Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 61: It’s just an old lady. Is it so difficult to kill?

Chapter 61: She’s just an old lady. Is it so difficult to kill her?
mediator at this time.

The arrogant look he had before was long gone.

He became decadent and lost his soul.

But even so, he couldn't make people feel the slightest sympathy.

Having said that, without the help of netizens and the program team, this matter would not have been so smooth.

Now this program is fully staffed, and there is a dedicated person to serve Su Yang's live broadcast.

Any scenes with high-profile scenes or controversial points will be edited out immediately.

It only takes a few minutes to turn it into a full-blown video.

In the past, after a video like this was produced, it had to be reviewed by Chen Bo before it could be released.

And today, when they saw that Su Yang was angry, he made an illegal act of killing first and showing off later.

This is the first time that the program team released the video before the dispute was mediated.

I hope to attract public attention and help Su Yang.

And since this show became popular.

It is regarded as a traffic password by many people.

Sit under the program team's account every day.

As soon as this video was released, it was moved to various major platforms by countless bloggers.

The show itself also has nearly 800 million fans, and they are also reposting it like crazy without sparing any effort.

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, it soon attracted a lot of attention.

#You didn’t hit me, why did you help me? #
As soon as this entry appeared, it was directly placed on the real-time hot lists of major platforms.

Millions of netizens participated, and the amount of discussion exploded.

"Damn it! What do you mean it wasn't a collision? Why did you have to help me?"

"You need a reason to help someone? Isn't this a matter of helping others?"

"What kind of Dogecoin mediator can't say this without having cerebral thrombosis for three years?"

"The brain is not fully developed or the cerebellum is atrophied? Does such a person still work as a mediator? Bah!"

"Facts aside, 5000 years of traditional virtues of saving lives and healing the wounded have been shattered to pieces by this sentence."

"It's a big joke to be a mediator without even basic moral knowledge."


A flood of criticism on the Internet.

In this massive discussion, some people began to talk about the unfair treatment they encountered during mediation.

"An old man fell down in front of my house. The mediator insisted that it was my family's fault and asked me to pay 500 yuan."

"That's nothing to you. A kid stole my takeout and had diarrhea, and the mediator actually said it was my problem!"

"To put it aside, there was a report before that an old rural woman was fined 11 yuan by the urban management for selling home-grown vegetables. The mediator also said that the fine was light."

"Nowadays, society is sick. There must be many mediators like this."

"So mind your own business, stay safe, and stand at attention when you are beaten. If you fight back, you are fighting each other."

"Sometimes I'm afraid that disaster will fall from the sky. It's hard to live!"


At the beginning, everyone just expressed their emotions.

At most, they just scolded the mediator, and there were no other extreme actions.

But there are more and more similar injustices.

Netizens' emotions also completely exploded at this moment.

The mediator bore the brunt and became the target of everyone's anger.

Due to the technical processing of the mediator's face in the video, it was impossible to see his appearance clearly.

But his uniform is shining brightly.


At around eight o'clock in the morning, when the major courts in Shanghai just started working, they were bombarded with a massive number of complaints.

Even the district governments and major agencies and units in the Magic City were inevitably affected.

This directly caused a big shock to the major courts in the Magic City.

The mediator's unit naturally became the target of criticism.

Mediators from other major courts were not spared, and began a full set of education and rectification, self-examination and self-correction.

And the mediator naturally didn't end well either.

Notification, expulsion, red-headed documents are posted on the official website and announced to the public.

#About our hospital’s handling of XXX mediator#
#A letter to the society#
Commitment letter for all mediators in #魔都! #
In order to calm public opinion, the High Court responded as quickly as possible.

Major terms are on the hot search list one after another.


In order to restore the image of the mediator, Su Yang was established as an industry benchmark.Not only did he strongly praise his decisive and correct approach.

He also promoted his previous mediation videos under various official accounts and posted them @ the live broadcast room of the program team.

This operation resulted in,

The live broadcast room that originally had only 10,000+ people online suddenly increased by more than ten times.

Reached a historical high of 600 million+.

The real-time No. 1 live broadcast hot list on the platform.

The number of fans of the show's account also exceeded [-] million in a very short period of time.

And on the spot.

The mediator also received his processing notice.

A face suddenly turned pale!

His lips moved to say something, but found that no words could come out.

Su Yang ignored him and turned to face everyone,

"I will take over this matter and mediate it again."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of cheers from around him.

This also gave hope to Jiang Zhiyu and Tangtang's eyes again.

They are innocent.

Although there is no surveillance evidence, they believe that Su Yang will definitely find a way to clear their names.

"Mediator Susu."

"We really didn't hit anyone. She chased her and fell in front of our car."

"We kindly helped her up."

Jiang Zhiyu also wanted to call Su Yang's name.

But when she thought of the misunderstanding before, she quickly changed her tune.

Tangtang saw this and came over, "Yes, she chased me when I reversed the car."

"Chased for more than ten meters."

Tangtang is obviously not as calm as Jiang Juyu.

It sounds urgent and anxious.

And she wanted to express herself in front of Su Yang, making her look somewhat funny.

When they finished speaking, the old lady became anxious.

She repeated her old trick, clutching her chest and wailing, "You fart."

"It was obviously you who knocked me away more than ten meters."

"Now they are actually confusing right and wrong."

"Be careful, there will be retribution."

Although she pretended to be seriously injured, she spoke very confidently.

People who have seen the scene before.

I originally believed that the old lady's injury was fake and that she wanted to blackmail her.

But even though he knew this was the case, he was still shocked by her words.

Was he knocked back more than ten meters?

She's just an old lady. Is it so difficult to kill her?
And the middle-aged man obviously forgot that Su Yang still had some leverage.

Seeing his mother take action, he also started to scream.

"I don't accept the previous mediation now either."

"I just gave the mediator face, now it's you."

"I won't accept 2 yuan, it must be [-] yuan!"

Good guy!
Thirty thousand is not enough, but fifty thousand is needed.

This made Su Yang laugh.

The two of them looked like they would not give up until they got the money, which also made Su Yang feel troubled.

Now it's up to him to mediate, so the evidence will naturally be sufficient.

After all, this matter caused a lot of noise, and not only the entire network paid attention to it.

Many government agencies are also watching.

He must do everything in detail and close the chain of evidence to convince the public.

So he turned around and looked at the policeman, "Did you visit the area after the incident?"

"Are there any witnesses?"

(End of this chapter)

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