Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 317 The boss behind the scenes appears.

Chapter 317 The boss behind the scenes appears.

After all, the process of getting a haircut requires a quiet environment.

But these hairstylists just talk all kinds of things and disturb the peace and tranquility of consumers.

So there is a joke called, dumb people get haircuts.

This joke also reflects the public's demand for a quiet hairdressing environment.

After Teacher Tony shut up, he started helping Su Yang get Kadir's hair style seriously.

During this process, Su Yang still felt a little good, and a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

After about four or five minutes, it's time to proceed to the next step.

At this time, a small green bottle suddenly appeared in Teacher Tony's hand.

The appearance of this small green bottle made Su Yang suddenly alert.

"Teacher Tony, what's in this little green bottle?"

After hearing Su Yang's words, Teacher Tony replied with a smile.

"Xiaoyang, this small green bottle is a precious hair potion I brought from Milan."

"Let me tell you, this hair potion is called Rost, and it is my exclusive secret recipe."

"It was researched by some of my senior brothers and I at that time."

"Coupled with my unique knowledge of hair potions, I finally came up with this green hair potion."

"I will not waste Rost's potion on ordinary hairstyles. Only distinguished customers who choose Kadir's hairstyle are worthy of enjoying it."

After Teacher Tony finished speaking, he was about to use the so-called Rost Potion on Su Yang's head, but Su Yang stopped him.

"Teacher Tony, this Rost potion is really powerful from your description. Do I need to pay extra?"

Hearing these words, Teacher Tony suddenly froze and rolled his eyes.

Because when he was styling people's hair before, he wouldn't say what kind of potion to apply.

Then after the hair is done, the cost of the potion is added to the amount, and the consumer is forced to pay.

Because most people don’t even think about this when styling their hair, so it’s easy to fall into this trap.

Teacher Tony didn't expect that Su Yang, who had acted quite innocently before, would be alert at this time, which shocked him.

"Ahem, of course this Rost potion is not free. If you use it, you need to pay an additional five hundred and eighty-eight."

"If you don't want to use it, you can, but the effect of the Qadir hairstyle will be worse."

Hearing Teacher Tony's words, Su Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

His hand in his trouser pocket also pressed the recorder in his trouser pocket.

In the past two days, he and Xiao Liu decided to uncover the secrets of these barber shops, so they must prepare carefully.

Therefore, that kind of small voice recorder must be used, and it can be used as strong evidence when the time comes.

Because many times there is no recording, so when there are disputes and conflicts, it is easy to argue.

The existence of the voice recorder can effectively curb this and allow Su Yang to collect evidence more conveniently.

"Okay, let's try this Rost potion. Teacher Tony, please continue."

Seeing Su Yang nodding in agreement, Teacher Tony's smile became even bigger and he continued to help Su Yang style his hair.

During the process of styling her hair, she still felt quite comfortable, so Su Yang kept her eyes closed and enjoyed it.

After about fifteen minutes, the entire hairstyle process was finally over.

"Huh, okay Xiaoyang, Kadir's hair style has been fixed for you."

"Now you can open your eyes and look at your handsome hairstyle in the mirror. Your temperament will instantly rise."

Hearing Teacher Tony's words, Su Yang nodded, opened his eyes, and then looked at himself in the mirror.

After I had my hair done, I did feel a little different than before I had my hair done.

Now my hair does feel lighter and thinner, and it seems to have more temperament. Su Yang was quite satisfied with the effect of Qadir's hairstyle.

But this is also caused by the high price. After all, a haircut costing more than 3,000 yuan is really too expensive.

"Yeah, it's really not bad. Teacher Tony, your technique is really great."

"I also applied for a gold membership card, which gives me a discount, plus the cost of Rost's potion is RMB 588."

"Then my total consumption this time, including discounts, is 3,400 yuan?"

As Su Yang said this, he was about to take out his bank card to pay by swiping it, but he didn't see the smile on Teacher Tony's face.

"Xiaoyang, you seem to have made a mistake in your calculation. It's not three thousand and four, but seven thousand and four."

"My Rost potion is 5881 drops. I used a total of eight drops for you, which is four thousand yuan."

"The total is 7,400 yuan. Since you are a new user visiting the store for the first time, you only need to pay 7,000 yuan."

The big trap of Bawang Barber Shop was finally revealed, and it was Su Yang's turn to do this.

Su Yang frowned when he heard this, pretending to be shocked.

"Ah? Seven thousand, why the hell is it so expensive? Teacher Tony, I remember you clearly said it was five, eight or eight times."

Seeing Su Yang's aggrieved look, Teacher Tony stopped pretending and said loudly,

"What's 5881 drops? I'm talking about 5881 drops of my Rost potion. The people next to me can all testify!"

At this time, other hairstylists at Bawang Barber Shop also refused to come over, surrounding Su Yang.

It's like a pack of wolves surrounding a goat, ready to enjoy a delicious meal within easy reach.

"Yes, Teacher Tony's Rost potion is very expensive, 588 drops per drop. We have known that for a long time."

"That's right, pay quickly, otherwise you won't be able to go back today."

"I think you can apply for a gold membership card. It shouldn't be a big deal if you pay an extra seven thousand yuan, right?"

"That's right, pay the money quickly. Teacher Tony will continue to be busy later."

These people made it clear that they would not let them leave until they paid.

They also expected that Su Yang would be afraid due to their large number of people.

After all, there was no one who was not afraid before.

Unfortunately, they thought wrong?


Su Yang smiled and said, "Okay."

"But I didn't bring that much money with me when I went out. Why don't you come with me to get it?"

Today's society is all about electronic payments.

As long as you have money in the card, you can use it.

But Su Yang said he wanted to get it, which was indeed an excuse full of loopholes.

Since you can withdraw money, why can’t you pay electronically?

Then, faced with such a lame excuse, they believed it.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

A yellow haired man said proactively.

But Su Yang shook his head.

"You're just an employee. I give you money, but what if you run away?"

"Get your boss to come out."

I haven't seen the boss since I came here. If you don't come out at this time, don't blame him for blowing up the store.

I thought it would take some effort to meet the boss, but as soon as Su Yang finished speaking, a short and fat man walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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