Chapter 334 Agreement
A smell of blood entered "her" nose.

"She" was startled and immediately looked up, seeing Feng Huaiyu actually stabbed a god-killing cone into her heart!

Bright red blood flowed out from the wound, staining the clothes red.

With Feng Huaiyu's cultivation and divine status, as long as he doesn't want to die, no one can kill him, not even the Emperor who commands the Thirty-Three Heavens.

It was also because of this that after he caused chaos in the Immortal Palace several times, the Emperor simply locked him up in the Heavenly Prison and left it at that.

It’s not that the Emperor doesn’t want to kill him, but he doesn’t have the ability to do so.

And now, Feng Huaiyu is about to die.

Once the God-killing Cone pierces the heart, it will tear the soul apart. Even the most powerful god will die and there will be no possibility of survival.

Seeing that he was about to fall, "she" hurriedly supported him.

At this time, the two were very close to each other, and "she" could clearly feel that the spiritual power in Feng Huaiyu's body was disappearing rapidly, and his face was turning gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire prison was filled with a strong smell of blood.

For the first time, “she” felt panic and asked in a trembling voice, “Why? Why did you do this?”

Feng Huaiyu leaned in "her" arms, already dying, but still with a smile on his face.

"The Emperor said that you are responsible for protecting the people of the world, but I think that's unfair. You haven't even been outside to see what the people are like, so how can I force you to sacrifice yourself for them? You should leave here and go wherever you want. I don't want to be a shackle that binds you. I... I want you to be free..."

She kept shaking her head and said, "You are not my shackles. If it weren't for you, I would never know that there are so many delicious foods and beautiful scenery in the world. It is you who brought me to experience the world. You are so important to me. Please don't die. I beg you not to die."

Feng Huaiyu raised his hand with difficulty, touched the corner of her eyes, and said weakly.

"do not Cry."

“She” then realized that she was actually crying!

Ever since she came into being, her emotions haven’t changed much, until she met Feng Huaiyu, when a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. Before, “she” only knew joy, anger, and happiness, but now, “she” finally experienced sorrow.

Crystal clear tears rolled down from "her" eyes.

“She” choked and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to cry, but I can’t control it.”

Feng Huaiyu looked at her face greedily and said softly, "Don't apologize, you haven't apologized to anyone."

"She" tried desperately to infuse spiritual power into his body, trying to help him stop the bleeding, but it was useless.

The blood was still flowing out and couldn't be stopped.

Feng Huaiyu told "her" not to waste her efforts.

In fact, he deliberately rushed to the Thirty-third Heaven to anger the Emperor, because he knew that "she" had been watching him. When "she" saw that he was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, she would definitely come to see him because she was worried.

It turned out that his bet was right, and "she" really showed up.

So he seized the opportunity and said everything he wanted to say.

"Everyone in the world has their own destiny. If they want to change their destiny, they should work hard on it themselves. You shouldn't put all the pressure on you. Leave here and go wherever you want. Don't come back and don't be trapped again." "She" burst into tears and sobbed: "I... I don't know where to go?"

The three realms of heaven and earth seemed endless, but there was no place for her to stay.

Now everyone knows that "she" is the one who brings disaster, everyone wants to kill "her", and she has nowhere to go.

Feng Huaiyu wanted "her" to go to Kunlun Realm, but then he changed his mind and realized that Kunlun Realm would no longer be safe after his death, and it would not be safe for "her" to go there.

So he said, "If this world can't accommodate you, then go to another world. Among the three thousand worlds, there will always be one that you like. When you get to that world, you can live freely. If in the future... in the future you miss me, you can take the time to come back and see me. By then, I should have been reincarnated and become someone else. You may not recognize me, but I will definitely... definitely recognize you..."

"She" cried so hard that she was out of breath and couldn't even speak. She could only shake her head continuously.

Feng Huaiyu's vision gradually became blurred, and his hands began to slide down weakly.

But he was still pretending to be joking, and said with difficulty: "You don't believe it? Then let's make a bet. If I win the bet, agree to one of my requests."

"No matter what you ask, I will agree to it..."

However, before "she" could finish her words, Feng Huaiyu had already closed her eyes and was completely dead.

"She" called his name over and over again.

But it's no use.

Because Feng Huaiyu could never hear "her" voice again.

"She" cried for a long time, and finally had to accept the cruel reality. Feng Huaiyu was already dead, and no matter what "she" did, it was impossible to wake him up again.

The Emperor had brainwashed "her" countless times, asking her to take responsibility, fulfill her mission, and forcing her to sacrifice herself for the benefit of all people.

But now, Feng Huaiyu sacrificed himself to fulfill her freedom.

"She" wiped away her tears, forcibly broke the seal wrapped around Feng Huaiyu, and then took him into the realm of reincarnation.

The moment the seal was broken, the formation in the sky prison was activated, and at the same time, the alarm sounded throughout the thirty-three heavens.

When the Emperor and his men hurriedly arrived at the prison, the place was already empty, with only a large pool of blood on the ground.

"She" brought Feng Huaiyu back to Kunlun Territory. "She" first pulled out the God-killing Awl and put it into her sleeve. Then she used magic to heal the wound quickly, cleaned the blood on his body, and changed him into a clean robe.

"She" did not bury Feng Huaiyu's body, but put him on the bed she usually used and covered him with a silk quilt.

At first glance, he looked as if he was just asleep.

Qiongqi rushed in in a panic, shouting anxiously: "Those guys outside know you are here, and they have surrounded our Kunlun Territory again. What should we do?"

Although it was very dissatisfied with its identity as a spiritual pet, after living in Kunlun Territory for some time, it really liked this place and now it said "we" very fluently.

"She" first touched Feng Huaiyu's cheek and whispered, "I will remember our agreement, and I hope you won't forget it either. Take care."

Then "she" called all the monsters and spiritual beasts in Kunlun.

"She" took the initiative to untie the spirit pet contract between herself and Qiongqi, set it free, and promised to save the lives of its other three brothers during the heavenly calamity. The only requirement was that she could take these monsters and spirit beasts to leave Kunlun Territory and live in a secret place nearby.

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