Chapter 77 Pueraria
"Then it's over! How should we face the members..."

Captain Tang pinched the ears of rice in his hand and said with a look of hatred on his face: "The evil businessman from Country Give yourself a slap.

The village party secretary hurriedly stopped him: "What are you doing?"

"I suggested buying this seed..." Captain Tang looked regretful, and Vice Captain Qi shrank aside, not daring to speak.He is against people who only plant half of their crops.

"This is not your fault. Purchasing these seeds is the result of our unanimous discussion. The question is what to do next? Not only our brigade, but the entire commune has purchased these so-called improved seeds!" Village Party Secretary After calming down, it seems that everyone will tighten their belts again in the second half of the year.

"This matter must be reported to the commune. In order to stabilize the mood of the commune members, let's keep this matter quiet for now." Captain Tang looked at Shen Xiangdong, and Shen Xiangdong nodded, "Captain, I will not talk nonsense about this matter. But this matter cannot be hidden.”

Shen Xiangdong left.

Everyone is looking forward to the summer harvest.The same goes for the educated youths. They still owe food to the brigade, but looking at the heavy ears of rice in the rice fields, they all feel that this year should be a bumper harvest.But what they don't know is that this year will be the most difficult year to survive.

The matter was kept quiet, but the price of food on the black market was quietly increasing rapidly.Some people who got the news in advance immediately began to stock up on food in large quantities.

When Shen Ruoqing came back and heard his elder brother's words, he fell into deep thought.

"Little sister, fortunately our mother had foresight and we exchanged enough food, otherwise we would have to tighten our belts and live a better life," Shen Xiangnan said.

Shen Xiangdong was worried: "I'm afraid that famine will cause chaos."

"Can't you? The higher ups won't ignore it," Shen Xiangnan said.

At this time, Mrs. Wang came over and said, "What are you talking about? Who cares?"

"Nothing. Isn't it your turn to cook today? What are you doing in the courtyard?" Shen Xiangnan said to Mrs. Wang. He couldn't let his wife know about this.

"I'm going to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables." Wang pursed her lips. What was it that she couldn't hear?Ever since her mother borrowed food last year, Shen Xiangnan had become cold towards her.

Shen Xiangxi drove a tractor and took Captain Tang to the commune, and Captain Tang also brought an ear of rice.

When Shen Xiangxi came back, it could be seen that his expression was very bad.But when he saw everyone was eating, he didn't say anything.

After finally finishing the meal, Shen Xiangxi looked at Mrs. Ji. Mrs. Ji asked Wang and Du to wash the dishes together, and asked Shen Xiangxi to follow her into the main room.

"Tell me, what's the attitude of the commune?"

"Mom, now the commune knows about this and has already reported it to apply for relief food. But the commune asked us not to make any noise to avoid causing panic. However, there is no regulation on how to solve this problem, because everyone has planted this X It’s still uncertain whether the national rice seeds and relief grains will be released.” Shen Xiangxi told what he heard, “However, the commune praised our team, but it’s not a problem to hide this. Sooner or later, everyone will know about it. , and the day of double grab is getting closer and closer.”

"Anyway, we can keep it a secret as long as we can. The commune will naturally have their own considerations. We have done everything we have to do, and we will leave the rest to fate. I hope no one will starve to death this year." But the news eventually leaked out.

I don’t know where it started, but the news spread that the black-hearted rice seeds in Country

Soon, panic set in.All the grain in the county was sold out. Rice on the black market actually went up to five yuan per catty, and coarse grains also went up to two yuan per catty.

Members of each brigade blocked their brigade leader to demand an explanation. Even the Zhongxing brigade was not immune.

"Captain, how come these are all empty shells? Is this the so-called 'improved variety'? Is there any food here? Captain, we listen to you. If you say we should plant this, we will plant this. Now this rice seed from country We all worked hard to grow food all year round, but in the end even food and clothing became a problem."

"Yes, the rice ears in the fields are all empty husks. In the first half of this year, our work was in vain."

"Everyone, be quiet. I have a big responsibility for this matter. I apologize to all members, but don't be discouraged. We still have half of the normal grain. This is all a conspiracy of country X. Now we must work together. Let’s tide over the difficulties. Now the Red Flag Brigade doesn’t even have [-]% of the usual harvest, and it’s hard to pay for food. At least we still have half of the harvest.” Captain Tang comforted the villagers, “And our commune has applied for food relief from the higher authorities. Okay, just get through this year."

In fact, everyone is complaining. Compared with the Red Flag Brigade next door, they still have at least half more food.

"Fortunately, our team had the foresight."

"This is all thanks to girl Xinyi. If she hadn't raised questions, our team wouldn't have chosen half of them."

"Yes, those who have studied are different and have far-sightedness."

Everyone praised Liu Xinyi one after another.

Liu Xinyi said: "I just maintained a cautious attitude. In fact, if I experimented with one acre of land as I said before, I wouldn't have lost so much food."

After hearing Liu Xinyi's words, everyone complained about the captain.

"Yes, since we had doubts before, why not experiment with a small piece of land first? As a result, we have only this food and can't eat enough." The villagers had completely forgotten how convinced they were of this so-called "improved seed", and they still blamed it. Liu Xinyi was so troubled that she just put all the blame on Captain Tang.

"That's right. Last year's grain production was severely reduced. The captain also said that he applied for relief food, but this relief food has nothing to do with it. I don't think this year's relief food will fall on us."

Seeing the resentment in the crowd getting bigger and bigger, Shen Ruoqing said: "Now is not the time to complain. If there are difficulties, we will solve them. Several nearby brigades are short of food, and our food is not rich. Now we have time. If we complain here, we might as well go to the mountains to find more food. Our brigade is already doing well. At first, more than half of the people were dissatisfied with the decision to plant half of the rice, and they all demanded that all 'improved' rice seeds be planted. Now something has happened, one by one. They all turned their anger on the captain. The great man said that unity is strength. The more difficult the moment, the more we must unite to overcome difficulties."

"Everyone, please be patient. I know there is a large area of ​​kudzu in the mountains. I can lead everyone to dig those kudzu back, so that everyone will not be hungry." Liu Xinyi said suddenly.

"Kudzu root? How many are there?" Captain Tang's eyes lit up. Kudzu root can indeed be eaten as food because its fat rhizome contains a lot of starch, which can be made into kudzu powder after processing.And compared to the starch of sweet potatoes and potatoes, the nutritional value is even higher.

(End of this chapter)

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