Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 60 Kill the New Year Pig

Chapter 60 Kill the New Year Pig
Today, Shen Ruoqing had just finished morning exercise with a few little carrot heads when he heard the sound of a bell ringing in the village.

It turns out that the New Year pig is going to be killed.

This is one of the most watched days in the village. The New Year pig that has been raised for a year is finally out.

Under the command of Captain Tang, the grain drying field was particularly lively.A stove was set up in the corner, and several large pots were boiling water. A large wooden barrel stood on top of one of them, and another pot stood on top of the barrel. There was a smell of alcohol around it. This was the brewing of local wine.

In the pigsty, the pig that has been raised for a year seems to have sensed something and is grunting uncomfortably.

"This year's pigs are not as fat as last year's. The biggest one only weighs about 150 pounds." Some people shook their heads when they saw the pigs being so thin.

There is no way, there is no food to feed the pigs this year, and the little subsidies allocated by the government are eaten by people. Most of the pigs eat pig grass brought by the children in the village. It is strange that they can gain weight.

Shen Ruoqing rarely cared about the pigs in the village's pig pen, and he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw such thin pigs. Some of these pigs were not as fat as the wild boar they were allocated last time.It seems that I can get some feed so that the pigs can be fatter next year.

"Master, the water is boiled! It's time to start!" Someone shouted from the stove.

The invited butcher master responded, threw away the cigarette in his hand, and shouted: "Come here and drag out all the pigs."

Several strong young men in the village put their hands on the rocks and jumped into the pig pen, reaching out and grabbing the New Year Pig's ears.Several strong brothers swarmed forward, each with one leg, and lifted out the New Year Pig.

Nian Pig also knew that he was coming to the end of his life and struggled hard, but in front of these good laborers, his struggle had no effect at all.

There were two benches in the middle of the grain drying field. Captain Tang had already removed the door panel and placed it on the bench. "One, two, three!" Everyone worked together to flatten the big fat pig and press it against the door panel.

"Look at the slaughter of pigs, watch the slaughter of pigs!" Several dolls shouted and surrounded them.

However, they did not dare to crowd too far inside. They only dared to circle outside and watch from a distance.Shen Ruoqing and others were also among them.Although the scene of killing the New Year pig was too bloody, everyone knew that killing the New Year pig was equivalent to getting meat to eat, so everyone didn't mind at all and surrounded the grain drying field.

In addition to the pigs that were given the task in the village, only three others could be killed.

"Hold it!" the master pig butcher shouted, and went to the wall to get his guy. He carried a bamboo basket in his left hand, which contained sharp knives, boning knives, scrapers, meat hooks, wooden vertebrae and other pig killing tools. He carried a long iron skewer as thick as his thumb, with two shaving iron planes attached to one end of the iron skewer, which made a "clinking" sound as he walked.

Going back to the board, put the thing down with a bang, took out the butcher's knife, stretched out his thumb to test the edge, and nodded in satisfaction, "Bring the basin!"

A large wooden basin was placed under the pig's neck. The master butcher covered the pig's mouth with his left hand, picked up the gleaming butcher's knife with his right hand, aimed it at the key position of the neck, stabbed the knife in and then pulled it out. With a pop, the pig was covered with foam. Bloody stool fell into the basin.

At first, it sprayed like a fountain. When the tub was almost full, the pig stopped struggling. Zheng Huaqiang still didn't let go. Old pig butchers knew that the pig was not completely dead at this time. If he let go too early, the pig might He turned over and ran away.Lin
After being cut so hard, the pig will definitely not survive, but it is not good to run around with blood after all, and the pig's blood is wasted!

"Okay!" When the pig's blood turned into small streams and flowed down, the butcher master let go. By this time, the pig was completely dead.

Someone quickly sprinkled salt into the pig blood to speed up the solidification of the pig blood. After it solidifies, it becomes blood tofu. When stir-fried with chili, it tastes delicious.Everyone continued to be busy, and the boiled water came into play at this time.Lift the pig into the barrel, pour boiling water on it, and the pig hair will be pulled off easily.

Hair removal is a technical job. There are still many small hairs on the pig, which requires the butcher to use his special skills to remove hair.

After the hair is almost gone, hang the pig upside down, cut open the belly with a knife, and expose the belly, liver, and intestines. Wait for the pig to enter the water, and then use the knife to gently cut open the tendons. There will be a loud clatter, and the pig is still steaming. The water will flow into the container already placed on the ground.The water was cleaned up, revealing the white pig suet.

This pork suet is what every household wants.

After all, you can use vegetable oil to stir-fry with lard, which is much more fragrant, and the oil residue produced from lard is also delicious.

After the three New Year pigs were killed and the meat was divided, Captain Tang divided the meat into centimeters.Captain Tang has always taken great care of Shen Ruoqing's family, so naturally he also gave a piece of suet to the Shen family.However, there will be no points for the pig offal this time. All the pig offal will be used to make pig-killing dishes so that the people in the village can have a good meal.

Naturally, the Educated Youth Point also got pork, but it didn't get suet. However, the pork they got was considered good or bad, so you can't say there was anything wrong with it.

The remaining pigs were taken away by the commune and weighed. They weighed a total of 710 two kilograms. The price of the pigs was 280 cents per kilogram, and the total was [-] four and eight yuan.However, the money is not divided, and must be reserved for next year's expenses such as buying piglets.

The butchered pig dish is cooked by a few aunts in the village who are good at cooking.

They have been making this pig-killing dish for several years, and their skills are quite good. They can make all the pig offal into delicious dishes.Shen Ruoqing secretly changed the water used for cooking, and was looking forward to this time's butchered pig dish.

Everyone brought bowls back from home and waited to eat the butchered vegetables.

Because there is no surplus food this year, the village does not provide staple food, only a meal of pig-killing vegetables.

Mrs. Ji asked her son to take the pork home, and there was already a long queue with several children.Educated youths can also tell the difference between butchered vegetables. Shu Lijuan and others have never eaten butchered vegetables and are very interested in it.

It feeds hundreds of people, and even if potato vermicelli is added, it's not enough.So I asked everyone to get food and go back to eat.

Shen Ruoqing went to buy a pound of grain wine. Several people in the village also went to buy wine today. The grain wine cost one cent or two and cost one yuan. This was for the two brothers Shen Xiangnan and Shen Xiangxi. Shen Xiangdong could not drink yet. This time The catties of grain and wine were enough for them to drink several times.

The food is good and the rice cannot be bad.The Shen family cooked white rice. It was a good day, so they didn't make black flour steamed buns for Wang.It’s quite troublesome to cook two meals every day.

Shen Ruoqing took a bite of the butchered pig dish. It tasted really good. It was delicious when paired with rice.Especially the blood sausage, it tastes really good.

After eating, the Shen family started to work.This time, the Shen family took all the meat they were given and smoked it to make bacon.Although the weather has been cold, bacon can still be stored for a long time.The pig suet weighed a pound, and it was all turned into oil and residue. Shen Ruoqing sprinkled a handful of sugar on it and gave it to several kids to share.

(End of this chapter)

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