Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 209: Dividing food and money

Chapter 209: Dividing food and money
"It's not that you're unhappy, it's just that your uncle and aunt rarely come to ask for something, eh——"

Shen Ruoqing touched his chin, "Actually, this is not difficult."

"My dear, do you have any idea?" Mrs. Ji looked at Shen Ruoqing, "But if your fourth brother inserts someone into the factory at this time, he will definitely be criticized. Especially Vice Captain Qi, we were punished last time. It hurts his face."

"Exchange, didn't Vice Captain Qi come here several times in the past two days? Let's exchange the prescription for a job quota." Shen Ruoqing said.

"That won't work! Each of your prescriptions is worth 1000 yuan!" Mrs. Ji shook her head. Although she wanted to help her brother, she would still refuse if she had to spend 1000 yuan to help.

"Just sell it for one prescription, five hundred, and get a job quota. Mom, our family is not short of money now. If the girl is good, it will not be a loss. Cousin Jianjun is in his twenties. Captain Tang agrees. If you don’t agree, we’ll sell it. If you don’t agree, forget it. We’ve done our best.”

Shen Ruoqing feels that Captain Tang and the others will definitely agree, because with your new recipe, they will definitely need to increase manpower. It just requires one job quota, and it also saves the factory 500 yuan in expenses.

500 yuan?That's quite a lot.Mrs. Ji needs to think about it.

"Good boy, haven't we already told you not to sell your son to the factory? For the sake of your cousin Jianjun..." Her good boy is kind-hearted, but as a mother, she can't do it for other people's sons. I wronged my daughter.

"In fact, Captain Tang mentioned this matter to me twice later. I always want to give Captain Tang a face. Moreover, it is useless for us to hold this recipe. This Zhongxing Non-staple Food Factory was also established by me. I also hope it gets better and better.”

"Okay, I still need to discuss this matter with your fourth brother."

Shen Xiangbei naturally agreed with this matter.

He found Captain Tang and others and told the matter, and everyone agreed.Because during this period, the non-staple food factory also launched the sale of vegetables and other products, but the sales were not good.In addition, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so if we add a sausage to sell, it will definitely sell well.

Vice Captain Qi was unwilling to give in. Why could the Shen family get a job quota if they wanted one?But no one listened to what he said alone.

"Girl Ruoqing only sells a recipe? Where is the recipe for chili sauce mentioned earlier?" Captain Tang said.

"My little sister said that in fact, every household can make chili sauce. It doesn't matter if we don't sell the recipe. My little sister said that when the non-staple food factory is established, we will create a research and development department to specialize in research and development of food formulas. Our factory still needs it. You just have to have your own formula.”

"Girl Ruoqing is right. We still have to develop it ourselves in the future." Everyone nodded.

But what they don’t know is that developing new recipes requires more manpower and material resources.

Mrs. Feng was so happy when she found out about this later that she bought a piece of floral cloth for Mrs. Ji, and the rift between the two of them was finally over.

Time passed day by day, and soon it was time to distribute food and money at the end of the year.

At this time, it is time for the pigs in the pig farm to be put out.

These more than 2000 big fat pigs are all grunting.Why more than 2000?Because the sow has given birth.For these pigs, Captain Tang specially found a person who knew how to care for sows after delivery to take care of these babies of the brigade.

Most of the more than 2000 and nearly 180 pigs are half-sized piglets. The remaining [-] pigs have all grown to more than [-] kilograms, and some have grown to more than [-] kilograms.

You know, I've only had this one for less than half a year.

Looking at these fat pigs, Captain Tang and the village party secretary burst into smiles.After discussion, they agreed that all the fat pigs would be used to produce bacon and sausages, but they also killed five of them and made a pig-killing feast for the whole village, which was considered a happy event.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so I have to hurry up and make a batch of sausages and bacon. Bacon and sausages are very popular during this time.

This pig-killing banquet was particularly grand. Five fat pigs were killed. Three of the fat pigs were all used to make pig-killing dishes. Two fat pigs were sold to the villagers at a low price.

Han Guizhi was good at cooking, so she was asked to serve as a spooner, and she even got an extra pound of pork to take home.

Everyone was smiling. It was like all the fat pigs were sold to the non-staple food factory for more than 7 yuan. This money was first withdrawn from [-] yuan and distributed to the villagers, except for the people in the cowshed and the educated youth. In addition to people, every household has a share.

Grandpa Hao and Grandma Hao in the cowshed also received pork, but not the money.

But the people in the educated youth camp were not happy. Why did everyone in the village have money, but they didn't have any money in the educated youth camp?They are now also part of Big Stone Village.

Ding Zhongjiang and others approached Captain Tang.

"Captain Tang, how come we, the educated youth, are not included in the dividends in this village?" Ding Zhongjiang rubbed his hands.

"Ding Zhiqing, this pig farm belongs to our brigade. Although you have settled in our Dashuishou Village, don't you think you are not married in our brigade? If you are married in our brigade, I will definitely give you a share. Yes. If we divide you now, other people in the village will definitely have opinions."

"How can you say this? Can't we enjoy the benefits of the village if we don't get married? Isn't this treated differently?" Ma Weiguang said.

The village party secretary's face darkened: "This pig farm and everything else were built by the village itself. Did you educated youths have any contribution? You just want to enjoy the benefits without paying anything. How can such a good thing happen?" The welfare of this pig farm belongs to the villagers. If you want this welfare, become a villager. Just like Shu Lijuan. Compared with other brigades, the welfare of our brigade is very good, and you can still go to work in the factory. You can also get a share of meat.”

They wanted to say something else, but they were blocked again by the village party secretary and Captain Tang.

When Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongjiang came out, they looked at each other.

The village party secretary is forcing them to get married in the village.

A niece of the village party secretary fell in love with Zhang Mengdan. It seemed that the village party secretary did this on purpose.

"Zhang Mengdan, why don't you just obey."

"I want to do it too, but that girl is not my type at all. Forget it, just don't do it. After all, we are not from the village, so it is normal for us not to divide the money." Zhang Mengdan said.

"Of course you don't care anymore. You are now a worker in a non-staple food factory. With wages, the rest of us are living a tight life." Ding Zhongjiang gave a wry smile.

In the second batch of recruitment, Zhang Mengdan, the most educated youth among them, was admitted. For some reason, he and Ding Zhongjiang tried twice but failed.

Although they are old educated youths, their ability to do farm work is still much worse than that of the men in the village.Now the factory in the village has recruited three people from the educated youth spot. It is estimated that the possibility of recruiting them again is very low. There is no hope of returning to the city now. Dashouchi Village is still much better than other villages. They should think about themselves. .

Ding Zhongjiang thought that the girl named Hua in the village seemed to be very kind to him.

(End of this chapter)

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