Chapter 43 The Bullpen
Mrs. Ji couldn't help it anymore. She picked up the broom and was about to chase people away, but was stopped by Shen Ruoqing.

"Aunt Ji, don't get so angry. You see, Ruoqing girl is much more sensible..."

"Mom, don't be in a hurry to rush the guests. My eldest brother is still in hospital. It costs 20 cents for a day of hospitalization. This has already cost more than ten or [-] yuan." Shen Ruoqing said quietly.

Despite Liu Peng's nice words before, he did not mention Shen Xiangdong's medical expenses at all.After all, Shen Xiangdong was also injured because of Liu Peng. Should Liu Peng pay for the medical expenses?
Mrs. Ji also realized that Liu Peng didn't dare to come over in person before and just sent someone to deliver a basket of eggs. Wasn't it because he was afraid that his family would blackmail theirs?The words were nice, but in the end, I didn’t even come up with the money at all!

"Yes, our family Xiangdong suffered such a crime to save you. Shouldn't you pay for the medical expenses? Also, my leg was broken and I couldn't go to the ground for three months. I can't earn this centimeter. How is your family? Don't you want to make some compensation?" Mrs. Ji said bluntly. "Don't even think about getting married. Pay the medical expenses immediately. Don't say you want to marry my dear baby. Even if you want to marry my eldest daughter, that won't work!"

Liu Peng regretted coming to the hospital. He didn't expect Shen Xiangdong's medical expenses to be so expensive. It would have been better if Shen Xiangdong couldn't be saved at that time.

"Indeed, the medical expenses should be paid by my family, but my family is also in difficulty now, so the brigade will advance the money. When my family has more money in the future, I will definitely make up for it."

It sounds nice to say that the brigade will pay for him later, but who doesn't know that the Shen family still has a compensation payment, and this money is definitely not advanced by the brigade.Liu Peng pretended not to know. I'm afraid it would be difficult to get the money from him in the future.

"Then you can make a note. I used my old man's compensation to advance this money. Writing an IOU will save you any disputes in the future." Old Mrs. Ji didn't accept that, "I've already spent 15 yuan and a half. , there are still five days of hospitalization expenses, which add up to 19 yuan and a half, plus nutritional expenses and lost work expenses, you can just give me 30 yuan and write an IOU."

"Why do you want so much?" Liu Peng asked sharply.

"Why is this too much? I'm counting on the less! Does Xiangdong need someone to take care of his broken bones and can't move? Does that mean one less person earns centimeters? My boss is your savior. Is your life even 30? Not even worth a dollar?"

Liu Peng looked ugly, and in the end he had no choice but to write an IOU in front of Mrs. Ji.Of course, the IOU was written by Shen Ruoqing, and Liu Peng signed his name.

When Liu Peng left, Mrs. Ji spit hard on the ground.

"Bah, what the hell! How dare you miss my sweet baby!"

"Mom, don't be angry. Wrinkles will not look good if you are angry."

"Mom, you're already old, so what's the point of looking good? By the way, do you think it's good to pick up those educated youths today? How are those educated youths?"

Shen Ruoqing thought for a moment: "Aren't they all the same as us? They have two eyes, one nose, and one mouth. There's nothing special about it, but there seems to be one person who is pretty good-looking. I'm afraid the new educated youths won't be able to adapt to our place. environment. Three male educated youths and three female educated youths came."

Somehow, Shen Ruoqing thought of Mubai's face.

"Educated youths can't do much work, but here are three female educated youths? Food is already in short supply this year... Forget it, they won't do anything for us anyway."

Educated youth point.

"Why are they all adobe houses? You see, the dust on the wall is falling off. I think the people in this village don't pay attention to us at all." Yang Pingfang frowned and said.

"We are all here to support the construction, not to enjoy the blessings." Mubai said lightly, "You'd better tidy up your rooms quickly."

There are three adobe houses, two large and one small.The big one can accommodate three or four people, and the small one can accommodate two people.

Yang Pingfang and Shu Lijuan both wanted to live in that small room alone.In the end, lots were drawn and Shu Lijuan lived alone, Yang Pingfang and Sister Qian shared a room, and three male educated youths shared a room.

The village did not share pots with them, but only gave them two clay pots, and they had to add everything else themselves.A few people got together to discuss how to collect money and buy an iron pot to cook together.

Mubai paid for the iron pot, and a few others paid for it. Everyone counted the oil, seasonings, etc. and went to the supply and marketing cooperative in the county to check it out.

"You guys go ahead, my package hasn't arrived yet. I'll go to the county town in two days," Mubai said.

"You know, there are still a lot of things lacking among young people. Comrade Mu, why don't you come with us to take a look?" Shu Lijuan said.

"It's okay. I'll just ask someone in the village to replace some small things. You go ahead. Then you can just bring the things back."

In this case, everyone should ignore Mubai. According to Captain Tang, it takes two hours to walk from here to the county seat.

After they all left, Mubai took out some cakes from his backpack and walked out of the educated youth spot.Carrying people on his back, he went to the bullpen.

Hao Dezhong was talking to Grandma Hao when suddenly there was a knock on the door.Hao Dezhong was still wondering if it was the Liu family girl here again. When he opened the door, he saw that it was someone he had not expected.

"Xiao Bai, why are you here? How did you find this place? Go back, go back, this is not the place you should be."

First he was surprised, then he pretended to be angry and made a sullen face. He looked around and found no one, so he drove Mubai out.

"If that scoundrel knew that you came to see me, an old man, why would you be so angry? We finally drew a clear line. You shouldn't be here."

"Grandpa, it's no use driving me away. I've already signed up to come here, and I will always be here from now on." How could Mubai, an old man like him, be able to push him?Mubai easily turned sideways and entered the house, "Grandma, I brought you your favorite Jingba pieces."

"You kid..." Hao Dezhong sighed and followed into the house.

"Xiaobai, why are you here? Ahem, you shouldn't have come to see our old couple." Grandma Hao looked at her grandson with tears of excitement.

"Grandma, why are you still coughing?" Mubai glanced at this grandma who had lost a lot of weight, and felt very uncomfortable. If his mother hadn't reported grandma...

"It's getting better now, thanks to that girl from the Shen family. Her cough was worse than this at first. Now it's slowly getting better." Grandma Hao said.

"Why did you go to the countryside this time? Logically speaking, your family shouldn't let you go to the countryside? Can she agree to your going to the countryside?"

"I signed up myself. It's okay to go to the countryside. I don't have to worry about the smoke and flatulence at home."

"Confused, didn't you come all the way here just to see our old couple? Now you have seen it too. Listen to grandpa, go home and send a telegram and ask your family to take you back. This trip to the countryside is not a joke. For play."

(End of this chapter)

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