Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 271 Damn it, such a huge game of chess was played!

Chapter 271 Damn it, such a huge game of chess was played!

"It's not enough for you to send my son in, you want to send me in too?"

"You are clearly framing me."

"How did you, a bastard, learn this trick?"

Liu Fang pointed at Su Yang and cursed, not caring that she was in a court hearing.

Su Yang just watched all this with cold eyes.

If a dog bites a person, it is impossible for a person to bite a dog.

This made Liu Fang feel very angry and her voice weakened.

After Liu Fang calmed down, Su Yang said, "There is evidence that you bribed Director Zhou to falsify Chen Liang's medical history."

"Do you think Director Zhou will take it out on you when he's being interrogated by the police?"

"Totally impossible."

While speaking, Su Yang took out the screenshot Yanyan had given him before, "You used money to bribe the plaintiff's mother."

"Making him perjury and saying that she and the defendant are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Intent to confuse."

"You still dare to say that I framed you?"

Su Yang's well-founded reasoning left Liu Fang speechless.

She wanted to quibble, but others had evidence.

I thought it was done perfectly, but I didn't expect that there were loopholes everywhere.

Liu Fang was completely dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Su Yang raised his head and looked at the jury members next to him, "Excuse me, how many years should you be sentenced according to our country's criminal law for fabricating evidence and obstructing testimony?"

While talking, the law enforcement officer also came over and took away the evidence in Su Yang's hand.

The evidence Yanyan collected not only included screenshots of the payment, but also chat records in which Liu Fang asked her stepmother to give perjury.

The evidence was clear and complete, and the jury was able to reach a conclusion quickly.

When they informed the presiding judge of the results of their deliberations, the presiding judge could only make an announcement with mixed emotions.

"According to Article 305 of my country's Criminal Law, forging evidence is generally punishable by imprisonment of not more than three years."

"But because the other party had a bad attitude and forged more than one piece of evidence."

"After deliberation by the jury and its members, the defendant Liu Fang is now sentenced to three years in prison."

"Execute now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bailiffs came to control Liu Fang.

No matter how hard she resisted, it was to no avail.

Seeing this scene, Lawyer Ye began to breathe quickly.

The brain is completely shut down and there is no way to think at all.

And Su Yang didn't give him any chance to breathe.

"Presiding Judge, fellow jurors."

"Our third request is to sentence defendant lawyer Ye Shihong to three years in prison and have his lawyer's qualification certificate revoked."


As soon as Su Yang finished speaking, there were several gasps in the venue.

Not only did he not give Lawyer Ye a chance to react, he also caught the people hearing the case off guard.

Almost everyone agreed that sending the defendant and his accomplices to prison would be a grand slam victory.

No one thought that he would send the other party's lawyer in.

Although there are unscrupulous lawyers who confuse right and wrong in court for money.

But no one saw them being punished.

Now Su Yang actually wants to send lawyers in, which is not surprising to them.

There were boos at the scene.

The client, Lawyer Ye, was also shocked.

"Where did I offend you?"

"You want to kill them all?"

Lawyer Ye bit his lower lip and asked.

The voice was controlled just enough for Su Yang to hear.

Punishing two people was not enough, even he was not spared.

He's just a lawyer, it's none of his business.

Lawyer Ye's question was not answered. Instead, the presiding judge asked anxiously, "Plaintiff's defender, please tell me the reasons for the accusation."

At this time, the presiding judge's palms were already sweating.

He felt bad too.

Because he knew that after Lawyer Ye, he would be him.

Hearing the presiding judge's question, Su Yang smiled extremely confidently, "The reason for my accusation is that Lawyer Ye Shihong, as a legal person." "He actually knew the law and broke the law, crossed the legal bottom line, and exploited loopholes in the law."

"He was the one who handled defendant Chen Liang's previous molestation case."

"It was also because the other party had no money to hire a defense lawyer. His eloquent speech helped Chen Liang and was only sentenced to one year in juvenile detention."

"Then I helped him mediate, and he was released after staying there for less than three months."

"The change of name and date of birth were also made by him."

"The purpose was to prepare for today, because he knew that with the defendant's character, he would definitely commit the crime again."

"Knowing that he would continue to violate the law, he did not choose to properly counsel him."

"But he chose to cover up in this way. How can such a person deserve to be a legal practitioner?"

Su Yang finished speaking angrily.

It immediately caused an uproar among netizens.

"Damn it, such a huge game of chess was played."

"This is completely treating the law as child's play. He wants to cover up the sky with one hand?"

"Mom, how can such a person deserve to be a lawyer?"

"I have always thought that lawyers are synonymous with justice, but it seems that this is not necessarily the case."

"It is better to believe in a lawyer like this than a mediator like me, Brother Su."


The barrage exploded.

The client, Lawyer Ye, was so angry that his veins were exposed by Su Yang's words.

"You're talking nonsense, do you have any evidence?"

His blood pressure suddenly rose, but he took out the medicine bottle and found that there was no medicine in it.

He was so angry that he threw the medicine bottle to the ground.

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

There were also many practitioners in the legal industry present.

In their eyes, Lawyer Ye's current state was almost the same as pleading guilty.

The outcome of this lawsuit has been decided.


"Defendant's lawyer, please pay attention to your behavior."

Dissatisfied reminder from the presiding judge.

Throwing something in court is no different than flipping a table while eating.

It can be seen as an act of contempt of court.

And his reminder also wanted Lawyer Ye to calm down.

It is better to surrender than to be in chaos.

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive."

Lawyer Ye suppressed his emotions and pointed the finger at Su Yang, "It was him who slandered me that caused me to lose control in court."

As expected of a gold-medal lawyer, he regained his composure as soon as he could catch his breath.

He continued, "Although I have acted as counsel for defendants before."

"But everything I do is right for my profession."

"Absolutely no legal bottom line was violated."

"He is slandering me."

Lawyer Ye was just confused for a moment, but a lawyer's instinctive reaction was still there.

Although what Su Yang said is true, it is very difficult to collect evidence.

As for helping Chen Liang change his identity information, he also asked his assistant to do it.

The assistant has resigned for a long time, and there is no trace of him.

Even though he had been slapped in the face countless times before, Lawyer Ye still had a sense of luck at this moment.


"Slandering you?"

At the same time as Su Yang spoke, he saw a message box pop up on his phone.

It was sent by Xiao Liu.

There was not a single word in the message, just an OK emoticon and a video file.

Seeing this expression, Su Yang smiled.

Before the trial, he asked Xiao Liu to help implement these things.

Xiao Liu lived up to expectations and got it done for him.

This time, Su Yang was more confident.

(End of this chapter)

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