His mind was thinking clearly, but his body was grunting uncontrollably.

This damn illusion is so realistic that even the feeling of hunger can be simulated.

Facing Shen Wen's half-smiling gaze, Yang Rongrong looked blank.

As long as she is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Shen Wenqu asked: "Are you really not hungry?"

Yang Rongrong responded calmly as if she didn't hear her own cry at all.

"Not hungry."

Shen Wenqu seemed a little disappointed and sighed softly: "Okay."

At this time, a new line of text popped up in the dialog box above his head.

[She lied again. 】

Yang Rongrong looked at her nose and heart with her eyes, looking like an old monk in meditation.

Then she saw another sentence pop up in the dialog box above his head.

[She is so cute even when she is lying. 】

Yang Rongrong succeeded in a second and couldn't help coughing without even taking a breath.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Is he some kind of confession maniac?

Why does he always compliment her on how cute she is no matter what she does? !

Shen Wenqu asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Rongrong barely stopped coughing: "My throat is a little dry."

Shen Wenqian picked up the tea cup, and his slender fingers looked even more delicate against the white porcelain cup. When he raised his hand, his wide sleeves dropped slightly, revealing a small section of his white wrist, showing the elegance of a young man from an aristocratic family.

He did not drink tea, but handed the tea cup to Yang Rongrong.

"Drink some water."

Yang Rongrong wanted to refuse, but she didn't know what she thought of. She suddenly changed her mind, reached out to take the tea cup, and said thank you.

She opened the lid of the bowl and brought the tea cup to her lips. She did not drink directly, but lowered her head slightly and smelled it carefully.

Among the rich tea leaves, you can vaguely smell a familiar scent.

She soon recognized it. It was the smell of yellow rice!

Huang Liang was added to the tea!
She couldn't help but look up at Shen Wenquan and asked, "Does the young master drink this kind of tea every day?"

Shen Wenqu didn't think much, nodded and said, "Yeah."

Yang Rongrong hurriedly asked: "Who prepared these teas for you? Is it the Red Lady?"

Shen Wenqu thought for a moment before saying, "I don't know, maybe."

Seeing Yang Rongrong's expression was different, he couldn't help but ask more questions.

"Is there something wrong with this tea?"

Yang Rongrong nodded without hesitation: "Yes! This tea has been drugged. After you drink it, you will lose your memory and forget your true identity."

What she said was completely baseless, and the other party would most likely not believe it.

What's more, he might even call the matchmaker over and confront her.

She was mentally prepared to face the worst outcome, but she saw Shen Wenqu frowning and saying after a brief thought.

"Is that so?"

Yang Rongrong was in disbelief.

He, he believed it so easily? !

She couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think I'm lying?"

Shen Wenqu looked at her steadily for a moment, and then said, "I believe you."

At the same time, a line of text popped up in the dialog box above his head.

[It doesn’t matter even if she is lying to me, I am willing to be lied to by her. 】

Yang Rongrong was stunned.Although she didn't want to admit it, the fact was that she was touched by him at this moment.

In a different place, if it were her, she would not be able to trust another person so unconditionally.

Even if you like that person.

No matter when and where, what she values ​​most is always herself.

Shen Wenqu took the tea cup from her hand, put it on the table, glanced at the dazzling array of meals, and asked calmly: "If there is something wrong with the tea, will there be something wrong with these meals too?"

This is very possible!

Yang Rongrong imagines herself as a red lady. If she wants to drug people, she will definitely seize every opportunity she can take advantage of.

Whether it is tea or meals, all food that may be eaten is mixed with yellow rice, so as to ensure that her plan is more foolproof.

Yang Rongrong came over and inspected the meals on the table one by one.

It turns out her guess was right.

There is a hint of yellow rice in almost every dish.

The taste is very light, and it is masked by the aroma of vegetables. If you don't examine it carefully, you won't notice it at all.

Yang Rongrong told Shen Wenqu the result.

Shen Wenqu looked at her thoughtfully.

"The reason why you don't want to eat is not because you are not hungry, but because you guessed that there might be something wrong with these meals?"

As expected of a boss, his response speed is really fast.

Yang Rongrong sighed secretly, while nodding and admitting: "Yes."

Shen Wenqu didn't suggest asking someone to change the meal on the table.

He is not stupid. With the red lady's methods, even if a different table of food is served, the food will still be tampered with.

Shen Wenqu took out a token and placed it in front of her.

"With this token, you can freely enter and leave the City Lord's Mansion. You can buy whatever you want to eat. If you don't have enough money, tell me."

People have to eat, and he doesn't want Sang Chun to go hungry.

Yang Rongrong still shook her head and refused: "No, there is probably something wrong with the food outside."

Shen Wenqu was puzzled. No matter how powerful the Red Lady was, she couldn't even control the entire Penglai Immortal Island, right?

If that's the case, why doesn't she just become the city lord herself?Why bother to be a little housekeeper?
Yang Rongrong explained: "It's not just the Red Lady that has problems, the entire Penglai Island... not just Penglai Island, everything we see has problems."

As expected, Shen Wenqu's eyes widened slightly, showing an astonished look.

No matter how calm and collected he was, he was still shocked by this outrageous truth.

Yang Rongrong continued: "We are in an illusion, and everything we see is an illusion. Whether it is Red Lady, Ajaan, or anyone else, they are all illusions that blind our eyes."

She thought very clearly that in this illusion, only she and Shen Wenqu were living people, and everyone else was an illusion.

It was difficult for her to escape from the illusion alone, so she had to wake up Shen Wenqu and make him her partner.

Fortunately, even if Shen Wenqu forgot who he was, he had not forgotten his feelings for her.

He still trusts her very much.

With trust as the foundation, things become much easier to handle.

Yang Rongrong put aside those insinuating tactics and chose to get straight to the point and explain the truth directly to Shen Wenqu.

Facts have proved that her choice is not wrong.

Even though Shen Wenqu couldn't understand the truth in her mouth, he was still willing to believe her.

he asked after a brief silence.

"Who on earth created such a huge illusion? What is his purpose?"

Yang Rongrong was not very clear about this. She could only think about it and said: "Maybe it is the Fusheng Mirror. It has the ability to suck people into the illusion. Maybe we are now in the illusion created by the Fusheng Mirror."

"What can we do to break the illusion?"

He put the decision-making power in her hands.

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