Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 228 It’s really cool to start giving advice when you don’t understand anything!

Chapter 228 It’s really cool to start giving advice when you don’t understand anything!

Xiao Liu's complaints also made Su Yang's mouth twitch.

But he also agreed.

If someone wants two hundred, you give it.

If I want five hundred, you can give me. He also wants to meet such an enemy.

Su Yang shook his head helplessly and asked, "If I give you five hundred, will he get out of the way?"

Hearing this, the car owner's face turned bitter.

"He got out of the way."

"But his wife appeared out of nowhere."

"Open your mouth and ask for another thousand."

Su Yang: "???"

This is a desperate attempt to catch him alone.

I knew it was weird when I came here, but I didn't expect it to be so weird.

If he hadn't been sober, he would have doubted that he had strayed into some ancient mountain and could rob at will.

At this time, Xiao Liu was also shocked and shattered.

I've heard of people stopping cars and asking for money, but I've never seen anything so outrageous.

Most people just get the money and leave, but this family is good. The old man came after blackmailing the old lady.

If I give this thousand, will my wife, grandson, and granddaughter all come in a while?


No wonder the car owner is so angry, everyone he meets will be angry.

Not to mention the netizens in the live broadcast room who have a strong sense of justice.

"Damn it, I've heard of father and son fighting, but I've never heard of husband and wife team fighting."

"It's really gauze wiping my butt, showing my hands to grandpa."

"Bah, the bad guys are getting old!"

"Damn, don't think that just because you're old you can do whatever you want."

"I'm not afraid of hitting everyone. At such an old age, they can really do whatever they want. I don't even dare to touch them without seeing the police."

"No, at such an old age, they might still want to go in and have food and accommodation included."


Faced with such a thing, Su Yang also felt incredible.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and asked again, "I guess you didn't give it this time."

"Give it!"


Su Yang was directly shocked by such a decisive answer.

Give it back?

It was at this time that Su Yang discovered the little golden man disappearing from the front of the car.

No need to ask, you know it must be the old man.

However, it is a real punishment to have your car stamped off even after you have given money.

Perhaps feeling his own stupidity, the car owner scratched his head helplessly, "I thought it would be better to do less than to do more."

"Spend a little money and send them away."


At this time, Xiao Liu was also dumbfounded.

Four big words popped into my mind: Stupid people have too much money.

Others are riding on his hand, and they still think that it is better to do less than to do more.

This wasn't even riding on his head. This was stepping on his head, peeing on him, and spitting on him.

When did rich people become so easy to bully?

Everyone was speechless.

Even the usually indignant netizens were so shocked that they didn’t know what to say.

"Can I meet such a rich man?"

"Suddenly I understood this man. If you catch such a wooly person, you shouldn't use too much force to pluck it."

"It's so easy to deceive. If you don't deceive too much, I'll feel sorry for myself."

"Hey, hey, pick up your shattered views. That's not what I said."

"I tried to move my thoughts back to the incident itself."


Seeing the expressions of the people around him, the car owner began to apologize for himself in embarrassment, "Actually, now that I think about it, I shouldn't have given them money."

"Isn't it a bit late to know now?"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu couldn't help but complain.

After speaking, he quickly closed his mouth.

But this actually said what Su Yang wanted to say.

I knew I shouldn't give it, but I gave it anyway. Since I have given it, I can only ask about other situations.

"What's wrong with your car?"

"Since you've already given me the money, why did they destroy your car?"

Speaking of cars, the owner's expression became complicated again.

After a while, he said with a guilty look on his face, "Leader, let me admit a mistake first."

"This old man refused to leave after taking the money. I just couldn't help but grab him."

"And then he did."

Perhaps because he heard the car owner talking about him, the uncle's wails obviously became louder.

They were not blind, so they naturally guessed what happened.

"That's outrageous. Is this man made of paper? He screams in pain when he pulls at him?"

"It's obvious that you are a porcelain business, collecting tolls and porcelain. Sir, your business has been very extensive."

"Hey, everyone understands. It's the same sentence. The old man has become bad."

"There's nothing wrong with admitting it. He was wrong in the first place. It's just that the car owner has a good temper. I wouldn't just pick on him."

"This kind of person needs to be dealt with by someone with a bad temper."


The entire barrage was full of accusations against this uncle’s behavior.

At this moment, the old man sitting on the ground suddenly shouted.

"Everyone heard it, he admitted to hitting me."

"Now I also have pain in my waist and legs. It's very uncomfortable."

"You are all witnesses, but don't let him get away."

At this time, there were at least a dozen passers-by watching the excitement around.

Some uninformed people really thought this was the case, and began to point fingers at the car owner with a sense of justice.

"How can you hit someone at such a young age?"

"Didn't the teacher teach you to respect the elderly and love the young when you were studying?"

"You dress up like a dog, I didn't expect you to be so incompetent."


Some people start to speak harshly once they stand on the moral high ground.

At first it was just condemnation, but gradually it escalated to personal attacks on the car owner over tutoring issues.

Some people want to stand up for the uncle, and even want to take the initiative to touch the car.

Seeing this scene, policeman Xiao Zhou also looked helpless.

After signaling to Su Yang, he started to maintain order again.

This car owner looks like a nouveau riche, but he is actually a highly educated man.

He had never seen such a battle before, and he panicked for a moment.

Sometimes the lethality of words is invisible, and the car owner's face turned pale in an instant.

The car owner was confused by the scolding, but the netizens in the live broadcast room did not tolerate anyone.

They are most annoyed by people who just rant without knowing the facts, although they are often like this too.

Be lenient in disciplining yourself and be strict in disciplining others.

But now!

"What do you know? You are just yelling here."

"If you don't know, can you just shut up? It's obvious to you."

"This man is so brave because he was spoiled by these people."

"Do you understand what it means to not know the whole picture and not comment? Silly!"

“It’s really okay to start giving advice without knowing anything.”


Seeing the car owner's tense appearance, Su Yang gently patted his shoulder.

"It's understandable to act in a hurry."

"But it should be avoided as much as possible."

"And whether this uncle is really injured or just pretending, I know it in my heart."

Su Yang's words had an effect, and the car owner immediately gave him a grateful look.

"Thank you, leader."

"I don't want to be like this, but this man is really too much."

The car owner sighed and continued, "I am also a person who is afraid of trouble."

“I don’t think anything that can be solved with money is a big deal.”

"I thought they would let me leave after I gave the money, but I didn't expect it."

(End of this chapter)

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