Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 69 Because he is a child, we cannot let him go!

Chapter 69 Because he is a child, we cannot let him go!

No one expected this naughty kid’s father to be so capable.

Everyone present was frightened.

Is it possible for a father to shirk responsibility like this?
The key is that this kid doesn't care at all.

After being pushed over, he still said with a smile, "My mother said, I am underage."

"You can't do anything to me."

"Just wait, I will smash your car next time."

At this time, I don’t know if it was the child’s aunt or uncle who was shouting next to him, “Yes!”

"The child is given to you, and you ask for money from him."

"You are such a shameless adult, you have to deal with a child."

"Satisfied now!"

These people sang together.

That is to say, we must play rogue to the end.

This not only made the crew-cut man so angry that his nose started to smoke, but also made the netizens in the live broadcast room so angry that their keyboards almost broke.

"Damn it, we really are not a family, we won't enter the same house."

"This is the first time I've seen such a rogue person, damn!"

"You're so shameless, you're just fooling around!"

"Children who grow up in such a family will be the scum of society in the future."

“What a dogecoin parent, what a dogecoin child.”


This way of handling.

Directly create the three views of netizens.

This kind of education method also makes many netizens very worried about their children's future.

What they say is indeed true.

The child is still young and ignorant.

But if the child is ignorant, then the parents are also ignorant?

Now that you are being guided like this, you are taking advantage of minors to do evil.

Will the child never grow up one day?
What kind of cover will we use then?
In Su Yang's opinion, such parents are really stupid.

I almost killed my child and didn’t even know it.

His parents and relatives are mainly responsible for causing the current situation.

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei was also extremely angry.

While he was angry, he also felt that things were a bit tricky.

Forced to take him back to the prison?
These people will not stop being rogue just because they have changed places.

You might as well make a big fuss at the police station by then.

If you don't take it back, you can only suggest that the car owner sue to defend his rights.

But the other party is a minor, so it is too difficult to defend his rights.

Shen Fei has run out of moves.

At this time, he couldn't help but look at Su Yang aside.

He could turn around such a passive situation just now. Can you please ask him to take action to rectify it at this time?

When Shen Fei looked at Su Yang, the netizens in the live broadcast room realized belatedly that Su Yang had not spoken since he came over.

They also immediately saw hope.

"Oh my god, Brother Su, how can you still hold on?"

"Take action, don't make me kneel down to beg you."

"Call Brother Su online to take care of the naughty kid."

"It's not so much about cleaning him up as it is about saving him."

"That's true. If we don't educate this kind of child, it will be too late."


After receiving Shen Fei's look that looked like he was begging for help, Su Yang, who had already planned to take action, walked out.

He looked at the naughty child's father with a cold look and said, "This is the first time I've ever seen such a shameless person like you."

Caught off guard, he cursed when he opened his mouth.

This shocked Shen Fei so much that his jaw dropped.

As a public official, are you afraid of being sued for swearing?

And in his impression, mediators either like to use their status to pressure people.

Or he is a playful and smiling person who likes to pretend to be peacemakers and muddy.

He started scolding someone before he even saw him coming up.

But after thinking about it more carefully, I felt that this was Su Yang's behavior.

After all, when he was mediating the old lady's porcelain incident just now, he also came to "blackmail" her first.

Such an unconventional way of playing cards made Shen Fei feel that Su Yang had to do it to deal with such scoundrels.So he stood aside and watched the battle with confidence.

"Who the hell are you?"

Suddenly being scolded, the naughty boy's father asked angrily.

Su Yang didn't answer him, but slapped him in the face again.

"I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen you so shameless."

"What do you mean you have to have trouble with a child?"

"It's your adults' problem that your children are not well educated."

"If he dares to step on other people's cars now, he will dare to step on your grave in the future."

"If you don't educate yourself well, I'm afraid it will be too late for you to regret it in the future."

Su Yang's crackling output made the naughty boy's father so angry that his eyebrows stood up.

Just as he was about to refute, Su Yang started again.

"No matter what, it's your child's fault."

"I stepped on other people's cars and made them lose so much money."'

"The key is that your attitude is not good. You did something wrong and provoked others."

"Do you want to go to heaven?"

"Can playing rogue solve the problem?"

"Don't think that just because he is still a child, you can forget about it?"

"Tell you, it's impossible!"


Su Yang scolded happily, and netizens felt comfortable hearing it.

Even the flat-headed man felt that Su Yang's words spoke to his heart and that he was seeking justice for him.

But the next second, when he heard Su Yang say, "But you are right, he is just a child."

Hearing this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He has seen others trying to break up a fight. For similar things, he would first scold his own child and act as if the child had been educated by him, making people think that the matter should be left alone.

Generally speaking, when many people face this kind of situation, even if they feel angry, they will choose not to pursue it further.

After all, their parents have already taught her a lesson, and it would look stingy for me to hold on to him and not put him down.

So when the flat-headed man thought that Su Yang had this idea, his heart suddenly shuddered.

Although he didn't know Su Yang's identity.

But he knew that Su Yang came with the policeman, and at the very least he was a plainclothes man.

Is it really like that? Do you still have to suffer such a boring loss?
When he thought of this, the crew-cut man became angry again.

The same misunderstanding occurred among the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"This! Brother Su, what are you doing?"

"It's not because he's young that we plan to let him go."

"No, this is a disaster, you can't be merciful."

"You can't let this kid go. Think about his disgusting behaviors."


Netizens are dying.

The naughty kid's father seemed to have guessed Su Yang's intention.

He was furious one second, but now he felt relaxed.

The naughty kid saw his dad so relaxed, and his expression became more and more arrogant.

He raised his chin and looked at the flat-haired man provocatively.

Just say 'What can you do to me' written all over his face.

At this time, Su Yang's voice continued to come.

"He's still a kid."


"We can't let him go!"

"You dare to do this at a young age, how can you do it when you grow up?"

When Su Yang said this, his expression was as serious as if he was giving a speech at a conference.

What he said almost burned everyone's CPU.

The turn was unexpected.

The crew-cut man was dumbfounded.

The naughty father's relaxed expression began to crack.

The naughty boy looked at Su Yang with a puzzled expression. Why was what this man said different from what he thought?

The barrage in the live broadcast room fell into a brief silence.

(End of this chapter)

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