Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 241 I don’t forgive, I want her to receive the punishment she deserves!

Chapter 241 I don’t forgive, I want her to receive the punishment she deserves!

Abuse from neighbors abounded.

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly smiled.


He laughed very loudly, and his laugh was very penetrating.

He was so calm just now, as if this didn't happen to him.

At this moment, he was laughing like a madman again.

This mental state made Su Yang a little worried.

The middle-aged man threw his head back and laughed. After continuing for a while, his laughter gradually turned into a cry.

At this time, a line of clear tears slid down his cheek.

The sight of crying and laughing made everyone feel numb.

"He won't be able to withstand the blow and will go crazy, right?" Everyone speculated.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present showed expressions of sympathy.

On the other hand, Su Yang exhaled slightly while feeling worried.

He understood that the middle-aged man had finally seen clearly at this moment.

See clearly the ugly soul hidden under the skin of women.

He smiled because he was glad that he was not married that year.

When he cried, he was also crying that he was too stupid, otherwise he wouldn't have woken up just now.

"Are you okay? You have to be strong."

"It's not worth it for such a bad woman. You are still young. As soon as the house is demolished, what are you looking for and can't find?"

"If you don't mind her, I'll introduce you to my cousin. Although she's a bit ugly, she's a living person."


Everyone came forward to comfort him.

Even Xiao Liu said, "Don't worry, our brother Su is here."

"I will definitely help you regain everything you have lost."

Without Su Yang saying a word, Xiao Liu had already taken over the job for him.

But this is what Su Yang will do next.

So he didn't say anything to stop it.

"Thank you, leader."

The middle-aged man looked at Su Yang gratefully.

To be honest, the resentment in his heart has almost dissipated.

What happened in the past is gone. Now, he just wants to get this woman away as soon as possible.

Just let her not be tainted with her demolition money.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was relieved, Su Yang nodded happily and thought about it.

Not yet forty years old, it is not too late to get married and have children.

It is said that men are worthless and women are worthless.

Women are no longer wanted at this age, and men are still in demand.

Looking at it this way, it is also another kind of happiness.

"Then leave the rest to me."

Su Yang patted his shoulder to express comfort and then walked to the woman.

"Do you know what you are doing is breaking the law?"

The woman obviously didn't understand the meaning of Su Yang's words and could only look at him blankly.

They were a couple, so it was reasonable to ask for splitting the relocation money. She asked someone specifically when she came here.

How could it be illegal?

But Su Yang didn't just talk about the demolition money.

Seeing the confused look on the woman's face, he added, "While you are engaged, you have an affair with another man and become pregnant. This behavior has violated the law."

"And because your actions indirectly led to the death of the man's mother, you are also responsible."


Su Yang just said two words, and the woman was already panicking.

She thought she was only pursuing the demolition payment.

Unexpectedly, she was looking through the general ledger, and realized that Su Yang would say that she took the money away. She knew that this was a fraud.

It's a felony!

Going to jail.

So she knelt down on the ground without waiting for Su Yang to finish.

"Leader, I didn't know that at that time."

"I just thought about what I would do as a woman without money."

"I did these things in a moment of confusion."

The woman cried until she had snot and tears. Only at this moment did she know what it meant to be afraid.

"Leader, is it okay that I was wrong?"

"Just let me go this time." "I regret it now. If I were given a chance to do it again, I would never do that."

"Just be noble and let me go."

The women begged for mercy and cried.

Just like when I first came here, I cried so much that I felt pity for him.

As long as she does something so outrageous, everyone will probably forgive her.

It's a pity that she has offended the public and cannot be forgiven.

Even the relatives who came with her were silent at this time.

How could they have imagined that this would be the case?

When the woman came back, she said she was bullied and money that was rightfully hers was withheld.

But he never expected that she would be the one bullying others.

Even her relatives would be ashamed of what she did, and they would not dare to say another word for her.

She even felt that her behavior was a disgrace to her ancestors, and none of them could hold their heads high.

Seeing the woman crying and admitting her mistake, Xiao Liu and the surrounding neighbors were very happy.

"Is it wrong to know now? It's too late!"

"You deserve this."

"Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. It's not that the time has not come for you not to repay!"

"You always have to pay back when you come out to fool around."


At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also very lively.

"Mom, this woman is so shameless. Do you think that a simple apology can be worth everything? How to calculate the losses of these ten years? Can his mother be resurrected?"

"Just thinking about it makes me angry. The old and new accounts must be settled together. Don't take advantage of her."

"This kind of apology is not sincere at first glance. She just wants to escape punishment. Brother Su must not be fooled."

"If we don't punish her severely, the netizens won't be able to pass this test. Brother Su, you can handle it yourself."

"The death penalty is recommended and executed immediately."


Every one of the netizens in the live broadcast room hates it.

I wish I could cut this woman into pieces.

Of course, the death penalty is still too much.

Su Yang thought for a while and said, "Everyone must be responsible for what they have done."

“If an apology works, why do we need the police?”

While speaking, he motioned to Xiao Liu to take out the mediation judgment.

After taking it, he started writing furiously.

Then throw it to the women.

"From now on, you are no longer husband and wife."

"You won't get a cent of the demolition money."

"The money taken previously must be returned in full plus legal interest."

"As for the crime you committed, if you can't get the forgiveness of the person involved, you should sit in jail for as many years as you want."

"Xiao Liu, contact the police to pick him up."

Whenever it comes to this stage, Xiao Liu appears to be particularly positive.

Take out the phone and call.

The communication voice was extremely loud.

The woman's tears became more and more fierce.

At this moment, she could only cry, and there was nothing she could do.

While crying, I suddenly thought of what Su Yang just said.

"Leader, what would happen if I could ask for forgiveness?"

Su Yang didn't give her an answer to this question.

If you can get the middle-aged man's forgiveness, your punishment will naturally be reduced, and you may even avoid jail time.

But that's not something Su Yang can interfere with.

He just tried his best to help the middle-aged man recover his losses. As for whether he would forgive him or not, that was the middle-aged man's own business.

Su Yang didn't answer, but the woman still wanted to try.

But when she looked at the middle-aged man, he spoke first,

"I don't forgive her. I want her to receive the punishment she deserves."

"And I will also hold that adulterer accountable."

After suffering such a blow, the middle-aged man also became frightened.

And his request was very reasonable.

So Su Yang signaled Xiao Liu to tell the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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