"No, my eldest brother, sister-in-law, second brother and I all work in the factory." Shen Xiangbei felt that Zhang Zhifan's tone was not right.

"In other words, most of the adults in your family have joined the factory, right?"

"That's right."

"I heard that Director Shen arranged for everyone in his family to work in the factory. Is that true?"

"Who said that?" Shen Xiangbei's eyes sharpened: "My family also entered the Zhongxing Food Factory after passing the exam. Of course, those with special skills were specially recruited with the unanimous consent of the brigade cadres. How? Can you say it was arranged by me?"

"Reporter Zhang, I also met some workers today, and they all said that Director Shen could not be more fair. Have you heard others deliberately slandering Director Shen?" Tong Xiaonuan couldn't help but speak for Shen Xiangbei. .

"Director Shen, don't get excited. I also heard what some members of the brigade said casually. Maybe they are jealous of Director Shen's family having many workers. But didn't I hear that each family only recruits one? Why is the Shen family like this? More workers?" In fact, when asked this way, Zhang Zhifan was more or less targeted.Nowadays, everyone talks about personal relationships. In a factory, there are many nepotistic relationships. Shen Xiangbei has made so many contributions to the non-staple food factory, so what if all his family members become workers?

"Actually, it's like this. In principle, each company recruits one ordinary worker. This is because there are only so many jobs, and our brigade has a relatively large population. But there are not so many restrictions on some talent brigade. For example, We need women with outstanding skills. My sister-in-law was selected as the production team leader because of her good cooking skills. My second brother became the sales director because he helped the factory win big orders. As for my eldest brother, he was chosen based on his strength. Those who have passed the recruitment examination. These can all be found out."

What Shen Xiangbei said is true.His family is not the only one who is like this. In some families, women with cooking skills are favored, and then they pass the exam, and there are two workers in the family.For example, in the educated youth program, Sister Qian got in, but because Yang Pingfang has a certain skill, isn't she also a worker at Zhongxing Food Factory?
Reporter Zhang frowned. Could it be that everything Shu Lijuan said was lying to him?
He had preconceived the idea just now. He saw the grandeur of the Shen family's house and said those words. He should have found out first before asking.

"Sorry, it seems I didn't investigate clearly."

"Comrade journalists, without investigation, you have no right to speak. I believe in the professional ethics of comrade journalists, but please make sure to investigate the detailed facts before making a judgment, because this affects not only my fourth brother, but also the entire Zhongxing Food Factory, the entire Zhongxing Brigade." Shen Ruoqing suddenly appeared.

"As the acting factory director, my fourth brother opened this factory bit by bit as everyone saw. He is not a pure saint."

Only then did Zhang Zhifan notice such a beautiful little girl in the yard.

"Sorry, someone did say something to me today, but please believe me. What I write will definitely be worthy of the pen I am writing. I will definitely investigate what happened."

Tong Xiaonuan said a few words to smooth things over, and the matter was not mentioned again.

When the food arrived, the aroma made Zhang Zhifan believe that Han Guizhi joined the non-staple food factory because of her cooking skills.

While eating, Zhang Zhifan also learned that the person who contributed the ancestral prescription to the newspaper was Shen Ruoqing.

This made Zhang Zhifan feel that what Shu Lijuan said was less credible.If you think about it, when the epidemic hemorrhagic fever was prevalent, the Shen family could selflessly donate the prescriptions, which shows the character of the Shen family.After eating, Zhang Zhifan and Tong Xiaonuan left the Shen family.

The two of them will go back and write down what they saw and heard today.

Before leaving, Shen Ruoqing stopped Zhang Zhifan: "Comrade reporter, can I ask who told you those things about my family today?"

Zhang Zhifan hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to say anything at first, but he felt that Shu Lijuan was lying to him, so he finally said: "It was said by a lesbian named Shu Lijuan."

Shu Lijuan?
Shen Ruoqing's eyes narrowed, and then he said: "Thank you very much, comrade reporter. It's getting late, so be careful on the road."

Now is a critical time for Zhongxing Food Factory. No matter what their grudges are, Shu Lijuan should not infiltrate her fourth brother like this.It was not just her fourth brother who was in the dark, but the entire brigade and the entire Zhongxing Food Factory.

She left to find Captain Tang.

When Captain Tang learned about this, he said, "How could Iron Hammer's wife do such a thing? Doesn't she know that the non-staple food factory we finally built will be discredited because of these few words of hers?"

"Captain Tang, I think that since Shu Lijuan can do such a thing, her character can be seen clearly. The health center cannot tolerate such a person with bad character."

Captain Tang thought for a while: "Indeed. In fact, it was found out when Lao Qi was taken away. He has collected a lot of bribes over the years, and he leaked the questions in the health center's assessment. Originally, the team went to Considering that the two lesbians had been working in the health center for such a long time and had almost learned basic medical knowledge, it would be inconvenient to replace them, so I had no intention of pursuing the case. But now that this matter has happened, Then the matter of the intern nurse at the health center needs to be considered again."

"So that's it." Captain Tang didn't say anything, but Shen Ruoqing thought that Shu Lijuan got the job at the health center herself!Unexpectedly, I went through the back door!
Shu Lijuan still didn't know that because of her report, not only did she not bring down Shen Xiangbei, but she also lost her job. This was a waste of money.

I just felt sorry for Xu Rushi. After Vice Captain Qi stepped down, she was still worried that her position as a trainee nurse would be unstable. After several days, there was no news before she felt relieved. In the end, the position of the trainee nurse would still have to be given up to others.

The quota of trainee nurses will need to be re-examined and redistributed, and a quota will still be allocated to educated youth. However, at the beginning of this spring, a large number of educated youth came again, and this quota finally fell into the hands of other educated youth.

At first Xu Rushi didn't know why, she just thought she was unlucky.It turned out later that it was because Shu Lijuan committed suicide that she was dismissed from her post. She hated Shu Lijuan so much that she and her sister Xu Ruhua made trouble for Shu Lijuan every now and then.

There is only one Shu Lijuan, but there are two sisters in the Xu family.In addition, the Xu sisters all resorted to tricks behind the scenes, which made Shu Lijuan miserable. This time, Shu Lijuan suffered the consequences.

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