Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 2: 1 girl and 3 sons, their fathers are different!

Chapter 2 One girl and three sons, with different fathers!

Seeing that some people were raising their heads, Grandma Zhang from the neighborhood committee also joined in the persuasion.

"Sun Peng, you are already in your forties."

"If you really get divorced on impulse, it will be difficult to find someone again, and it will be even harder to get married again."

"Listen to my advice. Even if the child is not yours, he will be filial to you in the future."

"When they all get married and start families, are you still afraid that they won't have a good life?"

As soon as Grandma Zhang finished speaking, Officer Zhao, the police officer responsible for mediating disputes, also said,

"It is said that knowing your mistakes can greatly improve things."

"As long as she is willing to change, we can still give her another chance."

The three parties responsible for persuasion were probably instructed not to allow them to divorce.

Even if they are not instructed, many people still try to persuade them with the idea of ​​'it would be better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage'.

Especially for some elderly people.

Divorce is a big deal.

Even the neighbors watching the excitement couldn't help but say a few words of support.

"Sun Peng, those are three sons that many people would not envy."

"As long as he can take care of him until his death, it doesn't matter if he is his biological son or not."

"Let's be open-minded. I've been here for more than ten years, not less than the past few years."

"You make so much money driving a big car, and it's not like you can't afford to support them. How can they live as orphans and widowers without you?"


Li Xiaofang became even more excited when she saw someone speaking for her.

She tugged at Sun Peng's clothes and said, "You pooped and peed the child, are you really willing to bear it?"

"They have called you dad for more than ten years, what else do you want?"

"If you really want to divorce me, I might as well die."

It sounded like she was the victim.

I cried until my nose and tears ran down my face.

Looks extremely pathetic.

When Sun Peng saw this scene, he also fell into deep entanglement.

After all, this woman has been with him for more than ten years.

There is hard work without credit.

Is it true that because the three children are not yours, you are so cruel to divorce?

Then am I too stingy?

How about giving her another chance?
Sun Peng hesitated.

Seeing this scene, the other people responsible for persuading peace couldn't help but smile knowingly.

As long as you hesitate, it means there is still room for change.

If they add more fire, the marriage will become indivisible.

At the same time, this matter has also received widespread attention from society.

Only a few minutes after the broadcast started, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had exceeded 1.

Those who like to watch live broadcasts are young people.

They take marriage and divorce very lightly and do not agree with the ideas of the older generation.

With the attitude of not losing anything, netizens were noisy in the barrage.

"Damn! What do these mediators think? Are they still trying to persuade us to make peace?"

"I'll go. If this falls on me, we will be wiped out in a matter of minutes."

"Who did the honest man offend? It's not enough to be a successor. He also has to be a big scapegoat for raising other people's children."

"I can't bear it any longer. This is stepping on a man's dignity and rubbing it on the ground."

"Women are not the only ones who fear marriage. After reading this, I am afraid that I will marry such a person in the future."

"Everything is for the sake of women, but no one is thinking about this man?"

"Life is already frustrating, and now I have to watch this thing to feel angry, so I won't watch it anymore."


Sister Na has been paying attention to the content of the barrage and saw how angry netizens were.

She couldn't help but panic.

For people who do live broadcasts like them, the audience is the boss.

The performance of this program was not good to begin with, and the station leaders had strong opinions.

If netizens are offended due to this matter and cannot complete this month's KPI, then it will be more difficult to apply for subsequent funds.

Now seeing the excitement among netizens, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

To persuade people to make peace is to make people angry.

Is it possible to seek divorce?
Not to mention the leadership's instructions, there is no program that advises people to divorce.

And Sister Na also found out.

The people who came to mediate were all women. Grandma Zhang from the neighborhood committee, police officer Zhao, and myself were all women.When they mediate, they will naturally give more consideration to the woman.

Even if it is the woman's fault, she will benefit in the end.

If someone is allowed to use the topic to elevate it to the issue of women's rights, it will lead to a situation of antagonism between men and women.

By then, let alone funding, the program may not be able to be saved.

As a matter of urgency, she needed to find a male mediator to carry out the persuasion work.

This not only represents the male point of view, but also prevents people from taking advantage of the topic.

Can you find someone temporarily? !

Sister Na looked at Su Yang.


"Su Yang, please give me some advice."

She reminded quietly in a low voice.

Although Su Yang is only an intern, he is young and handsome.

His speaking out should be able to replace some young people's thoughts.

At this time, Su Yang was complaining that the system was too stingy when he suddenly heard Sister Na's voice.

He hurriedly came to his senses and responded, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

It’s important to work first, and think about things that affect value later.

Seeing that Su Yang was about to speak, cameraman Xiao Liu pointed the camera at him with great discernment.

"Sun Peng, this is what's wrong with you."

"How could such a trivial matter lead to divorce?"

Su Yang was unprepared. He only thought about what Sister Na had just said, and tried to persuade him to make peace but not to leave.

So he blurted out these words without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the barrage exploded.

Countless netizens seemed to have found an outlet and began to bombard Su Yang.

"What the hell?! Is this a trivial matter? Isn't it a joke?"

"Get out! Don't come out and be disgusting!"

"Since it's a trivial matter, I wish him the best of luck in being cuckolded every day in the future, no matter who he is."

"I also wish his son a different father!!"

"Looking at his job badge, he's just an intern. Does he have a say here?"

"Asshole, I really want to go in and beat him up."


Seeing the netizens in the live broadcast room getting more and more violent, Sister Na couldn't help but feel nervous.

Originally, Su Yang was going to give him a few words of advice from a male point of view.

Unexpectedly, it directly aroused public outrage.

Looking at the barrage filled with abuse.

Sister Na had only one feeling in her heart.

Offended netizens!
This show is over!

But the abuse from netizens did not affect Su Yang.

He sat down next to Sun Peng in a familiar manner and asked, "All three sons have your surname?"

Sun Peng didn't know why Su Yang asked this question, but he nodded honestly.

When he didn't know this, he loved the child very much.

His children will naturally have to bear his surname.

"That's fine!"

Su Yang smiled and patted his thigh.

"Although the child is not your race, he still has your last name!"

“Rounding is your child.”

"What else do you want?"

Hearing this, Sun Peng was stunned for a moment.

And Li Xiaofang seized the opportunity to start a new round of crying.

"There are still many good people."

"My son has his last name, and he's not satisfied yet."

"This hard-hearted thing."

"He forgot about the time when the child called daddy every day."

"I'm not ready to leave our mothers alone now."

"My life is so miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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