Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 217 Beating Wei Shuangshuang

Wei Shuangshuang became more and more indifferent to Lin Chen.

Wei Shuangshuang asked Wei Shuangshuang out several times, but Wei Shuangshuang refused.

This time, Lin Chen finally made an appointment with someone, but during dinner, Wei Shuangshuang broke up with Lin Chen with an indifferent expression.

"Shuangshuang, what did I do wrong? You said what I did wrong, I can change." Lin Chen's most worried thing happened.

Wei Shuangshuang looked at Lin Chen impatiently: "Don't you understand what I'm telling you? I said it's over between us. Don't pester me anymore."

At first, Wei Shuangshuang had been classmates with Lin Chen for two years and was indeed attracted to Lin Chen.Lin Chen was good-looking and was gentle and considerate towards her. It was normal for her to fall.

But since both Wei Shuangshuang and Lin Chen had jobs, many men were courteous to Wei Shuangshuang because both of them came from a family background.In addition, Wei's father actually had a lot of opinions about Lin Chen, and also arranged many high-quality men for Wei Shuangshuang.Wei Shuangshuang liked Lin Chen very much at first, but later on Lin Chen was always a temporary worker and was not as generous to her as before, so she couldn't help but feel resentful. Coupled with Wei's father's deliberate guidance, the two of them also had a lot of problems. contradiction.The most important thing is that they recently hired a man who is no less good-looking than Lin Chen, and this man is also better than Lin Chen, and he has launched a fierce pursuit of Wei Shuangshuang.

Wei Shuangshuang soon fell in love with someone else after Wei's father talked about it and the man's fierce pursuit.This time I came here determined to break up with Lin Chen.

"Shuangshuang, we have been in love for so long, and you just abandoned me like this? I really love you!"

"Lin Chen, if you really love me, why would you play and fight with those little girls in the factory every day? That's it, we're done."

After saying this, Wei Shuangshuang left with the small bag.

Lin Chen was left with a gloomy look on his face. He looked at Wei Shuangshuang's leaving figure fiercely. He didn't want to give him any compensation and just wanted to get rid of him like this?impossible!
After Shen Ruoqing provided livestock to various brigades, many people came to learn pig-raising techniques from the central brigade.

I heard that boars must be killed to make them fatter, so everyone in each brigade took note of this carefully.

The pig farm is now crowded with people all day long.

The pig farm is managed by a family named Ye in the village. This family is a martyr family, and the village usually takes care of them.

Uncle Ye showed other people in the brigade what the pigs were eating: "Look, this is how our brigade feeds the pigs. Mixed with oil residue and alfalfa, sometimes we have to add some moxa leaf powder..."

Some brigades were relatively poor and asked: "We also know that oil residue is a good thing. Where does your brigade's oil residue come from? Can you give it to us evenly?"

Uncle Ye's eyes widened: "How can that be done? Our brigade doesn't have enough by itself! We don't even have enough oil residue. We still expect to transport the rapeseed to the oil mill to get the oil residue after it matures."

"Then we'll share it when the time comes."

"How can we get these things? What we have at home is not enough? No matter how much we share. If you want these things, go to your own captain."

That's what these people said, knowing that it was unlikely that it would be distributed to them.

Some people started to think about it. Everyone knew that the fried pancake pigs were good to eat, and they also knew that the Zhongxing Brigade had requested a batch of rapeseed seeds from the commune.When my brigade asked the commune for seeds, the commune refused to accept the seed, but unexpectedly the Zhongxing brigade gave it to me.Why don't you ask Captain Tang if you can share some seeds?

At the same time, the Hongguang Commune, the old enemy of Heping Commune, was also meeting.

The bacon sausages of Heping Commune are now extremely famous, and they are sold to provincial capitals, and several other communes are very interested in it.Especially the Hongguang Commune, which has been suppressing the Heping Commune.

Originally, the Hongguang Commune had been suppressing the Heping Commune. Originally, a brigade under the Heping Commune built a small non-staple food factory and they didn't pay much attention to it. They thought that the small non-staple food factory would close down soon.

Unexpectedly, the bacon and sausages made by this non-staple food factory were so popular. By the time they found out about it during the Chinese New Year, it had become popular throughout the county.

Hongguang Commune can no longer sit still.

The most important thing is that they originally planned to open a factory like a non-staple food factory, but they were delayed because problems such as raw materials were not resolved.Unexpectedly, the non-staple food factory run by the brigade under the Heping Commune is now so prosperous.

In fact, after the Chinese New Year, Hongguang Commune and the others have held several meetings. The purpose of the meetings was how to open a better food factory than the Zhongxing Non-staple Food Factory.

You can make money selling food now.

Some people said that since Zhongxing Non-staple Food Factory sells bacon and sausages, and we can actually make these, we can also sell them. If we sell them cheaper than them, there will definitely be people buying them.

As soon as this was said, many people agreed.

"But I have tasted the bacon and sausages made by Zhongxing Food Factory, and they taste much better than ordinary ones. I feel that if we just make ordinary bacon and sausages, we may not be able to beat them."

"So we have to find a way to get their formula."

"I heard……"

Hongguang Commune is much richer than Heping Commune. The factory was built two years ago. However, the harvest in the first two years was not good, so the matter was delayed. In fact, the factory buildings and everything have been divided. If it is to be done , it can be put into production immediately.

Some time passed.

Shen Ruoqing did not go home this weekend, but stayed in the county town. She made an appointment with Tao Tao to go to dinner and watch a movie.

When I came out after watching the movie, I saw Lin Chen supporting Wei Shuangshuang while walking.

Wei Shuangshuang seemed to have fainted.

"Tao Tao, I suddenly thought that I have something to do at home, so I'm going to leave first." Out of curiosity, Shen Ruoqing said goodbye to Tao Tao and followed him.

Shen Ruoqing saw Lin Chen secretly helping Tao Tao into a small courtyard.

Shen Ruoqing felt very strange, what was Lin Chen doing?But it's definitely not a good thing.

So she sneaked over the wall and entered.

This is a small courtyard with only one bedroom. It just so happens that the window faces the outside.

The window was made of paper, and Shen Ruoqing could easily break a hole and look inside.

Lin Chen put the unconscious Wei Shuangshuang on the bed, first touched Wei Shuangshuang's face, and then began to take off Wei Shuangshuang's clothes.

Shen Ruoqing's eyes widened. At this time, she still didn't understand what Lin Chen wanted to do?
I don't know why Lin Chen did this, but Shen Ruoqing just didn't want him to succeed.

While Lin Chen was still taking off Wei Shuangshuang's clothes, Shen Ruoqing blew the smoke into the room.

After a while, Lin Chen fell on Wei Shuangshuang.

When Shen Ruoqing saw Lin Chen collapsed, she entered the house.

She pushed Lin Chen away and shook Wei Shuangshuang, but Wei Shuangshuang did not wake up.After persevering for a while, I found that Wei Shuangshuang was fine and was just drugged.

Shen Ruoqing gave Wei Shuangshuang medicine, but when she didn't wake up, he slapped her several times in a row.

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