Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 51 I have another Wang Zha here. Can you please tell me what to say?

Chapter 51 I have another Wang Zha here. Can you please tell me what to say?

As soon as the problem here was solved, another aunt asked another question.

"Little brother, let me ask for my son."

"His job requires socializing, but he's a clumsy talker and doesn't know how to flatter people. He always fails to get orders."

"What should I do in this situation?"

Socializing is a problem that many people will face.

Where there is social interaction, there will be entertainment, especially in big cities, such entertainment is essential.

So when this aunt brought it up, even the netizens in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears.

After Su Yang heard the question clearly, he calmly said four words, "I'll do it first."

As soon as he finished speaking, a 666 appeared in the barrage.

"If you don't know how to speak, just drink and you will learn!"

"People who have been here will tell you that as long as you drink well, there is no order that you can't get."

"No one at the wine table can refuse the words 'I did it, you can do whatever you want!'"

"It's not easy, but it is the way it is."

"I told you that you can learn knowledge by watching the live broadcast, but my mother still doesn't believe it."


Su Yang's answer made the aunt suddenly enlightened.

I took out my cell phone to send this sentence to my son.

at this time,

Liu Weimin, who was mediating the dispute inside, frowned as he listened to the waves of laughter.

He thought it was Su Yang who made some joke outside, which made him devote himself even more to his work.

I just want to finish it quickly and go out to help Su Yang.

don't you know
Su Yang doesn't need help at all. He is completely at ease in his current state.

And his pace of handling disputes is getting faster and faster.

"My wife always comes to quarrel with me when she has nothing to do."

"Choose it yourself!"

"I am half-dead from childish anger every day."

"It's biological!"

"Long-term friends broke up over a trivial matter."


Gradually, the fellow villagers had fewer and fewer disputes to resolve, and they all left on their own after the problems were resolved.

Until the end, there were only a few fellow villagers chatting in the Bazi.

Old Chen looked through the dispute information he had recorded.

The more I read, the more dumbfounded I became.

"Oh my God, you solved everything so quickly?"

"I have to do this for a month no matter what."

Su Yang drank water to moisten his throat and said nonchalantly, "This is pretty fast."

“Look, the sun is almost setting.

Although Su Yang processed it quickly, the amount was really large.

I haven't rested since I came here in the morning, and I was busy until five o'clock in the afternoon.

It's okay to be busy, but the impact value is also very little.

Perhaps because the incident is too small, each dispute has an average impact value of more than 3000.

Fortunately, the quantity was large, and nearly [-] were harvested.

Anxious to go home quickly to draw the lottery, Su Yang wanted to go in and see how Liu Weimin was handling the situation.

But how could Lao Chen be willing to let him go at this time.

Su Yang handled the problem quickly and accurately, and used words so concisely that he couldn't take the opportunity to learn from it.

"Stop hiding it."

"I often deal with these things, just teach me."

Old Chen is still in his forties, so he humbly asked Su Yang, who was in his early twenties, for advice.

How could Su Yang refuse?

He smoothed the thoughts in his mind and said, "I have summarized that many small disputes can be resolved with these four words."

"For example, when it comes to celebrating the New Year, no matter how big the deal is, suffering a loss is a blessing. You are still a child."

"and many more."

Su Yang just started to speak when he was interrupted by Lao Chen.

He took out a pen and paper and got it ready, then motioned for Su Yang to continue.

At this time, the live broadcast has not been closed.

Netizens were already talking about Su Yang's operation just now, and now they want to teach him on the spot.

They all imitated Lao Chen and prepared to record.

Seeing how serious he was, Su Yang continued without hesitation.

"It's not easy to look at my face. Think of each other's shoes and understand each other." "Don't be too fussy. There is no malice. You can still be joking."

"I'm pregnant. Just be more open-minded and get used to it. It will all pass."

"After all, elders, please listen to my advice. He drank too much and is not an outsider."


Su Yang said dozens of four-character words in one breath, and after speaking, he looked at Lao Chen and said, "That's about it. Use it flexibly."

At this time, Lao Chen had long been stunned by these four-character words.

Every word Su Yang uttered was an impact on him.

It wasn't until today that he discovered that just four words could contain so much meaning.

Chinese culture is extensive and profound!

At this moment, he finally believed it. It turned out that there was no conflict that couldn't be resolved with four words.

The key is that what Su Yang said are easy to understand and very common words.

As long as you combine the scene and choose a suitable word to say, you can temporarily resolve the current conflict.

While Lao Chen was still digesting these words, Su Yang seemed to have thought of something else.

"By the way, there's another Wang Zha!"

"This Wang Zha can solve all conflicts regardless of the occasion."

After hearing this, Lao Chen quickly picked up the pen again.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also pricked up their ears.

Under everyone's expectation, Su Yang calmly uttered four words, "Everyone is dead!"



When these four words were spoken, Xiao Liu and Lao Chen burst into laughter.

Xiao Liu laughed so hard that he was out of breath and couldn't speak.

Lao Chen laughed so hard that tears burst out of his eyes.

Even if it was like this at the scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room were even happier.

"Hahaha, it is indeed Wang Zha, the debt will be wiped out after death!"

"As soon as these four words came out, I reconciled all my conflicts."

"It's you, I broke you."


Netizens were so happy that they began to learn and use it now.

"Everyone is dead, forget it, listen to my advice, you are still young, be more open-minded."

"You're already pregnant, so what can you do? No matter what happens, we're all relatives, don't worry too much."

"I'm pregnant, just get used to it. He drank too much. After all, he is an elder."

"Damn it! You guys are so awesome, I just imagined an ethical crime!"


When Liu Weimin came out from his work, he saw such a scene.

The two of them were laughing like crazy. Su Yang sat on the table and looked at the two of them speechlessly.

"What's going on?"

"Where are the fellow villagers?"

The appearance of Liu Weimin made Lao Chen restrain himself a little.

He pulled Liu Weimin and praised Su Yang all the time, praising Su Yang to the heavens and the earth.

By the way, I told him what happened just now.

After hearing the end, Liu Weimin and his assistant also laughed.

"Team leader, why does he have such a big brain? Can you think of all this?"

at this time,

Liu Weimin looked at Su Yang with appreciation and affirmation.

He didn't understand why the words Su Yang said included various situations and relationships between people in society.

It is a very practical word when mediating disputes.

During the Chinese New Year, are there any conflicts that can’t be resolved by saying “big Chinese New Year”?
When you get into a conflict with someone after drinking too much, no matter how much you say, "He drank too much" will never work.

When parents quarrel and get divorced, saying "for the sake of the children" is more effective than anything else.

There are too many examples like this.

A word of "mutual understanding" can turn hostility into friendship.

A conflict can be avoided by saying "no harm".

These are all-purpose words that cannot be summed up without enough experience.

But Su Yang was only in his early twenties.

Because of this, Liu Weimin appreciates him more and more.

Don't worry about letting him take on heavier responsibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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