Chapter 25 Wen Jiao
"Shut up, aren't you embarrassed enough?" Mrs. Ji put down the fish soup with a sullen face.

"I didn't say anything wrong."

Wang said unconvinced: "The woman in the next bed just gave birth to a baby girl this morning. Even her husband couldn't see her. If it weren't for the fact that she only gave birth to a baby girl, would she be lying there alone?"

"No matter what happens, it's someone else's business. How can you rub salt into other people's wounds like this? If you talk too much, don't drink the fish soup." Mrs. Ji scolded.

Mrs. Ji took two apples and said: "Comrade, this is what my wife is like. Now men and women are equal, and it's the same when giving birth to a son or a daughter. Don't listen to her nonsense."

The woman stopped crying, but she was still sobbing quietly: "It's okay, aunt."

Mrs. Ji chatted with the woman for a few words, and she only knew that the woman's name was Wen Jiao.

While they were chatting, Wen Jiao's family came up to them.

"Jiaojiao, how are you? The Sheng family bullies people too much!" The person who came was obviously Wenjiao's mother-in-law. A middle-aged couple and a man in his 30s came, both well-dressed. He appears to be from a well-to-do family.

When Mrs. Ji saw Wen Jiao's family coming, she wisely walked away.

"Brother, stop talking. I just want to live a good life with my baby." Wen Jiao looked at her daughter lovingly.

"Didn't the Sheng family come over to take a look?" Wen Jiao's father had a sullen face.

"If you don't come here, don't come here. This child is my child and a child of the Wen family, definitely not a child of the Sheng family." Wen Jiao also figured it out. From now on, she would stay with her daughter.

"It turns out she was abandoned by a man. No wonder no one came to see her..." Wang murmured in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Ji handed over the knife with sharp eyes. Wang's head shrank and she stopped talking.

Although Wang had a fall, she had a natural delivery and could be discharged from the hospital at night.

Shen Xiangnan went back to the production team in the afternoon and borrowed a bullock cart to take Shen Ruoqing and his party back.

After arriving home, Shen Xiangnan went to the brigade to return the ox cart, and Shen Xiangbei followed Mrs. Ji into the back room.Shen Ruoqing knew that her mother had given money to his fourth brother.

After a while, Shen Xiangbei left happily, without even leaving any food.

We had cornmeal pancakes for dinner, and we made egg custard separately for Wang and Shen Ruoqing.

Shen Ruoqing discovered that something seemed wrong with Du after Wang came back, and she was absent-minded even when eating.

"Third sister-in-law, mom is calling you."

"Ah, I'll come." Du Shi walked over in a daze as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Your third sister-in-law is envious of your second sister-in-law." Han sighed, they are all women, how could she not know Du's thoughts?
Shen Ruoqing instantly understood that although in this era there was already equality between men and women, and women could hold up half the sky, the concept of favoring boys over girls was still deeply ingrained in rural areas.

Fortunately, although Mrs. Ji is an old lady from the countryside, she is not so patriarchal. Instead, she loves herself very much. Her four sons are not as good as her own.

Two days later, Wang's family came to visit.

But unlike other family members who came to the door, Wang's mother Cui Zhaodi didn't even take a red egg and came to the door empty-handed.

"Daughter, this must be my grandson. Look at his appearance, you can tell he is blessed!" Cui Zhaodi looked at Shen Hanxi, "Let me tell you, are you sure you were born at noon? The master said so , only then is the destiny to be rich and noble!"

"I was born at noon, and you don't even know that I have suffered so much! I am counting on this child now!" "That's good, that's good! My daughter, if you become rich in the future, don't forget me. Your mother-in-law didn’t treat you badly, right?”

"I'm not treated badly, but my sister-in-law always gets a share of my egg and chicken soup. Obviously I am the great contributor to the Shen family." Wang said.

"It's true that this damn old woman is just a little girl, but she still wants to be so pampered. My daughter gave her three golden grandchildren!"

Fortunately, Mrs. Ji didn't hear this, otherwise she would have had to kick Cui Zhaodi out.

When Cui Zhaodi left, she also took away the malted milk that Su Jieru gave to Wang.

"How can your mother be a mother like this? It's okay if your daughter doesn't bring anything with you when she gives birth, and she just goes with it! Let me tell you, it's okay for you to secretly support your mother's family. If you let me know, you will take advantage of the Shen family again. Give your things to your mother's family, see if I don't take care of you!" Mrs. Ji warned Mrs. Wang.

Wang was also aggrieved by Cui Zhaodi's actions, but there was nothing she could do about it, that person was her mother.

"My mother said that my second brother's Laifu couldn't eat recently and was very thin, so I gave her a can of malted milk to give her to Laifu to replenish her body. I gave her the malted milk, so I Give it to whomever you want.”

"My dear baby is still thin. Why don't you take out the can of malted milk to replenish your little sister's body?"

Mrs. Wang stopped talking.

"It was the same when Han Wen and Han Wu were born. If you dare to give your mother anything to replenish your body, you should go back to your parents' home!" Mrs. Ji said, scaring Mrs. Wang.

"Mom, I just gave birth to a son!"

"It's useless if you have five more sons!"

Mrs. Wang held a grudge against Mrs. Ji because her own mother was right. Mrs. Ji only saw her little daughter and could not see her contribution at all.

Although she reprimanded Mrs. Wang, considering that Mrs. Wang was still in confinement, Mrs. Ji did not make things difficult for her anymore and still asked Mrs. Han to make egg noodles for Mrs. Wang.

Since Shen Ruoqing bought a lot of supplies, Mrs. Ji was not stingy and let Wang have a good confinement period.

It’s the end of August in a blink of an eye.

We held a meeting about whether the younger ones in the family should go to school.

"Mom, if you ask me, all the boys in the family can go to school. What school should the girls go to? No matter how well they study, they will belong to someone else's family in the future. Of course, I didn't say sister-in-law." Mrs. Wang made a small calculation, and the family There is only so much money. Anyway, she will give birth to sons, so she will not suffer any loss.

Han frowned: "If you want to go to school, go to school together. Mom, I thought it was because the family didn't have enough money... Since the family has money, why don't we let the children go to school?"

"That's my coffin book! What, you still miss my coffin book?"

"Mom, that's not what my wife means. What my wife means is that the three of us will definitely take care of mom in the future. It is important for the children to study now." Shen Xiangdong said quickly.

Du Shi just shrank there and didn't say a word.

"Doesn't the family still have income from selling mother-in-law? If our brother works harder and earns more work points, we can always make up for it." Shen Xiangxi said.

"If you want me to tell you, just let the boys at home go to school. This will save you a waste of money, and you can still earn cents for the older ones. That's great." Mrs. Wang only thought about taking advantage of herself.

"Yueyue's grades are good, why don't you continue schooling? Hanwen and Hanwu's grades are average. This is a waste of money." Han was not to be outdone.

(End of this chapter)

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