Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 256 How can homework tutoring be crazy?

Chapter 256 How can homework tutoring be crazy?

Ji Changming sighed, "Xiao Su, you don't know how many people need legal aid now."

"No matter how efficient you are in a day, you can only handle three things."

"Then do you know what's on the Internet?"

"Okay, I agree!"

In order to prevent Ji Changming from continuing to chatter, Su Yang agreed directly.

He could tell that he had to agree to this matter, and he had to agree to it even if he didn't.

There is no escape.

Since you can't escape, it's better to accept it early.

Save your ears from being persecuted again.

"You agree now?"

Ji Changming's face was filled with disbelief.

If he had prepared everything, where would he be?


"Go to work at the Legal Aid Department tomorrow."

Su Yang was sure and sure.

The professional attributes of legal aid and mediator are quite different.

The difference is only offline and online.

He also took the time to check the system just now. Every time he handles something online, he can also get influence points.

If you look at it this way, it's not impossible.

"Good boy, I saw you right."

"But you don't have to go all the time, just go once or twice occasionally."

“As long as this platform is known to more people and helps more people, our goal will be achieved.”


After hearing this, Su Yang made an OK gesture, his eyes so firm that he could directly join the party.

It doesn’t matter if you go once or twice or all the time.

Not that he loves his job.

The main reason is that the system is set up like this, the more you work, the more you get.

It’s all the same anyway, he doesn’t choose!

"Good good!"

Seeing that Su Yang agreed so readily, Ji Changming looked pleased.

I haven’t seen such a down-to-earth young man in a long time. Not bad!

“It’s good to love your job.”

“But we must also pay attention to the balance between work and rest.”

"Your health is important."

Su Yang nodded. His body was now as strong as an ox.

I don't feel tired at all.

Xiao Liu, on the other hand, lost a lot of weight after running around with him.

But he didn't have any objections. He was very happy to make money and lose weight.

After chatting for a while, Su Yangcai and Xiao Liu walked home.

Since Su Yang worked in Chongqing City, he has never returned home before eight o'clock in the evening.

It's still after eight o'clock when I get home today.

In the past, my mother would prepare the food and put it in the pot, and then go out to dance in the square.

When they got home, they brought it out for themselves to eat.

When I came back today, my mother was still at home unexpectedly.

When the mother saw her son, she was a little tired and waved to him, "Son, the food is in the pot."

"Take it out and eat it while it's hot."

Seeing his mother like this, Su Yang came closer with a smile and teased, "What are you doing today?"

"You're as tired as if you just came back from carrying bricks."

At this time in the past, Su Yang would have been given a brain breakdown by his mother.

Today was indeed unusual. My mother rubbed her eyebrows and sighed, "Not yet."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a little boy's voice coming from the bathroom, "Grandma, I've finished my ejaculation, come and wipe my butt~"

This voice made Su Yang and Xiao Liu stunned at the same time.

When did you have a child in your family?

"Your aunt's grandson, his family has been busy recently, so he asked me to take care of him for two days."

After explaining in a hurry, my mother walked to the bathroom, nagging as she walked, "Write your homework, and then you'll poop and then you'll pee. Let me see what you want to do now."

Hearing this, Su Yang and Xiao Liu felt inexplicably familiar.

It seems that when they were young, they themselves were constantly trying to avoid doing homework.

At the same time, Su Yang also remembered who this little guy was.

Su Xiaobao, the demon king of my aunt's family.

He was the one who often caused noisy situations.

And because he is the first child of the Su family's grandchildren, everyone dotes on him. So much so that even at the age of six, she still doesn’t know how to wipe her own butt.

Don't even think about being clean while this little devil is here!

Soon, my mother led a tiger-headed little guy out.

"Grandma, I want to eat an apple."

"Eat after you finish your homework."

"Then get me a bottle of juice first."

"Drink after you finish your homework!"

"Grandma, I~"

"If you keep talking, grandma will beat you."

How can I not be crazy when raising a child? My mother is almost on the verge of collapse.

But this scene made Su Yang extremely happy.

Don’t you want to take care of your grandson?

Not a single person made a sound.

Su Yang was also in a good mood and laughed out loud thinking of this.

This smile caused trouble for myself again.

"Go, go, find your uncle."

Mom put Su Xiaobao in front of Su Yang and said confidently to him, "Teach him to complete his homework."

"I have to go square dancing."

"My little sisters are still waiting."

He just smiled and triggered the mission?

"Mom, mom, don't."

Su Yang tried to awaken his mother's maternal love, but it was completely useless.

Not only was it useless, it also triggered a side quest.

"After you finish your homework, give him a bath. Your aunt will pick him up at ten o'clock."

Su Yang: "."

He didn't dare to speak anymore. There was no cooldown time for this NPC mission.

When you say more, you do more.

Watching my mother twist the bag and leave.

Su Yang and Xiao Liu looked at each other, then both lowered their heads at the same time, "Eat quickly. Only when you are full can you have the strength to help with homework."

Su Xiaobao doesn't seem to be as naughty as the legend says.

Maybe it was to give Su Yang face. They were eating while he was doing his homework on the small table next to him.

This relieved Su Yang's collapsed mood slightly.

Only this didn't last long.

When Su Yang finished his meal and went over to check his homework symbolically, he suddenly felt bad all over.

Seeing Su Yang standing next to him, Su Xiaobao asked obediently, "Uncle, did I do a good job?"


Su Yang wanted to pinch Renzhong.

This is not a question of whether it is good or not.

Parents () () filled in the blank, this kid actually filled in that both parents were dead.

The question requires you to make a sentence using the word "Continuously". What this kid created is: After get off work, my father returned home one after another.

There are many such outrageous answers.

I really don’t know what his parents will think when they see it.

The key is that his parents are both teachers, so why did he give birth to such a scumbag?

There are peaches and plums all over the world, but I have bitter melons in my own house.

It seems that the ancestral graves will not always emit green smoke.

Regarding homework tutoring, he suddenly felt powerless.

It happened that Xiao Liu also came over at this time.

"Do you need my help?"

"I think I was a top student in Fudan back then."

Xiao Liu's self-recommendation played into Su Yang's heart, and he accepted this "important task" without hesitation.

"My nephew is not good at studying. He may not even be able to teach a talented student like you."

It is very useful when you step on it and hold it in a handful.

Xiao Liu immediately felt his worth.

"There are no children who can't teach, only teachers who can't teach."

"I happen to be a very good teacher."

Xiao Liu boasted a bit and picked up the homework Su Xiaobao had just finished.

Seeing this, he laughed unkindly.

"Hahaha, your little nephew is really talented."

(End of this chapter)

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