Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 48 Teaching 2 Naughty Children

Chapter 48 Teaching Two Naughty Children
Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu walked around and found that their former friends no longer played with them.

"Brother, it's all Goudan's fault! Now they don't play with us anymore." Shen Hanwu said angrily.

"If they don't play with us, we won't take them to play." Shen Hanwen said, "Let's go, I will take you to eat roast chicken."

Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu came to the wall of Zhang Qiaohua's house and planned to take away their only hen while Zhang Qiaohua's family was not paying attention.

"Brother, why are you stealing from him again? If Nai finds out, it's time to punish us again." Although Shen Hanwu only mentioned Mrs. Ji, he inevitably thought of Shen Ruoqing's bamboo sticks and subconsciously slapped her Shivering.

"If you didn't tell me and I wouldn't tell, who would have known that it was the two of us who did it? You forgot, it was their family that caused us to be beaten. I must teach their family a lesson!"

However, Shen Hanwen took it too naturally. He made too much noise catching the hens and was discovered by Zhang Qiaohua in the house.

But by the time Zhang Qiaohua chased them out, Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu had already run away with the chicken.

"Brother, what should I do if she finds out?" Shen Hanwu gasped.

"If we find out, we will find out. The worst we can do is not admit each other. We don't want the chicken anymore, so we kill it and throw it away. Then when we get home, we say we never went out. Anyway, we will just kill it and deny it. There is no one else." See us." Shen Hanwen said viciously.

"Whose chicken is this in your hand?"

"Of course she's from Goudan's...sister-in-law!" Shen Hanwu was so frightened that he even let go of his grip on the chicken. Fortunately, Shen Ruoqing had quick eyesight and quick hands and caught the chicken again.

"Run!" Shen Hanwen shouted, but his collar was grabbed by Shen Ruoqing. After running two steps, Shen Hanwu looked at his brother and stopped.

"Where else do you want to run? Don't go home if you can. My mother only punished you a little. She just gave you two sisters Shen Yun and Shen Xue the housework to do. Now you have learned how to sneak around. , I think you won’t know the pain if you don’t hit me!” Shen Ruoqing looked at the two of them with a cold expression.

"Let go, sister-in-law, I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong." Shen Hanwen didn't dare to make a move against Shen Ruoqing. He knew that in Mrs. Ji's heart, Shen Ruoqing's status was the highest. If he dared to make a move, there would be no good results. eat.

"You two, hurry up and follow me to Goudan's house to apologize!" Shen Ruoqing grabbed Shen Hanwen's ears, holding the chicken in his other hand, and led him to Zhang Qiaohua's house.Zhang Qiaohua was looking for two brothers, Shen Hanwen, and they met on the way.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, I'm sorry. Our family has a big responsibility for this kid's sneaky things. Why don't you beat them both up to vent your anger, or I'll go home and beat them with a bamboo stick." "Dun." Shen Ruoqing returned the chicken to Zhang Qiaohua.

Zhang Qiaohua really wanted to beat them both up, but the parents of the other party said so, so naturally it was impossible for him to beat them up. He just said: "If you take girl Qing back home and discipline them well, I'm not talking too much, I'm just saying He has been doing sneaky things at a young age, and if he is not properly disciplined, he may not know what he will look like in the future."

"Aunt Zhang, please beat us two. Don't let my sister-in-law beat us two." Shen Hanwu was frightened when he heard that Shen Ruoqing was going to beat them with bamboo sticks, and he cried at that time.

"Don't want to be beaten?" Shen Ruoqing looked at the two of them with a half-smile.

The two brats nodded quickly.

"You two clean up Sister Zhang's house first." Shen Ruoqing ordered.

Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu looked at each other, reluctantly picked up the broom and started cleaning the yard.It's obviously better to clean the yard than to get a spanking.

After the two of them had cleaned the yard, Shen Ruoqing took them home.

"You two have done a great job. This is a reward for you two." Shen Ruoqing took out two White Rabbit toffees and gave one to each of them. "Is this for me?" Shen Hanwen was a little disbelieving, but Shen Hanwu grabbed the toffee, peeled it away and ate it.

"You have been very obedient and cleaned the yard. Naturally, I need to praise you. This is a compliment to you." Shen Ruoqing touched their heads, "Originally, we rewarded each person with two candies, but my mother punished you. If you two do the housework and you don't do it, you will lose one candy. You still have to do the housework, and if you do well, I will reward you with more candy."

Ordinary maltose is very attractive to children, let alone milk candy.

"Are you really willing to give us White Rabbit toffee?" Shen Hanwu asked.

In the past, Shen Ruoqing only cared about herself. Occasionally she would leak some maltose to them when she was happy. Those were rare occasions.Ever since my sister-in-law hit her head, she hasn't given them candy. If she had to give it to them, it would have been to Shen Hansong, Shen Yun and Shen Xue.

"Why are you lying to you? Besides, didn't I already give you a piece? Obey your punishment and you'll get some candy if you do a good job. Otherwise, you'll still be forced to do housework and suffer a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots. It's your choice."

Shen Hanwen rolled his eyes: "Sister-in-law, we listen to you. Sister-in-law is the best. I didn't taste the candy I just ate, so why don't you give me another one first?"

Shen Ruoqing knocked Shen Hanwen on the head, "That's a good idea. If you want to eat sweets, work first."

After dealing with these two naughty children, Shen Ruoqing decided to use inducement and inducement.Let the two of them be obedient first, and then see if they can get back together later. After all, although the Wang family is not good, the second brother of the original owner is still quite good to him.

When she got home, Shen Xue and Chen Yun had already finished washing the clothes.

Shen Ruoqing frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you to rest and stop washing? Forget it, Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu, you two wash these clothes again."

"Hasn't this been washed once? Why do we have to wash it again? And my mother said that washing clothes is not a man's job..." Shen Hanwu was a little unhappy.

"I'm afraid they won't be clean, isn't it? Besides, now that men and women are equal, there is no distinction between men and women when working. Go quickly."

Shen Hanwu and Shen Hanwen thought about the taste of toffee and had no choice but to obey.

"You two are not allowed to let others work for you from now on. If you let others work for you, the candy will belong to others from now on."

When Shen Xue heard that there was candy, her eyes lit up: "Brother Hanwen, Brother Hanwu, let me do it. Anyway, I'm used to it."

"No, don't come. Nai told us to do it!" Shen Hanwu immediately protected the clothes.

"Okay then." The light in Shen Xue's eyes went out.

Shen Ruoqing wanted to laugh a little, but held it back.

"Then you two should wash up first. Shen Yun and Shen Xue, come into the house with me."

After entering the house, Shen Ruoqing touched the heads of the two little girls and said, "You two, don't do any work for them anymore. Supervise them. My sister-in-law will also give you two candies, but you can't tell others. Do you understand?" ?”

The two little girls nodded wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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