Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 46: There is no trouble that cannot be solved with 4 words!

Chapter 46: There is no trouble that cannot be solved with four words!

Su Yang didn't take this incident seriously.

When I got back to my new home, I started tidying up again until very late.

The next day, Su Yang and Xiao Liu reported to the High Court early.

The group set off on time.

According to Liu Weimin's introduction, the place they went to was called Huaqing Village. There were more than 100 households in the village and it was more than [-] kilometers away from the city center.

Huaqing Village is not yet within the scope of municipal planning, and everything in the village remains original.

It's no different from an ordinary village.

The only difference is that because this village is relatively close to the magical city, men with some labor force choose to go out to work.

In the whole village, there are mostly women, old people and children.

When there are more women and elderly people, there will be more disputes that are difficult to resolve.

Although they are all minor disputes, if a dispute breaks out, it will be one big and one big.

Su Yang had already anticipated what he was about to encounter.

It took nearly an hour of driving.

The group of them arrived at the entrance of Huaqing Village, and Xiao Liu also turned on the live broadcast at this time.

"Huhu, I'm in."

"I'm coming in too, punching in and signing in!"

"Continue to watch the live broadcast. I am not in the toilet today. I found a feng shui treasure, the utility room."

"Not in the utility room. The last time I saw the manager kissing the front desk in the utility room of our company, I almost got fired."

"Damn it, why don't we have to wait here."


Now this program does not need any warm-up, it is a hit right after it airs.

The number of people online is refreshed every second.

When I first saw it, there were only 20 people online, and when I refreshed it, it was 40.

The growth rate is staggering.

Many netizens were interacting with the anchor in other live broadcast rooms one second before disappearing directly the next.

When other anchors see the number of people in their live broadcast rooms plummeting.

They knew that man was on the air.

The group got out of the car.

Even though it is still morning, a group of aunts and aunts are already gathered around the entrance of the village, chatting while doing farm work.

Because they were relatively close, the content of their chat was also heard by everyone.

"If I hadn't told you, you wouldn't have known that the woman Liu Wazi brought back was from a second marriage and had a child."

"It's nothing. The daughter of the Yang family was working as a mistress in the city. I heard that she was pregnant and no one wanted her anymore, so she came back to get married."

"The face of Lao Yang's family has been completely humiliated by her. He also has a son who is not worried. He hasn't come back for several years. I heard he was caught after committing a crime outside."

"There is also the granddaughter of Uncle Li at the end of the village. I went to the town hospital to get medicine. When I saw her coming out of the inpatient department, I guessed that she had probably had an abortion. She is only 17 years old. Girls nowadays don't love themselves so much."

"You guys are nothing. Widow Zhang is getting involved with that pig butcher. Do you know that?"


Just listening to these gossips made Su Yang feel chills running down his spine.

"The most mysterious intelligence organization in China, isn't this pressure coming?"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu also nodded, "If we go there, the high and low will also become material."

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of netizens word for word, and the barrage instantly exploded with laughter.

"Fuck! I can feel this pressure through the screen!"

"This road is blocked. Take a detour. Don't talk about you. Dogs passing by will get a few words."

"Hahaha, seeing this scene, I suddenly remembered that I went to college and didn't go home for four years. There was a rumor in the village that I was caught smoking sex outside!"

"Even if I go home often, I will be told that for the sake of convenience, I take Didi every time I go home. As a result, people in the village say that I have a different boyfriend every time I go home."

"If you can't beat me, just join. I went home during the Chinese New Year and did nothing. I just chatted with the old ladies in the village and didn't dare to leave. The next thing they would talk about when I left was me."

"It's so true, you never know how many years you're being sentenced in their mouths."


The sense of oppression brought by Aunt Muraguchi makes netizens feel the fear of being dominated.

Su Yang and Xiao Liu didn't even dare to take a step forward.

Fortunately, Liu Weimin was used to such scenes. He took the initiative and said, "Aunties, we are from the Shanghai High People's Court."

"This time I am going to the countryside to help mediate the conflicts among the villagers. Could you please show me the way? We are going to the village committee." When they heard that they were here to mediate conflicts, these aunties and aunts suddenly became excited.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there. I have something to talk to you about."

"My wife beats my grandson whenever she helps him with his homework. You must talk to him."

"And me, why don't they give me the piglets bred by my breeding pigs?"

"The children from Lao Sun's family always come to my house to steal peaches."

"The Zhang family's wife lent me three white-flour steamed buns but she didn't return them."


Liu Weimin was surrounded by these aunts and walked forward.

Su Yang and Xiao Liu followed slowly.

The two even chatted.

"Xiao Su, there are just some minor conflicts here, not as exciting as before."

Only exciting disputes are interesting to watch and the live broadcast effect is good.

Xiao Liu was worried that no one would pay attention to these trivial problems.

But Su Yang didn't think so, "There are no big or small differences in disputes."

"Solving this little trouble requires great wisdom."

Hearing this, Xiao Liu became interested, "How do you say it?"

Seeing Xiao Liu waiting so seriously for him to answer his questions, Su Yang thought of teasing him.

He deliberately acted serious, "No matter what kind of trouble, it can be perfectly solved in just four words!"

Xiao Liu looked curious, "What four words?"

Su Yang approached him and said word by word, "It's none of my business!!"


Xiao Liu was dumbfounded, what the hell!
"You do not believe?"

"Do not believe!"

Su Yang began to pretend to be profound, "50.00% of the troubles in life can be solved with these four words."

"The neighbors are fighting, it's none of my business!"

"Widow Wang stole someone, it's none of my business!"

"Lao Li's son is not his biological son, it's none of my business!"

"Look, is it solved?"

Hearing this, Xiao Liu was so shocked that the corners of his mouth twitched.

The key is, he actually thinks it makes sense.

This show usually has a serious style, but Su Yang occasionally makes netizens laugh by being playful.

"Hahaha, let's say it's outrageous, he makes sense, let's say it makes sense, he's also outrageous!"

"If you use these four words to mediate conflicts, you must first resist the beating!"

“Reasonable but sick!”

"This involves a very deep philosophical issue, please listen to me!"


Xiao Liu also knew that Su Yang was teasing him deliberately, so he asked again,

"Didn't you say that these four words can solve 50.00% of the troubles?"

"What about the other 50.00%?"

Hearing this, Su Yang chuckled and said, "It's none of your business!"


"Why are you still scolding people?!"

"Who scolded you!"

Su Yang quickly comforted him, "These four words can solve the other 50.00% of the troubles."

Xiao Liu obviously didn't believe it.

So Su Yang continued to give examples, "How much is your annual income? It's none of your business!"

"Have you passed the postgraduate entrance examination? It's none of your business!"

"When will you have a second child? It's none of your business!"

(End of this chapter)

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