Chapter 92 Letter
"Misunderstanding? Everyone saw it with their own eyes. What's the misunderstanding?" Jiang Wenjing sneered, "If the engagement is not terminated, I will go to the Public Security Bureau to sue the Sun family!"

Mrs. Sun was angry and scared, so she ran forward and slapped Sun Taohua in the face: "Bitch, look at the good things you have done!"

Huang Laizi felt distressed and wanted to touch Sun Taohua's face, but Sun Taohua avoided him: "Get away!"

"Daughter-in-law, why are you so fierce? Let me see if you have been injured?" Huang Laizi said with a smile, "Now it's okay, you can only marry me."

"Who wants to marry you! Where are Aunt Jiang and Brother Chen? I want to see Brother Chen! It was obviously him who asked me to come, how could things become like this?" Sun Taohua yelled like crazy, she There was a vague guess in her heart, but she was not willing to believe it yet.

In the end, the farce ended with Sun Lin's family dissolving their engagement.

When Mrs. Ji told Shen Ruoqing, Shen Ruoqing couldn't help but sigh. She didn't expect that Sun Taohua would end up like this. Lin Chen's methods were also quite vicious. This would ruin Sun Taohua's life!After this incident is over, Sun Taohua can only marry Huang Lezi.

Huang Lezi was a bad person. He once married a wife, but I heard that he was not good to her. He beat her every day until she couldn't stand it and ran away.The family was poor and couldn't find a new wife. Lin Chen must have given him some benefits, so Huang Laizi was willing to do it.

"I think Sun Taohua deserves it. She is not a good person, and the Lin family is not a good person either. They all deserve it!" Mrs. Ji spat.

Today Shen Xiangxi went to pick up fertilizer, and Captain Tang also went there. Captain Tang's face turned red with joy when he pulled back a cart full of fertilizer.

Captain Tang commended Shen Ruoqing that day and also awarded Shen Ruoqing money. When the votes were gone, he awarded Shen Ruoqing an enamel jar with the words "Serve the People" written on it.Mrs. Ji was very happy to get the enamel jar. She had this thing that was only used by cadres at home. This enamel jar was awarded by the commune when she was an advanced brigade, but she didn't expect it to come to her home again.

Shen Ruoqing also sold that batch of equipment to a fertilizer factory and made a profit of 50 yuan on the price difference.

Regarding Sun Taohua, the Sun family had no choice but to remarry Sun Taohua to Huang Lezi.However, Mrs. Sun asked for a gift of 100 yuan, but Huang Laizi refused to give it.What a joke, if he had 100 yuan, would he be worried about not getting a wife?
This just keeps dragging on.

Shen Ruoqing took the time to take a look at Sun Taohua.

Sun Taohua was washing clothes by the river. When she saw Shen Ruoqing coming, she sneered: "Why, even you come to see my joke?"

Shen Ruoqing said: "I heard about you and Huang Laizi. Huang Laizi is old and ugly. I don't believe you can like him."

Sun Taohua stopped washing clothes and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that no one in my family would believe me in the end. It was you who believed in me."

Shen Ruoqing looked at her squarely: "Have you never doubted who was responsible for all this?"

Sun Taohua gritted her teeth: "Brother Chen wouldn't do this. He has no reason to do this."

"I told you before, Lin Chen has a female classmate named Wei Shuangshuang. I saw the two of them in the county before. Lin Chen also wants to buy his female classmate white mesh shoes! I heard that they are preparing to I’m dating. That female classmate’s family has some connections, and I heard that I can get a job quota.”

"You lied to me! You lied to me!" Sun Taohua threw down her clothes and stood up: "You just don't want me to feel better, so you deliberately made up these lies to lie to me, right?"

"What I said is true or false, you know it in your heart. Well, I just don't want to see you being kept in the dark so pitifully, so I am kind enough to tell you. You are very affectionate for him, but he treats you like this for the sake of his future. , think about it yourself. I'm leaving, you can wash it slowly."

Sun Taohua looked at Shen Ruoqing's retreating back, clenching her hands into fists and feeling her nails deeply embedded in her flesh.

After this busy period, it will be time for farming.

Many people will take advantage of this period to work part-time or something, and the Shen brothers did the same in previous years.But this also needs to be looked at. Not every time there is a break, you can find work.This year there are part-time workers building river dams, and they are paid twelve centimeters a day, and food is included.This centimeter is worth several cents. When the repair is completed, it will be directly settled into money or food, and people will take it back. Both Shen Xiangnan and Shen Xiangdong went.

The article Shen Ruoqing sent finally received a response. The postman rode a bicycle, rang the bell, and asked all the way to Shen Ruoqing's home.

The villagers enthusiastically showed him the way.

In this era, postmen, projectionists, and tellers in supply and marketing cooperatives, these positions that earn the country's livelihood, are all enviable positions.

Although the people in the village were not familiar with the postmen, they could not resist their enthusiasm. While giving directions, they also asked: "If Ruoqing girl is a girl, who will send her letters?"

"I don't know. It's from the Dazhong Daily in the provincial capital. Okay, I'll go there." The postman pedaled to Shen Ruoqing's house as soon as he stepped on his bicycle.

The postman's words were like a bomb, and the crowd immediately started talking enthusiastically: "The newspaper in the provincial capital, what can the newspaper in the provincial capital send to girl Ruoqing?"

"I don't know. I'll ask Dahai's wife when I see her later."

The postman also found Shen Ruoqing's home at this time.

This popular daily mostly writes articles about hard work, as well as some domestic and foreign news, as well as short stories about changes in people's lives.What Shen Ruoqing wrote was the story of how his team connected with the supply and marketing cooperative to sell various mountain products after acquiring a tractor.

It mainly praises the fact that people's lives are getting better and better now, and the hard work of working people makes them rich, etc.

"Is Shen Ruoqing here? Is Shen Ruoqing here? I have your letter." The postman shouted loudly outside the house. When Shen Ruoqing got the letter, she felt a bit like she was dreaming.

Shen Ruoqing didn't expect that he would win this time.

The postman checked the information with her, handed the letter to her, and left without asking any other questions.

Mrs. Ji also came out: "My dear, who sent you this letter?"

Shen Ruoqing said excitedly: "Mom, it's Dazhong Daily!" After saying that, she opened the letter.

In addition to the newspaper's reply, the envelope also contained a ten-dollar remittance order and a newspaper in which her article had been published.

She didn't read the reply or remittance slip. Shen Ruoqing first found her own article in the newspaper.Then he pointed at the article and happily said to Mrs. Ji: "Mom, look, I wrote this, and what I wrote has been published in the newspaper!"

Mrs. Ji is literate.She took the newspaper and carefully read the article pointed out by Shen Ruoqing. When she saw the signature Shen Ruoqing, she slapped her thigh with joy.

"This is the name of my sweet baby. My sweet baby is really amazing! This article could be published in the newspaper! No, I have to take this newspaper to Captain Tang to read!"

Shen Ruoqing deliberately used his real name for convenience.

(End of this chapter)

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