Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 22 Going to the Hospital

Chapter 22 Going to the Hospital

"Shen Xiangnan, I don't care, I must go to the hospital to give birth this time."

At night, Wang and Shen Xiangnan bit their ears together.

"Didn't our two sons be delivered at home? Why did we have to go to the hospital this time after everything went well?" Shen Xiangnan was puzzled, "Besides, going to the hospital is so expensive."

"Well, Shen Xiangnan, I worked hard to give birth to your son and take care of the family, but you are not even willing to spend the money to go to the hospital! I don't care, I want to go to the hospital for a caesarean section!"

Wang is about to give birth, "I tell you, children born by caesarean section are much smarter than children born by vaginal delivery, and they will be shaved tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to mom tomorrow."

Shen Xiangnan couldn't stand Wang's fuss and agreed.

Early the next morning, Shen Xiangnan proposed to Mrs. Ji that she would take Wang to the hospital to give birth to the baby.

"Is this what you want, or what your wife wants?" Mrs. Ji stared at Shen Xiangnan with sharp eyes, "Most of the wives in the village go to Grandma Feng to deliver their babies, but your daughter-in-law is so delicate that she has to go to the county seat." Big hospital?”

"Mom, isn't this the new era that advocates going to the hospital to give birth? The wife of the captain of our production team went to the hospital to deliver babies. Aren't the babies born fat and white?"

Mrs. Ji still didn't want to spend the wasted money on going to the hospital.

Shen Ruoqing heard it and walked over.

"Mom, it's not hygienic to deliver the baby at home. I think it's better to send my second sister-in-law to the hospital."

It is not safe to deliver your baby at home.Because the environment in the family is relatively complex and has not been properly disinfected and treated, giving birth to a baby at home may cause infections in the baby, or the occurrence of septicemia, tetanus and other diseases, which are all detrimental to the baby.

Although Shen Ruoqing didn't like Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang was her sister-in-law no matter what. What was in Mrs. Wang's belly was her niece and nephew. If she could go to the hospital to give birth, she would still go to the hospital to give birth.

"Isn't this how everyone comes here? Why is it so unhygienic? When I gave birth to the five of you, I always found a midwife!"

"Mom, I told you in the health class at school that it is most dangerous for a woman to give birth to a child. If you are not careful, you will kill two people. I am not saying that Grandma Feng's delivery skills are not good, but we have this condition. It's better to send your sister-in-law to the hospital to deliver the baby. Who won't praise you as a good mother-in-law then?"

"Okay, okay, tell your wife to pack your things now and let's go to the county town."

"That's great, Mom, you are such a good mother-in-law!" Shen Xiangnan was happy. Now he could have business with his wife.

"According to you, if I don't agree, I will be a bad mother-in-law?"

Shen Xiangnan didn't dare to answer this and hurried back to tell Wang the news.

"Agreed?" Wang asked.

"Yes! Mom originally disagreed, but after some persuasion from my little sister, she agreed. Wife, you have to be nicer to my little sister in the future."

"How could she be so kind!" Wang didn't expect that her sister-in-law would help. "But I have remembered this favor!"

Now that she had decided to go to the hospital to give birth, Wang immediately packed two sets of her own clothes, and Shen Xiangnan went to borrow a bullock cart from the production team.Mrs. Ji took Shen Ruoqing and the four of them set off.

"Second sister-in-law, why did you suddenly think of going to the hospital to give birth?" Shen Ruoqing had actually had this idea for a long time, but she was just a sister-in-law and it was hard for her to bring it up.

"Isn't it true that everyone says it's safe to go to a big hospital?" Ms. Wang hesitated.

When she arrived at the county hospital, thanks to Shen Ruoqing's supplements during this period, Wang received nutritional supplements, her complexion became better, and her belly became bigger.When the doctor saw Wang's appearance, he knew she was about to give birth, and quickly arranged a ward for Wang.

"Doctor, how is my daughter-in-law's physical condition?" Mrs. Ji was still concerned about Wang's baby.

"It's good. Everything is fine. The due date is probably within a few days. We will arrange everything by then."

"Doctor, I want to give birth at noon tomorrow." Mrs. Wang shouted. "How can you say you can give birth to a child this time?" The doctor frowned.

"Doctor, I've asked you all about it, I want a caesarean section!"

"Under normal circumstances, if there are no pregnancy complications or complications, we recommend natural delivery. And natural delivery is also better for the mother's recovery." The doctor was the first to ask for a caesarean section when there was no problem.

"No, doctor, I must have a caesarean section, at noon tomorrow!"

"Nonsense, didn't you hear what the doctor said? Doctor, please ignore her, let's come out and talk." Mrs. Ji laughed along and invited the doctor out.

There was a three-person room in the ward, but only two people lived there. The other pregnant woman had gone somewhere. Shen Xiangnan and his wife were the only two people left in the room. Shen Ruoqing went to the toilet.

"Daughter-in-law, the doctor said that a natural birth is good, why do you insist on a caesarean section?"

Wang rolled her eyes at Shen Xiangnan and said, "What do you know? My mother specially asked someone to calculate it. Tomorrow at noon is a rare and auspicious day. A child born at this time will definitely be rich and powerful. My child must be born at noon tomorrow. !”

"Isn't that a feudal superstition?"

"What kind of feudal superstition? My mother specially asked a famous master to calculate it. Whether she can become rich through her children depends on this! Do you still want to enjoy the blessing of children in the future?"

"No, I just want to ask, is this reliable?"

"It must be reliable, let me tell you..."

The soundproofing in the hospital bathroom was not good, so Shen Ruoqing memorized all the conversation between the couple.Shen Ruoqing was speechless. She originally thought Wang's safety and health awareness was quite good, but she didn't expect it to be for this reason.

Mrs. Ji is back.

"Mom, just let us have a caesarean section."

"No, the doctor suggested a natural birth. Don't make any fool of me." Old Mrs. Ji said, "It's up to you if you want to give birth in the hospital. Second child, you can take care of your wife here. Guobao and I will go to the fourth child's house." trip."

Shen Ruoqing didn't tell Mrs. Ji what happened just now. If Mrs. Ji knew about it, she would inevitably get angry.

When we arrived at the building where Shen Xiangbei lived, it was Su's father who opened the door this time.

"My mother-in-law is here. Jieru, quickly get your mother-in-law a glass of water."

Su Jieru reluctantly agreed.

"Where is the north?"

"He went out to Xiangbei and will be back in a while."

"There's no need to wait any longer. I came here just to tell Xiang Bei that his second sister-in-law has gone to the county hospital to give birth. There's nothing else going on."

"Then stay and eat."

"No, I have something to do at home, so I have to go back quickly." Shen Xiangbei was not here, and Mrs. Ji had no intention of staying for dinner, so she told him and left.

"Mom, let's go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner, I'll treat you!"

"How much money do you have left in your pocket? Do you want to go to a state-owned restaurant to eat? Forget it, my mother will treat you."

"Hehe, I knew mom was the best."

Shen Ruoqing and Mrs. Ji entered the state-owned hotel, but saw an acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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