Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 275 You crazy woman, why don’t you go and rob me?

Chapter 275 You crazy woman, why don’t you go and rob me?

There were endless accusations around him, and Su Yang's expression became darker and darker.

He glanced at the middle-aged woman who suddenly went berserk.

At this time, there was actually a hint of ferocity on her face, and her eyes were wide open.

He raised his palm as if he wanted to hit someone again.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore and came directly between the two of them.

"What, do you treat me like air?"

"I'm already here, and I still want to hit someone?"

"You want to experience the life of an orange?"

Su Yang shouted angrily, and his voice reached the ears of everyone present.

Using a little force with his left hand, he patted the middle-aged woman on the shoulder.

The sudden force made her stagger and she was forced to take a few steps back.

He saw Su Yang in front of him, who was almost a head taller than him and tall and strong.

After seeing the work badge on his chest again, the middle-aged woman controlled her emotions a little.

She can have trouble with others, but if she angers the mediator, she may not even need to mediate.

Eighty percent of them will be sent directly to the orange.

After seeing the middle-aged woman return to normal, Su Yang asked in a low voice.

"What's your name?"

"Ma Sanfeng." The middle-aged woman answered honestly.

Su Yang nodded silently, feeling that it was indeed crazy, and then looked at the Volkswagen owner.

After learning his name and basic information, mediation work began.

"Li Qiang, please tell me the whole story."

"Don't worry, I will do justice based on the facts."

Hearing this, Li Qiang nodded as if he had taken a reassurance.

Then he organized his language and spoke loudly.

"He is such a leader. Half an hour ago, I drove past the intersection of Xingfu Square."

"I saw the green light ahead and the countdown started."

"I just wanted to drive a little faster so I wouldn't have to wait for the next traffic light."

"But I didn't expect that when I arrived at the intersection, the light turned green for three seconds."

"A little yellow teddy suddenly appeared on the zebra crossing. I was completely stunned."

"I slammed on the brakes, trying to stop the car, but my reaction was too slow, and little Teddy was hit and killed by me."

Speaking of this, Li Qiang showed a trace of guilt.

After sighing, he continued, "Because I also have dogs at home and know how humans feel about dogs."

"So I wanted to apologize to Teddy's owner and give him some financial compensation."

"But I didn't expect that she wouldn't listen to my explanation at all."

"She kept crying loudly, saying that her Yuanyuan died like this, and she was very sad."

"You said I'm a blind man. Yuanyuan killed her, and she looked like she was going to fight me desperately."

"It's just impossible to communicate."

"You must know that it was because she didn't give Teddy a leash that the current accident occurred."

"How can I say that it's entirely my responsibility?"

"I really had no other choice, so I thought of asking the mediator to come over and help me."

Li Qiang's tone was sincere, and Su Yang nodded slightly after hearing this.

But as an experienced mediator, Su Yang knew not to accept one side of the story.

However, based on his judgment, Li Qiang's remarks were basically the truth.

After all, there was indeed no leash around the neck of this tragically dead Teddy.

Before coming here, Su Yang and Xiao Liu had already seen several pet dogs without leashes.

At that time, the two of them were still saying that it was unsafe and had certain hidden dangers.

But I didn't expect that the prophecy came true and I met him right away.

No wonder Xiao Liu would say he has a crow's mouth. At this time, Su Yang had already made his own judgment, but he still had to go through the necessary procedures, so he turned to look at Ma Sanfeng.

"Now tell me what happened."

"Don't worry, as long as you tell the story honestly, I will definitely seek justice for your Yuanyuan."

"There are also surveillance systems around here. I hope you think about it before talking."

Listening to Su Yang's words, I felt the strong aura on his body.

Ma Sanfeng's expression became unnatural.

After all, she also knew that she did go out to walk the dog without a leash, and there was no way to deny it.

But now that the situation is like this, she is not going to admit her mistake, even if she is acting, she has to do the whole thing.

Ma Sanfeng coughed once or twice, then pretended to be aggrieved and whispered.

"Boss, it's not that I don't want to take the leash out to walk the dog, it's just that I forgot to bring it."

"My home is just over the intersection. I'll be there soon if I want to go there."

"I just didn't expect that when I was crossing the road, my Yuanyuan seemed to be attracted by something and ran towards the road."

"When I tried to stop it, it had already reached the zebra crossing."

"The light turned green for two seconds. I thought Yuanyuan could run over."

"I didn't expect that a Volkswagen suddenly sped past at this time, knocked my Yuanyuan away, and I fell into a pool of blood."

Ma Sanfeng started crying when he said this, with runny nose and tears.

She cried and complained, "Yuanyuan, my Yuanyuan, my son."

"How can I live without you?"

"Yuanyuan, you left me like this. Mom can't bear to leave you, wuwu."

"Mom actually doesn't want money, because no amount of money can bring you back to your mother."

Ma Sanfeng still has some brains. He knows that public opinion is not on his side, so he wants to play the emotional card.

She cried loudly again, the corners of her eyes were red, and she shed tears.

Facing Ma Sanfeng's showmanship, Li Qiang was so angry that he clenched his fists.

It would have been unlucky to encounter something like this when I went out, but now I have to watch this woman talk nonsense here.

He was so angry that his face turned blue.

Not to mention Li Qiang being angry, even the people around him couldn't bear to help him.

"What attracts strange things, just dogs running around without a leash."

"The road is owned by your family. If you walk your dog without a leash, what should you do if it bites someone?"

"Let me tell you, you deserve to be hit and killed without a leash."

"Yes, she said she didn't want money. I think she just wants money."

"If you want to blackmail someone, just say so. Why are you pretending to be pitiful?"


I have to say that today’s audience is no longer easy to fool.

It seems like it's all the puppy's own problem.

Seeing that the green light is about to end, everyone wants to hurry up and pass.

At this time, a dog broke out, how could it be stopped?

Facing the abuse from everyone, Ma Sanfeng's face became increasingly ugly.

In the end, he simply acted like a rogue and said, "I don't care, he killed my son and he must pay compensation."

"Without 100,000 yuan today, no one can have a better life."

He opened his mouth and asked for 100,000 yuan. Even Su Yang was surprised.

Putting aside everything else, the market price of such a pet dog is only a few thousand.

Now asking others to pay 100,000 yuan is not blackmail.

The key is whether such a problem is caused by not holding the rope. This requirement is indeed outrageous.

Li Qiang was already very angry, and now he was even more so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"You crazy woman, why don't you go and rob me?"

(End of this chapter)

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