Chapter 22 You can’t lie to me anymore

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Rongrong quickly shook her head in denial.

"It wasn't me, I didn't!"

Yun Jie was very sure: "It was you who did it."

Yang Rongrong was both arrogant and unreasonable. She put her hands on her hips and retorted: "Why do you say it was me? Do you have any evidence?"

There is naturally no evidence for Yunjie.

He said slowly: "You don't have to rush to deny it. I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I want to thank you."

A big question mark appeared on Yang Rongrong's forehead.

"Thank me? Your brain isn't broken, is it?"

Yun Jie: "I saw 'Uncle Shen' just now. He tried to lure me to kill you. I almost fell for it. Fortunately, you woke me up in time, otherwise I would have made a big mistake."

This illusion should not be underestimated. It could actually know the biggest regret in his heart and set a trap to lure him in.

Yang Rongrong blinked: "You mean Shen Wenquan? Did you see his vision?"

Yunjie nodded first, then corrected.

"You should call him Master."

Yang Rongrong: "Then you should still call me senior sister. Why don't you call me senior sister?"

Yun Jie was choked severely.

Although he grew up in the Xianyun Sect since he was a child, when it came time to actually become a disciple, Yang Rongrong had to be one step ahead of him.

It was this step that gave her the title of senior sister.

But in all these years, Yunjie has never called her senior sister.

Fortunately, Yang Rongrong didn't bother with these trivial matters.

She just mentioned it casually, and then changed the subject and got down to business.

"The formation eye should be on the roof, you have to go up there again."

"Okay." Yunjie crawled with difficulty, sweating profusely from the pain, but in the end he still couldn't stand up.

Yang Rongrong couldn't stand it any longer, and stretched out her right hand towards him: "Give me the Wuwang Sword, and I will go up for you."

Yunjie was afraid that she would take the Wuwu Sword and run away, but in this situation, he had no other better choice, so in the end he could only slowly take out the Wuwu Sword from the Qiankun Bag.

Yang Rongrong reached out to pick it up.

As a result, Yun Jie held the sword and refused to let go.

Yang Rongrong pulled it twice, but couldn't pull it away, so she had to ask: "What else do you want?"

Yunjie stared at her: "Promise me that you will return the sword to me when the matter is completed. You can't lie to me anymore."

Yang Rongrong responded: "Okay."

"You swear with your Taoist heart."

Yang Rongrong smiled: "What if I refuse to swear? Are you going to spend time with me here until death?"

Yunjie stopped talking again.

Yang Rongrong let go directly: "Then I won't go up. Let's all wait to die together."

Yun Jie was helpless. He was injured and had difficulty moving. Everyone else was fascinated. At this time, only Yang Rongrong could still move freely.

The task of finding the Formation Eye can only be left to her.

In the end, he chose to compromise and returned the Wuwang Sword to Yang Rongrong.

As soon as the sword was in hand, it immediately exuded a warm aura.

Yang Rongrong could feel it, and Wuwangjian was very happy at this time.

She was also very happy. This is a good sword. It can be used to peel radish or fillet fish!

Then she extended her hand again.

"And my Qiankun bag."

Yun Jie was suspicious: "What do you want the Qiankun Bag for?"

Yang Rongrong: "In case I encounter danger later, the magic weapons and talismans in the Qiankun bag may come in handy."

Yunjie hesitated for a moment and returned the Qiankun bag to her.

Yang Rongrong put away the Qiankun bag and felt better.

Yun Jie reminded: "The closer you get to the center of the formation, the more dangerous it is. You must be careful. Don't believe whatever you see later, and don't be fooled."

Yang Rongrong grinned: "Don't worry, no matter what I see later, I will give him a sword directly." Yun Jie was silent.

Why didn't he think of such a simple and crude method just now?
"Junior brother, please wait here while I go!" After saying this, Yang Rongrong jumped up, raised her sword, and went straight to the beam above.

Yun Jie seemed unwilling to do so and retorted in a low voice: "Who is your junior brother?"

Yang Rongrong stepped on the beam, and Wuwu Sword flew into her hand.

At this time, I looked closer and found that the beasts carved on the ceiling were more lifelike, with a ferocious look, as if they would pounce on me the next moment.

She picked up the Wuwu Sword and stabbed towards the ferocious beast.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then four men appeared in front of her.

They are Shen Wenqu, Linyuan, Hengye, and Shuying.

And all four of them were covered in white mosaics from the neck down.

It's a real mosaic, nothing can be seen clearly.

Yang Rongrong is accustomed to this. This is the system's built-in blocking function. The content below the neck cannot be reviewed, and the scenes that are too violent and bloody cannot be reviewed. Everything must be mosaic.

Nowadays the system has become a chicken coop, but the mosaic function is still running.

"Sang Chun."

"Xiao Xiao."


"Yao Yao."

The four men called her name and approached Yang Rongrong.

They all had affectionate eyes, as if they loved her so much that they couldn't stop loving her and wished they could commit themselves to her right now.

Yang Rongrong slashed at them with her sword without hesitation, directly chopping the four men in front of her into a large mosaic.

Before they disappeared, they still looked stunned, as if they didn't believe she could be so heartless.

Yang Rongrong stood proudly, with cold eyes, like a stone man with a heart sealed by concrete.

A man will only affect the speed at which she draws her sword.

The pile of "mosaics" reluctantly disappeared.

After a while, a fair, tender and cute young lady appeared in front of her.

Xiao Zhengtai cried with tears in his eyes and begged with choked sobs.

"Sister, I'm lost, can you take me home?"

That pitiful and cute look really made it hard for people to reject him.

Yang Rongrong agreed: "Okay, I will take you back to your hometown right now."

After saying that, she struck with another sword.

The choking sound stopped suddenly, and the little shota was also chopped into a pile of mosaics.

The master of the illusion finally figured out that this woman had no emotions. No matter it was love or morality, he could not kidnap her.

Soft ones won't work, only hard ones.

The temperature around Yang Rongrong suddenly dropped, and the cold and gloomy air surrounded her. Terrifying and twisted evil ghosts crawled towards her from all directions, and the faces of these evil ghosts all had the same facial features as hers.

They roared, opened their teeth and claws, trying to devour her.

Any normal person would be terrified when seeing this scene.

But Yang Rongrong remained unmoved.

Not because she was bold, but because all she could see was a mosaic.

Large mosaics are swaying here and there, and it's a bit dazzling after looking at them for a long time.

Who would be afraid of a bunch of mosaics?
Anyway, Yang Rongrong can’t.

She slashed left and right, and any "mosaic" that came close to her was mercilessly killed by her.

Soon the large group of "mosaics" were all killed.

Mosaic fragments all over the site.

Yang Rongrong stood in the mosaic, the sword in her hand shining with cold light.

The chopping was so exciting just now, but she still had some unfinished thoughts: "Why is it gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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