Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 95 Du's Production

Chapter 95 Du's Production
Du's production period is very close.This time Mrs. Ji refused to let Du go to the hospital to give birth.

"Why are you spending that money? Why don't you invite Aunt Hua to come?"

Aunt Hua is a well-known stable woman in eight villages across ten miles.

Mrs. Du herself didn't take it seriously: "I'm not that pretentious. Aunt Hua delivered the babies, so I feel relieved that Aunt Hua is here."

What else can Shen Ruoqing say? That's it.

Mrs. Ji told Mrs. Du two days ago to stop working and rest, but Mrs. Du refused to listen and insisted on working. She also said: "My mother was still on the ground when she gave birth to me. It's no big deal." of."

Mrs. Ji let her go, but she was only allowed to do work such as cooking, but she was not actually allowed to go to the ground.

On this day, Du Shi just got up, took two steps and accidentally slipped and bumped her stomach on the corner of the table. At that time, she felt something was wrong, and she began to have continuous pain in her lower abdomen. She knew that she was about to give birth.

"Erya's dad, call mom quickly, I'm about to give birth!"

This voice woke up Shen Xiangxi who was still sleeping. He quickly got up and put on his shoes: "Sit down and don't move. I'll call Mom and Wenpo!"

When Shen Xiangxi shouted, the whole family got up.Shen Hansong ran quickly and went to find Po Wen. At this time, Mrs. Ji was like a Dinghai Shenzhen, orderly instructing her two daughters-in-law to boil hot water and other matters.

Shen Xiangxi was talking with Du Shi, comforting Du Shi. At this time, Du Shi also started to panic. She held her stomach and just hoped that Aunt Hua would come quickly.

Aunt Hua finally arrived.

Shen Ruoqing wanted to go in to help, but Mrs. Ji held her back: "The delivery room is very bloody. You don't want to go in. Your two aunts can help."

"Mom, have you forgotten that I know medical skills?"

"That's not what you should go to, my sweet baby. Be obedient. Your Aunt Hua has delivered countless babies. Is it possible that you are still better than Aunt Hua?" Mrs. Ji firmly refused to let her sweet baby enter the delivery room.

Shen Ruoqing couldn't resist Mrs. Ji, so she had to accompany Mrs. Ji outside the door.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement from inside.

"Hongying, your third daughter-in-law's fetus is not in the right position. I'm afraid it's going to be a difficult delivery, so we'd better send her to the county hospital as soon as possible." Aunt Hua walked out and shook her head.

"Why is it difficult to give birth? Hurry, third child, go to the brigade to borrow a tractor and send your wife to the county hospital!" Mrs. Ji now regrets not sending Du to the hospital to give birth to the baby from the beginning.

Shen Ruoqing wanted to take a look, but was afraid that he would delay Du's medical treatment.Besides, no one cares about her now. Even if she dares to show it to Mrs. Du, her family won't be able to show it to her.

A burst of chaos.

Shen Xiangxi borrowed a tractor, and Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Han took Du Shi to the hospital quickly.Shen Ruoqing only had time to tell her elder sister-in-law to give her third sister-in-law more water.

Mrs. Wang was still worried at home: "I am still smart. When I gave birth to Hanxi, I insisted on going to the hospital to give birth. How can I go to the hospital to find a stable mother?"

It was only after Aunt Hua left that Mrs. Wang dared to say such a careless thing.But Wang was telling the truth. The safest way to give birth is to go to the hospital, but in this day and age, most country people still want to give birth at home.It was already the afternoon when the news about Du Shi came back.

When Mrs. Ji came back, she looked very unhappy. Mrs. Wang came forward and said, "Mom, how are the three younger siblings? Has the child been born? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"You're the only one with so many things! Have you fed the pigs at home?" Mrs. Ji scolded Mrs. Wang when she caught her.

"You're suffering from the plague! Oh my god, our Shen family has provoked whoever!" Mrs. Ji entered the house cursing.Shen Ruoqing followed in.

"Mom, what's going on? How is the third sister-in-law?" Shen Ruoqing had a guess. The doctor did not recommend Du's pregnancy at the beginning, saying that the probability of a deformed child was very high. Judging from Mrs. Ji's reaction, the result should not be very good.

"Your third sister-in-law gave birth to a daughter! But because of the difficult childbirth, her body was injured, and I'm afraid she won't be able to have another baby in the future." Mrs. Ji continued, "It's good for her. She insisted on giving birth to this child, but she had to strangle her after she was born. Damn this child! If it weren’t for your sister-in-law, your little niece would have died! Even if she looks ugly, she is still her own flesh and blood!"

Mrs. Ji kept talking to Shen Ruoqing about everything that happened in the hospital.

Du's child was suffering from dystocia, and she was determined to give birth to this child. She thought it was a son, even if it might be a little deformed, she recognized it.But unexpectedly, after trying so hard to give birth to a deformed baby girl, she was injured.

The moment she saw it was a baby girl, Du collapsed and yelled, telling the child to die. She even took the opportunity to take advantage of everyone to relax their vigilance and actively asked to hold the child. In the end, she wanted to strangle the child to death.If Han hadn't snatched the child back, the child would have died.

Mrs. Du said that this child should not have been born. It was a ghost and a monster. It was this child that killed her son. She wanted this little monster to pay for it with his life.

According to Mrs. Ji's description, the child's limbs are normal, but his face is a bit uglier and his left ear has no outline. He may not be able to get married in the future, and he cannot be called a monster.

Now Du Shi was given a sedative and fell asleep due to her excessive emotional ups and downs. Now Shen Xiangxi is also feeling very uncomfortable. His wife cannot accept the child, but it was clearly Du Juan who wanted to give birth to the child in the first place!

Shen Ruoqing didn't know what to say. Why was Mrs. Du so obsessed with her son?In the past, taking medicine randomly caused his child to be deformed, and now he found out that it was his daughter who wanted to strangle his child to death. Why did he promise that tiger poison would not eat its seeds?
She couldn't help but feel sympathy for her new niece.

Mrs. Ji doesn't like her newborn granddaughter either, but there's nothing she can do about it. If it's an embryo, it's just a fight. But the child has already been born and is already an independent little person, even if she only has one child. Even if she doesn't look good-looking, she is Ji Hongying's little granddaughter.She would never tolerate Du Shi harming her little granddaughter.

"Mom, will the third sister-in-law still breastfeed her little niece like this?"

"I'm worried about this too. Your third sister-in-law wants to kill that little guy, how can she breastfeed her? Darling, do you still have milk powder? I'll bring some for your little niece to eat first."

"I still have some, I'll get them for you now." Shen Ruoqing returned to his room and bought two cans of baby milk powder in the system mall.

Mrs. Ji went to the hospital again.

In the hospital, Du Juan looked bitterly at the baby not far away.

If it weren't for this little thing, how could she not be able to give birth?Everyone said at the beginning that this baby must be a son, but why did it end up being a daughter?

"You don't have to say anything. I won't feed that little monster." This little monster almost killed her and took away her son. How could she still feed her?
"Juan'er, after all, this is our flesh and blood. Since you said you wanted to give birth to her, we should be responsible for her." Shen Xiangxi said.

(End of this chapter)

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