Chapter 68 Mission Pig

The commune brought together the captains of each brigade.

Captain Tang frowned as he looked at the documents passed down from above.

"Didn't self-employed people be allowed to raise pigs in free range before? Why are they being asked to do so again now?"

"Captain Tang, this is an order from above. If you ask me, I can't give you any answer. You just need to know how to carry out the orders from above." The clerk didn't even raise his eyelids. "Besides, this It’s also serving the people. People can raise their own piglets and have a new income at the end of the year. Isn’t that a good thing?”

"Then what year does this depend on? Food was tight last year, and I don't know if we can survive until this summer's harvest. There will be no surplus food to raise pigs."

"Difficulties must always be overcome, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory. The tasks of each brigade are the same. This is related to the priority of the advanced brigade. Let's mobilize more members. By the way, it has been allocated by the superiors. The five tractors will also be given priority to teams with high ideological awareness. This is a good opportunity, and everyone should seize it."

As soon as he said this, all the captains who were still complaining now had stars in their eyes.Who doesn’t want a tractor?But there are only five units. This means that whoever wins the most mission pigs will get the tractor!

"Clerk, don't worry. If there are difficulties, we will overcome them. I will definitely go to our team to promote it."

Captain Tang also gritted his teeth. For this tractor, he would go out and speak out even if he broke his tongue.

The bell to go back to Big Stone Village rang again.

Looking at the villagers gathered in a circle, Captain Tang told everyone that his superiors encouraged everyone to raise their own piglets.

"Captain Tang, it's not that we didn't respond to the call, it's that we really don't have anything to feed at home."

"The superiors are also considerate of everyone. Each piglet will be allocated a certain amount of wheat bran as a feed subsidy. If you work harder and beat more pig grass, mixed with some sticks and other things, you can still raise it. And you can get the money for the piglets first. It’s on credit, and we’ll calculate the money after the piglets are fattened and slaughtered.”

"The most important thing is that the commune has received five new tractors, and the tractor driver will have the opportunity to choose from the farmers with the largest number of piglets."

"Do you want to raise piglets? Go to the accountant to sign up now."

Despite Captain Tang's loud propaganda, the number of people who signed up to raise pigs was still in the minority. Even if someone signed up to raise pigs, they would only get one.

Shen Ruoqing was whispering to Mrs. Ji quietly.

"Is there anyone else who has signed up? Waiting until the pigs are slaughtered at the end of the year will be an income." Captain Tang looked at the list in the accountant's hand. This was not up to the standard set by the commune.

"Captain Tang, is there any limit on the number of piglets we can raise?" Mrs. Ji asked.

"Well, the boss didn't say there was a limit." Captain Tang was delighted. Old Mrs. Ji might have to raise two or three animals this time.

"Then our family will raise ten!" Mrs. Ji held her head high and announced majestically. This sentence was like a bomb that exploded in the crowd.

"Aunt Ji, are you crazy? If you fail to hand in the task at the end of this year, have you thought about the consequences?"

"It's better for some people not to show off and pretend to be fat. Don't try to take advantage of the team. Ten piglets are a lot of meat. I think some evil-hearted people just want to have bad ideas." Poaching the corner of socialism." Ji Meihua sneered, raising ten piglets?Why doesn't Ji Hongying go to heaven? "Aunt Ji, don't say this nonsense. Do you really want to raise ten pigs at home? Or are you talking about four pigs?" Captain Tang was also shocked. He suspected that he heard wrongly, four pigs. That's enough. If you fail to pay the task rent by then, you will be punished, and the punishment is not light.

"You heard it right, I just said ten piglets. Our family also wants to contribute to the construction of the motherland. Anyway, the money for these ten piglets is on credit. At worst, I will let my little one pack a few more baskets of pigweed. , the pigs will never go hungry." Mrs. Ji thought about how her sweet boy said there was a way to get feed, and calculated that the pig shed at home was not enough to house ten piglets.

"I'm going to build a pig house today. Everyone can come and help when you have time. I'll take care of two meals."

When they heard that Mrs. Ji was telling people to build a pig house, everyone realized that what Mrs. Ji said was serious.People who were familiar with her replied and said that they would help later, while people who were not familiar with her responded and mocked Mrs. Ji in a weird way.

Aunt Qi and others said that Old Mrs. Ji wanted to default on the debt when the time came, slandering Old Mrs. Ji's reputation, or that Old Mrs. Ji was eyeing the position of tractor driver.

In the end, Captain Tang asked the accountant to write down the Shen family's ten piglets.

"My dear, do you really have a way to get the feed?" Old Mrs. Ji turned around and asked a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom, didn't my god-brother squeeze a batch of oil before? There is no place to throw away the oil residue. It can just be eaten by the piglets. With a little pigweed, it will ensure that these ten little piglets eat smooth and smooth food. "." She still thought ten piglets were too few.

After the meeting, all the people who helped build the pigsty came. With seven or eight people here, plus the two brothers Shen Xiangnan, it could be built in one day.

Mrs. Ji's cooking was not too bad either. Steamed buns with Erhe noodles are the staple food. She fried an egg, fried cabbage and fried meat. Although there was only a little bit of meat, it was still meaty, and then she stewed vermicelli. .Anyway, this meal makes sense.

Shen Ruoqing walked around the pig pen and felt quite satisfied.

The piglets will arrive the day after tomorrow. Except for Mrs. Ji who asked for ten, several other families only asked for one, and Captain Tang’s family asked for two. Oh, by the way, I heard that the Educated Youth Point also asked for a piglet. keep.

Shu Lijuan didn't want to raise pigs. Those piglets were dirty and smelly, so she didn't want to raise them.Sister Qian proposed raising pigs. She thought it would be good for everyone to raise a pig together at the end of the year and share some money.The two gay men and Mu Bai agreed, and Shu Lijuan could only agree.

Two days later, the little piggy was brought over.

These piglets have just been weaned, and they are all humming and looking a little cute.Mrs. Ji and her son brought back ten piglets, and they became famous in the village.

Everyone said that Mrs. Ji was pretending to be fat just for the position of tractor driver.Everyone was envious, but no one dared to brag about raising ten piglets in Haikou.

With the Shen family's target of raising ten piglets, the Zhongxing brigade barely got a quota as a tractor driver.

Logically speaking, this quota should be given to the Shen family, but when it was really about to be given, everyone started making a fuss.

Aunt Qi made the most noise.

"This spot is for the big team, why should it be given to Shen Xiangdong's family? I think there should be fair competition."

"Why are you talking about it? Just because my family has the most mission pigs! Without these ten mission pigs, our brigade can be assigned a tractor?" Mrs. Ji almost laughed angrily, if she hadn't received the ten mission pigs , can the Zhongxing brigade just enough to get on the last tractor?This quota should be given to her family!
(End of this chapter)

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