high. Why is her name on the list but not mine? You are just avenging a private revenge!"

"Although Zhang Cuihua has not finished elementary school, her test scores are satisfactory. Although her family's work score is not high, considering that Zhang Cuihua has a sick old mother at home, she took special care of her. This is a group of us. As a result of the negotiation, if you are not convinced and still make trouble, you will not be considered for the next recruitment."

Shen Xiangbei's tone became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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