Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 72 Improved Rice Seeds

Chapter 72 Improved Rice Seeds
It's the beginning of spring with lots of rain today, and it's almost going to cause floods.

Captain Tang stood in the house looking at the heavy rain outside, smoking his old cigarette.

“Let’s plant more rice this year and less sweet potatoes, corn, etc.”

"I agree. I heard that a batch of fine rice seeds from country

"Is there such a good thing?" The village party secretary was shocked, "How high is the output?"

Last year's drought greatly reduced food production, causing every household to be short of food. If the brigade had not had the foresight to plant a lot of sweet potatoes, people would have starved to death.I heard that people starved to death in the commune next door.Food is the life of farmers. Even [-]% more food can save many lives.

"The output can be increased by [-]%." Captain Tang exhaled smoke, "The captain of the Red Flag Brigade has spoken to me. If you agree, I will go with the captain of the Red Flag Brigade to get this improved seed tomorrow."

"Thirty percent! Then what are you waiting for? I definitely agree." Vice Captain Qi said, "Lao Tang, don't just try to take all the credit."

"Who do you think I am? Didn't I come to discuss this with you? I think the money in the account is just enough."

The village party secretary was a little hesitant: "Are the rice seeds in country X that good? Will there be any problems if I change the rice seeds rashly?"

"This is what I was worried about, but the captain of the Red Flag Brigade assured me that this is the most advanced rice seed in country X. The yield is indeed so high. He showed me a sample and the ear setting rate is very high. And the commune also agreed, and every brigade will change to this improved rice seed."

"Then do it."

The next day, Captain Tang set out with other captains in the commune.

Two days later, Captain Tang rang the village bell and announced to everyone that there would be improved rice seeds this year.

"This is an improved rice seed from country "

"Okay!" The audience applauded.

Liu Xinyi listened in the audience, and sure enough, except for Grandma Hao's matter, everything else was the same as in the previous generation, the same "improved" rice seeds.

What Captain Tang most likely did not expect was that this so-called "improved" rice seed was just a conspiracy of Country X. The ears of rice that would be produced by then would be full, but empty shells.This year's "improved" rice seed is waiting for farmers, but only empty shells and no grain.I don’t know how many people will starve to death by then.

So in this life, should I persuade Captain Tang to give up this rice seed?

Shen Ruoqing felt that it was very familiar to him in the audience. Country X's improved rice seeds seemed to have been heard before. When did he hear it?
Shen Ruoqing was a little anxious, she had to stop this from happening!But how could she speak?
"Captain Tang, I think the risk of replacing new rice seeds at this time is too high. No one knows how much the final yield of this rice seed will be. If it is planted in such a large area, is it still unconscionable?"

Shen Ruoqing was startled and turned toward the sudden voice. The person speaking was actually Liu Xinyi!
"Liu Xinyi, what do you mean by this?" Captain Tang was naturally a little unhappy at being questioned.

"Captain, I'm just worried. I suggest planting a small part of this improved rice seed on a trial basis first. This year we will still use the original rice seed. If the yield of the improved rice seed is really so high, it won't be too late for us to plant it in a large area." . Who knows what this foreign rice seed is like?" As soon as Liu Xinyi said this, everyone started talking.

"Yes, we don't know what this foreign rice seed is like."

"Didn't you hear what the captain said? This production can be increased by [-]%! And hasn't the trial been successful? I look at girl Xinyi and she is just worrying!"

"It has been said that it is the most advanced agricultural technology in Country

"Captain Tang, I'm just making a suggestion. If you don't adopt it, it doesn't matter. Of course I still believe in the captain. But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Even if we are delayed by one season, we will be the same as in previous years. It doesn't matter. It's a huge loss, but what if something goes wrong? Where will everyone earn food rations then?" Liu Xinyi told the exact words of Shen Ruoqing in her previous life. In her previous life, Shen Ruoqing was able to save Dashoudou Village and gain the respect of the villagers. In this life, she will take turns to It's her turn, Liu Xinyi.

"You little girl, what do you know about no loss? If we don't plant, we will lose [-]% of our income compared to others! Is this still no loss?" Vice Captain Qi scolded.

"Captain Tang, actually I also think that this matter of improved rice seeds can be tested in an experimental field first, and it won't be too late to promote it after it is confirmed." Mu Bai said, and glanced at Liu Xinyi.

Liu Xinyi noticed Mubai's gaze, and was secretly happy that he was indeed the man she liked. This insight was a long-term perspective, and she should have left an impression on Mubai's heart now, right?
There was a lot of discussion.

"What Liu's girl said makes sense. Let's discuss the rice planting matter later." Captain Tang discussed it with the village party secretary before finally saying.

"Anyone else is welcome to come forward with suggestions. Let's adjourn the meeting!"

Liu Xinyi glanced at Shen Ruoqing proudly. She knew that Captain Tang's final decision would be to reserve half of the land to plant original rice seeds.

By then, Captain Tang and even the entire brigade will owe her Liu Xinyi's favor!

Shen Ruoqing had been paying attention to Liu Xinyi's side, and Shen Ruoqing also saw Liu Xinyi's glance.What was going on with her smug look?However, Liu Xinyi has done a good deed. There must be something wrong with this batch of improved rice seeds.I wonder if Captain Tang will insist on changing species in the end.

After returning home, Shen Xiangnan said: "Little sister, I saw that your face has been looking bad just now. Are you feeling unwell?"

"Baby, what's wrong with you? Let mom take a look." Mrs. Ji quickly came to see Shen Ruoqing.

"Mom, I'm fine. I was just wondering if this improved rice seed could be a trap. Do you think this improved rice seed will be implemented?"

"Why do you have the same idea as Liu Xinyi? What could go wrong? Everyone in the commune is planting this rice seed, so what could go wrong? If there is something wrong with this rice seed..." Shen Xiangxi's expression changed as he spoke.

"If there is something wrong with this rice seed, not only our brigade, the entire commune, even nearby communes, and even most of China will have big problems!" Shen Xiangnan murmured, "Little sister, are you sure that this rice seed has a problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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