Chapter 74
Yang Rongrong was very proud: "This is my newly developed charm that blinds your dog's eyes. Isn't it great?!"

Shen Wengui: "..."

The disciple is so motivated, and as the master, it is not easy for him to dampen his enthusiasm.

He gave difficult advice: "The name is a bit long."

Yang Rongrong blurted out without thinking: "Then it's called Blind Dog Talisman!"

Shen Wenqian opened his mouth but stopped talking.

He didn't mean it that way.

Then Yang Rongrong took out another talisman: "This talisman makes your silence deafening. As long as you use it, even the deaf can hear the loud music. Use this talisman together with the blind dog talisman to ensure that You will immediately transform into the disco dancing king, do you want to try it?"

Shen Wenqu recognized it at a glance. It was this talisman she had used to trick Elder Yuli before.

He refused without hesitation.

"Thank you, you don't have to."

Yang Rongrong was not disappointed and immediately took out a stack of colorful talismans.

"I also have a lot of new products here. Each talisman has a different effect, which is very interesting."

Her expectant eyes, lewd smile, and ambiguous tone made her look like a street vendor selling pornographic films.

Shen Wenqian's face was expressionless, his heart was as strong as iron, and he was not moved at all.

"None of them are needed."

Yang Rongrong came closer and said, "Try it. You can just pick one and try it, okay?"

Shen Wenqu's heart was numbed by her soft voice, and his intelligence declined rapidly, and his brain temporarily lost the ability to think.

He stretched out his right hand out of nowhere and pulled out a talisman from the pile.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already too late.

Beauty can mislead people, but the ancients would not deceive them!
Yang Rongrong didn't give the other party a chance to regret it, and slapped the talisman on him.

Shen Wenqu lowered his head and watched the golden talisman attached to his heart flash and then disappear.

He felt it carefully and didn't notice any changes in his body.

But when he raised his head, he saw Yang Rongrong staring directly at the top of his head.

He couldn't help but raise his head, but there was nothing above his head.

Then he raised his hand and touched his head again, but still didn't touch anything.

This made Shen Wenqu couldn't help but wonder.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

Yang Rongrong covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes curled up like a little fox that had succeeded in its evil scheme.

"Don't tell you."

The name of the talisman just now is "bounce bomb", not the bullet that bounces away the crow's feet, but the bullet that pops up the screen.

After Shen Wenqu uses "Bang Bang Dan", a dialog box similar to a barrage will appear above his head, and his inner thoughts will appear in the dialog box simultaneously like a barrage.

Only Yang Rongrong can see this dialog box.

In fact, according to Shen Wenqu's cultivation level, Yang Rongrong's talisman cannot be effective on him.

But who let him choose that talisman himself?

Since he uses it voluntarily, no matter what his cultivation level is, the talisman will definitely be effective.

At this time, Yang Rongrong saw a sentence pop up in the dialog box above Shen Wenqu's head——

【She looks so cute when she smiles~】

The considerate barrage function also equipped him with a shy emoticon pack.

Yang Rongrong couldn't hold it back and choked on her own laughter.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Shen Wenqu reached out and patted her back gently: "Are you okay?"

Yang Rongrong pushed his hand away: "I... cough, cough, cough, I'm fine."

She looked up at the top of Shen Wenqu's head again and saw new text appearing in the dialog box.

[Hey, why is she so cute even when she coughs? 】

Yang Rongrong looked at him speechlessly.

Who would have thought that the Xuanyue Sword Master, who looked cold and indifferent on the surface, actually had the attributes of a madman hidden inside.

Seeing her staring at the top of his head again, Shen Wenqu couldn't help but ask again.

"What's on my head?" Yang Rongrong immediately shook her head: "No."

Seeing that she refused to tell the truth, Shen Wenqu was confused, but it was annoying, so he did not continue to inquire.

So Yang Rongrong found that the dialog box above his head had refreshed its content again.

【The way she lies is also very cute. 】

Yang Rongrong: "..."

She silently covered her face.

There's no way he can be saved, there's no way he can be saved, this person is definitely hopeless!
The spirit boat unknowingly drifted to the middle of the sea. The ferry had long since disappeared, and only heavy fog could be seen around it.

Sharp-eyed Rokuro suddenly spoke up.

"What's over there?"

Yang Rongrong immediately put down her hands, and she and Shen Wenqu looked in the direction Liu Lang pointed.

In the thick fog, a dark figure can be vaguely seen.

Shen Wenqu immediately activated the spirit boat and approached the black shadow.

As the distance got closer, the black shadow became clearer and clearer.

When they got closer, they finally saw clearly that it was a dilapidated ship.

Yang Rongrong looked at the dilapidated old ship in front of her, and many clips from movies and TV shows about ghost ships immediately appeared in her mind.

Mysterious, terrifying, weird, dangerous, full of unknowns and temptations.

These are all keywords for ghost ships.

Shen Wenqu released his consciousness and wanted to explore the situation on the ship.

The result was nothing.

So he asked: "Would you like to get on the boat and have a look?"

Yang Rongrong nodded: "Yes."

It doesn't take much thinking to guess that there must be something weird about this broken ship. Once on board, it is likely that people will never return like those who disappeared at sea.

But with high risk come high returns.

If they don't enter the tiger's den, how can they catch the tiger's cubs?
Shen Wenqu and Yang Rongrong used sword control to fly onto the broken ship, and the spirit boat was put into the Qiankun bag by Yang Rongrong.

This broken ship was so dilapidated that Yang Rongrong accidentally stepped on a wooden board as soon as she took a step.

The template broke, and her feet fell away. She lost her balance and fell forward.

Shen Wenqu grabbed her arm in time.

When she stood up straight and raised her head to thank him, her eyes subconsciously scanned the dialog box above his head and saw a line of pink words popping up in the dialog box.

[She can also fall flat on the ground, so cute. 】

Yang Rongrong couldn't help but defend herself: "The floor was broken, so I didn't fall flat on the ground!"

Throwing it on the ground doesn't sound very smart.

Shen Wengui was stunned for a moment.

He hadn't said anything yet, how could she know what he was thinking?
Then he thought of the talisman that Sang Chun had used on him just now, and a guess emerged in his mind.

Yang Rongrong saw new content appearing in the dialog box above his head.

[It turns out that talisman can let her know what I'm thinking. 】

Yang Rongrong didn't expect that he would discover the truth so quickly.

She touched her nose guiltily: "Don't worry, this talisman has a limited time limit, and its effect will disappear automatically after twelve hours."

She felt that Shen Wenqu would be unhappy. Everyone has their own privacy, and no one would be willing to expose all their true thoughts to another person. This would make people very insecure.

But Shen Wenqu just replied lightly.

"It's ok."

Yang Rongrong looked at the top of his head again and saw a line of words appearing in the dialog box.

[This is not bad. 】

Yang Rongrong had a question mark on her forehead, very puzzled.

Why does he think this is good?

(End of this chapter)

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