Chapter 27 Spirit Pet Contract
Ten days later, in Jinqiu City, Yun Ke came to the restaurant.

The guy pointed to the wall full of small wooden signs and said.

"Sir, what do you want to eat? If there is nothing on the wall that you want to eat, you can also give the name of the dish to me and let the chef cook it for you."

There are about seventy or eighty small wooden signs hanging on the wall, and each wooden sign has the name of a dish written on it.

At first glance, it is densely packed and quite spectacular.

Yang Rongrong glanced at it and then looked away, saying calmly.

“A portion of every dish.”

The guy was taken aback.

He thought he heard wrong, so he couldn't help but ask again: "You said you want every dish? There are 89 dishes here!"

Yang Rongrong nodded: "Yeah."

The guy suspected that she was joking: "How can you eat so much when you are only one person?"

Yang Rongrong patted the child sitting next to her.

"It's not just me, there's him too."

The boy took the opportunity to look at the child. The child looked to be about four or five years old. He was wearing brand new red clothes and had two small knots tied to his head. His face was rosy, his eyes were black and translucent, and he was pink and jade. The appearance is very cute.

The child noticed his gaze and immediately grinned at him.

This smile revealed two small tiger teeth.

It looks even cuter.

The guy smiled back subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, Yang Rongrong suddenly grabbed the child's chin at this moment, lifted it up with force, closed his mouth forcibly, and said to him.

"I told you many times, don't open your mouth or show your teeth."

Even if he was told this, the child was not angry. His two big black eyes were still looking at the boy unblinkingly, with a look of longing in his eyes.

The guy couldn't figure out how it was impossible for a girl and a child to eat so many dishes.

Could it be that these two people are here to eat the Overlord meal?

The waiter cautiously probed: "Our inn provides spiritual food, and the price is not cheap."

Yang Rongrong took out a bag of spirit stones and threw it on the table with a bang.

The posture is quite handsome.

"Is this much enough?"

The man didn't need to pick it up. Just by listening to the sound, he could tell that the bag of spiritual stones was very heavy and the quantity was definitely indispensable.

He immediately put on a more enthusiastic smile, nodded and bowed.

"Enough, enough, absolutely enough! Please wait a moment, I will go to the kitchen to prepare food for you."

After saying that, he quickly exited the private room.

As soon as the door closed, Yang Rongrong immediately pinched the child's face and asked: "Liu Lang, why did you look at this guy with that look just now? And you showed such a greedy smile, what's your intention?"

Don't look at the child who is born white, tender and cute, in fact, his true body is Taotie.

Ten days ago, in the secret territory of Qingxia, Yang Rongrong used the thunder talisman to induce thunder disaster.

Maybe it was because Tiandao was angry with her for cheating during the tribulation and actually hid part of the thunder tribulation, so the thunder tribulation in Qingxia's secret territory was particularly fierce, as if she wanted to vent all the resentment accumulated over the past 100 years.

Even in the Mahayana stage, ascending to transcend tribulations is nothing more than this.

If he were an ordinary monk in the foundation building stage, he would be chopped into pieces and wiped out in a flash.

The result was a bitter end to Taotie who was used to block the knife.

The thunder from the sky struck it with all its strength. Wherever it ran, the thunder followed it, tracking and locking it in all directions and 360 degrees without blind spots. It was struck until it was smoking and screaming.

In the end, Taotie couldn't bear it anymore and was knocked unconscious.

It was swept up into the sky by the tornado, flying higher and higher.

If it continues like this, it will probably be crushed by the tornado formed by the thunder.

At the critical moment, the two-headed black bird rushed over.

It grabbed Taotie tightly with its two claws, raised its head and let out a long roar, and struggled to fly it out of the dome, all the way to the end of the tornado.

The two-headed black bird took Taotie and fled to the deep mountains and old forests thousands of miles away.

Taotie was thrown to the ground.

It lay motionless, looking dying, as if it was going to die at any time, with cramps in its abdomen.The little yellow chicken landed on Taotie and screamed at it.

"Host, host! Come out quickly!"

Taotie did not move, Yang Rongrong was still in its belly, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

The little yellow chicken chirped anxiously at the two-headed black bird.

The two-headed black bird understood what it meant, flew over immediately, and kicked Taotie hard on his belly.

The action is very rough.

The results are also very rapid.

Taotie immediately opened his bloody mouth and spat out a big living person with a loud sound.

When Yang Rongrong was spat out, her body was covered with Taotie's saliva, and she was in a miserable state.

She collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

"But you figured it out, you just choked me up."

There is so much space in Taotie's belly that it can accommodate even ten mountains, let alone her.

But there was no air in its belly, and it felt very depressed for a long time.

Fortunately, Yang Rongrong was a monk and could not breathe for a long time. If it were an ordinary person, he would be suffocated to death in a short time.

The little yellow chicken flapped its wings and flew over, trying to land on her, but seeing that she was covered in saliva and sticky, it had nowhere to go, so it finally had to land on the grass next to her.

It asked: "Are you okay?"

Yang Rongrong smiled weakly: "Don't worry, you won't die."

After finally escaping from death, she was not happy for long when Taotie suddenly woke up!

It opened its eyes and looked at Yang Rongrong dimly.

The little yellow chicken screamed, flew up and hid behind the two-headed black bird.

The two-headed black bird immediately spread its wings to protect its baby.

Yang Rongrong was afraid that this guy was going to eat her again, so she hurriedly struggled to get up and wanted to run away.

The next moment, Taotie shouted.


Yang Rongrong paused.

She froze in place with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

She suspected that her ears were damaged and she was hearing hallucinations.

What did it call her?

As if to answer her doubts, Taotie shouted again.


The tone was long and drawn out, with a bit of a cry, showing a bit of grievance.

Yang Rongrong: "..."

The five thunders are nothing more than that!

No one expected that the thunder not only injured Taotie, but also damaged its brain.

After that, it would follow Yang Rongrong wherever she went, calling her "mother" one after another, and couldn't get rid of her like brown candy.

Yang Rongrong once deliberately tricked it into a dungeon, locked it up, and then took the opportunity to escape.

Unexpectedly, this guy went completely crazy and not only chewed up the dungeon door, but also almost chewed up the innocent hunters who happened to pass by.

Fortunately, Yang Rongrong came back in time and rescued the hunter.

What happened that time reminded Yang Rongrong that Taotie is a ferocious beast that eats people. If we leave it alone, many innocent people will suffer.

Instead of letting it go out to eat people, it's better to keep it under your nose and take care of it.

Just in case, Yang Rongrong signed a spiritual pet contract with it.

From now on, she is the master and he is the pet.

If she dies, it won't survive.

 And Piao Piao Meow?

(End of this chapter)

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