Shen Xiangbei followed Captain Tang to the commune.

On the way, Shen Xiangbei accidentally bumped into a lesbian.

"How come you don't have eyes when you walk?" The bag in the lesbian's hand was knocked off, and she turned around and cursed at Shen Xiangbei.

"Comrade, I'm so sorry!" Shen Xiangbei hurriedly helped him up, even though it was clear that a female comrade was walking too fast and bumped into him.

The lesbian glanced at Shen Xiangbei. Seeing that Shen Xiangbei looked good and was well-dressed, her temper softened: "Then remember to watch the road next time!"

After saying that, the lesbian left.

Captain Tang came over: "Xiangbei, let's leave quickly."

When they arrived at the commune, Captain Tang immediately told the commune secretary about the matter.

The commune secretary thought about it for a while: "This is indeed a good idea, but whether it can be implemented depends on the county leaders. Okay, I understand. I will go to the county in the afternoon. Leave the documents here. I Let’s take it together in the afternoon.”

Shen Xiangbei breathed a sigh of relief. With the support of the commune secretary, this matter should be a sure thing. After all, they are engaged in welfare work, and the higher-ups should support it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the superiors to agree to their proposal.

Shen Ruoqing and Tao Tao were shopping that day when they saw a banner about this hanging on a counter in a department store.

"Ruoqing, look, you can show your love by buying some meat sauce or something!" Tao Tao said excitedly after reading the slogan.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring any meat or canned food tickets, otherwise I would have bought some."

As Shen Ruoqing watched, many people ran to ask the salesperson about this offer of love, and nine out of ten people who asked them bought products from Zhongxing Food Factory.

It seems like the response has been pretty good.

The two little girls just stood and watched for a while, then went to the place where clothes were sold.

After each buying some clothes, Tao Tao and Shen Ruoqing were ready to leave.

"please wait a while!"

Suddenly a voice came over.

Shen Ruoqing and Tao Tao didn't think this was teaching them to keep walking.

Finally, the voice came again: "Wait a minute, Comrade Shen, Comrade Shen Ruoqing!"

This seems to be calling yourself, right?

Shen Ruoqing turned around hesitantly and saw a young man with red eyes walking towards him.

"Excuse me, are you calling me?"

The man came over and said, "Yes, I'm calling you."

"Ruoqing, do you know this person?"

Shen Ruoqing shook his head: "Comrade, I don't seem to know you. Who are you?"

The man's voice was a little aggrieved: "My name is Tian Guoqing, don't you remember me?"

Tian Guoqing?Shen Ruoqing looked at Tian Guoqing's face again, and it seemed that he looked familiar, but she really couldn't remember it.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Tian, ​​I don't think I know you."

"Comrade Shen, have you forgotten? I lost my wallet last month, and it was you who picked it up for me." Tian Guoqing's eyes turned redder when he heard Shen Ruoqing say he didn't recognize him.

last month?wallet?

Shen Ruoqing thought for a while and finally remembered.When she went to the supply and marketing cooperative last month to buy something, this man was in front of her in line. When she left, her wallet fell out of her pocket, and she reminded the man.

"Oh, it turns out it's you, Comrade Tian. It's okay. What happened last time was just a trivial matter." Shen Ruoqing thought Tian Guoqing wanted to thank him.

"Comrade Shen, do you hate me?" Tian Guoqing suddenly said this out of nowhere.

"No, why do you say that suddenly? This is the second time you and I have met."

"Then why did you refuse my family's marriage proposal?" Marriage proposal?

Tao Tao was surprised now. Her eyes kept scanning Shen Ruoqing and Tian Guoqing. She felt like she was getting something wrong?

"What kind of marriage proposal?" Shen Ruoqing was also confused.

Tian Guoqing bit his lower lip: "Comrade Shen Ruoqing, actually I fell in love with you at first sight the last time I saw you. I wanted to develop a deeper revolutionary friendship with you, so I dragged a matchmaker to your house."

After hearing what Tian Guoqing said, Shen Ruoqing finally understood. It turned out that the family Aunt Chunxiang was talking about last time was Tian Guoqing!
"Comrade Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I don't plan to consider personal emotional issues for the time being. I have other things to do." Shen Ruoqing had no desire to talk.

"How can you leave if you don't explain clearly?" Tian Guoqing didn't want Shen Ruoqing to leave.

Tao Tao also said: "Comrade, I understand. You and Ruo Qing have only met once. Isn't it impolite for you to stop a lesbian in the street like this?"

They were not familiar with each other at all. Even if Shen Ruoqing rejected his marriage proposal, he should not stop the lesbian to ask for an explanation.The impression of Tian Guoqing in Tao Tao's mind was much worse.

"I don't want to stop you, I just want to know why you reject me? My family's conditions are not bad..."

Before Tian Guoqing finished speaking, a mellow male voice came over.

"Ruoqing, what are you doing here?"

"Mubai! Why are you back?"

Shen Ruoqing didn't expect to see Mubai here.

"Who is this?" Mubai looked over.

For some reason, Tian Guoqing suddenly felt a little cold.

"I don't know that person, he's just a stranger I've met once. This is Tao Tao, my high school classmate and my good friend."

"Okay, Ruoqing, it's almost time for dinner, I'll treat you two to a meal."

Tian Guoqing didn't react until Shen Ruoqing and the others left.It's a pity that everyone has gone away.

Arriving at the state-owned restaurant, Mubai ordered food and sat down.

"You're coming back, why don't you write me a letter?"

"I don't want to give you a surprise. Fortunately, I'm back. Otherwise..." Mubai looked at Shen Ruoqing faintly. If he hadn't come back, he wouldn't have seen that scene!

Shen Ruoqing didn't know why, but she felt a little guilty, but then she straightened her back.What is she guilty of?She didn't do anything!

"Taotao, this is my friend, his name is Mubai!"

After Tao Tao looked at Mu Bai, she winked at Shen Ruoqing. She just felt that something was wrong with these two people!

"Are you back to see Grandpa Hao and Grandma Hao?"

"Well, I didn't come back specially. My work has been transferred here now."

Has the work been transferred here?Shen Ruoqing was a little confused. Wasn't Mubai from Beijing?And there are leaders in his family, how could he end up working in such a small place?

Mubai touched his nose: "Actually, I got into a little trouble, so I just happened to come here to avoid the limelight."

"So it is!"

With Tao Tao around, Mubai didn't have a detailed chat with Shen Ruoqing.

The food was ready, and when Mu Bai went to serve it, Tao Tao poked Shen Ruoqing: "Ruoqing, tell me honestly, how did you meet such a handsome comrade? Are you two in a relationship?"

"No no!"

Mubai ordered three meat dishes and one vegetarian dish, which made Tao Tao feel embarrassed and had a meal of meat for nothing.

After dinner, Mubai was about to send the two girls home.

(End of this chapter)

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