Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 45 Digging sweet potatoes and fetching water

Chapter 45 Digging sweet potatoes and fetching water
Digging sweet potatoes is a tricky job.

Ding Zhongjiang imitated Captain Tang and went down with a hoe, and what he brought out were two half-cut sweet potatoes.

"Aren't you wasting food? Didn't you see my demonstration just now? You can't dig up the sweet potatoes. The cut sweet potatoes are not easy to preserve. You have to be like me. Just go down with the hoe and look, the sweet potatoes will be brought out. Already." Captain Tang demonstrated again.

Ding Zhongjiang hoeed down here, but what he brought out were half-cut sweet potatoes.

Captain Tang frowned. This boy from the city really didn't know how to work. He had already demonstrated so well and even managed to hoe a sweet potato.

"Let me try." Ma Weiguang was full of confidence. In her opinion, digging sweet potatoes should be a very simple job. Ding Zhongjiang couldn't dig it well because he was too useless.

Ding Zhongjiang gave way.

Ma Weiguang went down with a hoe confidently, and the sweet potatoes he dug out were rotten, worse than Ding Zhongjiang.

Ma Weiguang's face turned red.Fortunately, the female educated youths were assigned to other tasks and did not see his embarrassment.

"Haha, Mubai, you dug up the sweet potatoes too."

Mubai looked at the sweet potato that had been broken into two halves. He was not shy, but thought about it seriously before starting to dig again.With a new hoe, the whole sweet potato was dug out, and there were no more two halves.Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongjiang thought he was lucky, but they didn't expect that when they hoeed them one after another, intact sweet potatoes would come out.

"Mubai, how did you dig it?"

"Ahem, Mu Zhiqing did a good job. You two should learn from Mu Zhiqing. Okay, Mu Zhiqing, you take the two of them to dig sweet potatoes. I have to keep an eye on others' progress." Captain Tang ordered. .

Captain Tang went to visit the female educated youth.

The work assigned to the female educated youth was to grow vegetables. Although the work was difficult, it was much better than the male educated youth. Captain Tang reluctantly nodded.

They are also digging sweet potatoes, but Mubai can do it well and quickly.The people around them had finished their work and almost went back to eat. Ding Zhongjiang and Ma Weiguang looked at the broken sweet potatoes on the ground and didn't know how to explain to Captain Tang.

Captain Tang walked over with a black line on his face and wanted to scold them both.But these are educated youth comrades who have just arrived from above, and they are not members of the commune who can be scolded at will.He said gloomily:
"Take all these sweet potatoes back and use them as your future rations. How many kilograms of these sweet potatoes are will be recorded by the accountant later, and you will be paid back with wages later."

"There are so many sweet potatoes, even the two of us can't finish them all." Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongjiang looked at Mu Bai with sad faces.

"There are so many sweet potatoes, and after careful calculation, they are almost enough to eat. The 30 kilograms of sweet potatoes I received yesterday are not enough to eat. Or you can exchange the sweet potatoes with other whole grains from the village. Although these are broken, some of them should be replaced. It's okay." Mubai said calmly.

The two of them dug up the sweet potatoes, and Mubai didn't want to spend the whole winter chewing on them.

Finally, Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongjiang returned to the educated youth point carrying a large bag of sweet potatoes.

Back at the educated youth spot, Shu Lijuan and Yang Pingfang were talking when they saw Ma Weiguang carrying sweet potatoes.

"Has Captain Tang given us new food again? Why are all these sweet potatoes broken?"

Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongxing saw that Mubai didn't say anything, so they had to tell them again about how they dug up all the sweet potatoes in the morning.

"I have to dig sweet potatoes this afternoon. What should I do if I dig another big bag?" Ma Weiguang said with a sad face.

"You want it, but Captain Tang still doesn't want to give it to you? I guess Captain Tang will assign you two to other tasks in the afternoon." Mubai said lightly.

"Any job is good, just don't dig sweet potatoes!" Ding Zhongjiang said.

"The three of us learned how to grow vegetables in the morning, and now our educated youth center has also divided its private land. The three of us discussed picking up the private land and growing some vegetables. We asked for cabbage and radish seeds. It is just the right time to plant them. ." "Three lesbians, you are really capable and thoughtful. In this way, we will have food to eat in the winter." Ding Zhongjiang praised.

"It's nothing, just serve the people! But let's have lunch first, and then we can plant a vegetable patch together when we come back in the afternoon." Yang Pingfang said with a smile.

What we had for lunch was sweet potato porridge without vegetables. The rice was brown rice that everyone collected their food stamps and money to buy at a grain and oil store.

In the afternoon, Captain Tang did not dare to let Ma Weiguang and Ding Zhongjiang dig sweet potatoes, so he also sent them to grow vegetables.The first day of labor for educated youths sent to the countryside passed like this.

"Don't mention it, growing vegetables is not an easy job. I worked for a day and my back hurts." Ding Zhongjiang said with some complaints.He was so tired that he no longer wanted to garden.

"You're okay. Comrade Mubai has been digging sweet potatoes all day, so he should have worked harder." Shu Lijuan said, "I'll make something delicious to eat tonight. I still have a sausage, which I cut up and cooked tonight."

"Then I'll bring out a canned meat." Mubai said.

Shu Lijuan's eyes lit up. She hadn't eaten meat for a long time. It seemed that Mubai's family conditions were indeed good.

The rest of the people also gave something, but Sister Qian didn't give anything.

"I, I didn't bring anything good."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of course." Shu Lijuan said, "When we start the vegetable garden later, you can just put more effort into it."

With delicious food as motivation, everyone was in full swing with the vegetable garden. The six people helped each other and soon half of it was planted.

"It's just that we are a little far from the village well here." Ma Weiguang said.The water tank at the educated youth point was filled with water from the old well in the village where three male educated youths went to the village yesterday. It was a long way away.Watering has used up the water in the tank.If you want to eat vegetables in the future, frequent watering is essential.

"How about we take turns fetching water from now on. Who will go first today?" Ding Zhongjiang really didn't want to move. He was already tired enough. He just wanted to wait for his meal.

"I'll go. I heard yesterday that Shen from the village dug a well for Dong's family. It should be closer." Mubai stood up.

"Then thank you Comrade Mu for your hard work."

Mubai picked up the empty bucket, asked random villagers for directions, and found Shen Xiangdong's home.

A crisp knock sounded on the door.

"Who is it?" It happened to be Shen Ruoqing who opened the door. She looked up and met those deep eyes. She felt as if her heart skipped a beat for that moment.

"Mu Zhiqing, why did you come to my house?"

Mubai didn't expect that this was the home of this pretty little girl. He was a little surprised, and then said after a while: "I'm here to borrow some water."

Shen Ruoqing moved his position and let Mubai come in.

"The water press is right there, you can do it yourself."

Seeing the girl leave, Mubai felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He only felt a little bit lost.

"Okay, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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