Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 72: I give this wave of pretense 99 points. The difference is 1 point because I am afraid th

Chapter 72: I give this wave of pretense 99 points. I’m just one point shy because I’m afraid he’ll be proud.
The naughty child has been pampered and grown up since he was a child.

Not to mention being beaten before, not even a harsh word was said to me.

Even if he went out to get into trouble, his father would never say a word to him.

But today..
Looking at the slaps that kept coming, the naughty child hid and shouted, "Mom, Mom!"


"Second aunt!!"

"What happened to you today?"

The naughty kid didn't understand. Didn't these people love him very much in the past?
Why don't you watch him get beaten today?
When the fat woman saw her son being beaten, she couldn't bear it at first, but when she thought of Su Yang's lesson just now.

He made up his mind not to look at him again.

The same is true for everyone else. Who would have thought that they were just protecting their shortcomings.

But he raised his children like this.


Sorry for the first time!

The naughty boy's father really took the killing blow this time.

Within a few moments, the child's face swelled into a pig's head.

After a while, the cursing voice weakened, and he didn't even dare to speak back.

The whole person was drooping and lifeless.

Seeing this scene, Su Yang's expression softened.

I'm worried that something will go wrong if I continue playing.

He quickly stopped, "That's enough!!"

"There is still plenty of time to discipline children."

"Solve the current problem first!"

After hearing Su Yang's words, the naughty boy's father stopped, but his energy and energy seemed to be drained away.

His legs were as soft as noodles, and he suddenly sat on the ground.

"Do you still have any objections to the 18 yuan compensation requested by the car owner?"

The naughty boy's father shook his head in a daze, "No objection."

18 for 18 years, everyone knows how to choose.

He recognized this lesson and accepted it wholeheartedly.

"In view of your previous verbal and behavioral insults to the car owner, I ask you to compensate him for 2 yuan in mental damages."

"Do you accept?"

This condition made the naughty boy's father stunned for a moment, but he nodded.

Considering what they just did, 2 yuan is not much.

But as soon as he agreed, the fat woman said awkwardly, "The child's father, how can our family have so much money?"

The capital is not rich per capita, and there are also many people at the bottom.

20 is indeed not a small amount.

"Sell the house if you have no money."

"If that doesn't work, I'll sell my kidneys and blood!"

The naughty boy's father completely placed the blame on himself.

If it weren't for his unlimited connivance, how could this situation have happened today.

As Su Yang said, it is 18 now, and it will be 18 years from now.

So don't say 20, even if it's 200 million, 2000 million, he will compensate.

As long as it can save his son, he can do anything.

The child's father's statement made the fat woman shut her mouth, and she could only continue to shed tears silently.

The naughty kid didn't understand his father's behavior. He muttered and asked, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"I'm underage, there's nothing they can do to me."

"Don't be cowardly."

This sentence successfully ignited Su Yang's suppressed anger.

"Is there nothing I can do to you if I'm underage?"

Su Yang reluctantly grabbed his collar, "Do you need me to explain to you what the juvenile detention center does?"

"Based on your current behavior, it will be no problem to lock you up for three to five years."

"If the owner doesn't reconcile."

"He can wait until you are an adult before suing you. By then, you will be out of the juvenile detention center and behind bars."

"You spend the best part of your life in prison, don't you think it's cool?"

In just a few words, the naughty child was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He struggled desperately to escape, but how could he escape.

Not to mention that there was Shen Fei beside him, he couldn't even break free from Su Yang's hand.

When the fat woman heard that the consequences were so serious, she rolled and ran upstairs.

running and shouting,

"I'll get the money and I'll pay right away."

Soon, she stumbled downstairs again.

The cash, bankbooks, jewelry, and even a real estate certificate in his arms were all stuffed into the crewmember's hand. "It's our fault, please don't sue."

"Please let my son go. He will change. He will definitely change."

This completely different attitude from before made the crew-cut man confused.

For a moment I didn’t know whether to take it or reject it.

When the naughty kid heard what his mother said, he cried and begged Su Yang for mercy, "Uncle, I was wrong."

"Please let me go this time."

"I promise I will change it."

Faced with the naughty kid's assurance, Su Yang was not moved at all. He replied rudely, "It's not that you know you're wrong, you know that you're going to die."

After saying that, he looked at Shen Fei and said, "The compensation matters here have been dealt with."

"Send this child to a juvenile detention center for rehabilitation."

"If they are not renovated well, they are not allowed to be released."

"Take it away!"

Originally, as long as I lost money, everything would be over.

Now not only do we have to pay for it, we also have to send it in for renovation.

When Su Yang finished saying this, the naughty kid was so frightened that he peed his pants.

A fishy smell instantly filled the surroundings.

And such an ending not only made people around him applaud, but also made netizens in the live broadcast room happy.

"Are you scared to death? Didn't you just shout that you shouldn't be a coward?"

“If you don’t know the heights of the world, and haven’t experienced severe beatings from society, you always think you are invincible.”

"Finally I know I'm afraid."

"It's better to go to a juvenile detention center. No one who comes out of there will be dishonest."

"Reform a new leaf and start a new life."


As soon as she heard that her son was still going to be sent to a juvenile detention center, the fat woman fainted with a scream.

Those relatives and friends pinched people and gave them water.

The scene was chaotic.

The father of the naughty boy saw his child being escorted into a police car.

Even though his eyes were full of pain, he didn't stop him.

He just regretted that he didn't take good care of him, which led to the situation where he needed to be taken care of by the state.

The follow-up matters were left to Shen Fei to handle.

Su Yang retired with success.

When he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by a man with a flat head and quick hands.

"Leader, thanks to you today."

"If it weren't for you, this would never have gone so smoothly."

The crew-cut man was really grateful to Su Yang.

Because of the foolhardy attitude of this family, not only would he not be able to get compensation if he was allowed to do it by himself.

It is estimated that he will be charged with one more crime of hurting someone.

Thinking about it now, I'm still a little scared.

But fortunately, because of Su Yang, all this was solved perfectly.

Su Yang has long been accustomed to such thanks.

He replied calmly, "It's okay, this is my job."

"That's because the leaders are serious and responsible for their work."

“It would be great if there were more leaders like you.”

Surveillance cameras have blind spots when photographing people, but this guy with a flat head has no blind spots when it comes to flattering people.

After flattering him, he took out a business card and said, "Boss, if you have anything to say, please speak to me."

"I still have some connections in Shanghai."

It was obvious that the crew-cut man wanted to express his gratitude.

But this approach is against the rules.

Su Yang declined, "No, I just did what I should do."

Without giving the crew-cut man time to react, he left immediately after speaking.

that back,
With three points, neither humble nor arrogant, three points without success, four points calm and calm.

The live broadcast room at this time.

"Damn it! It was pretended by him!"

"I give this show of pretense 99 points. The one point difference is because I'm afraid he will be proud."

"Then I will only give 82 points, but I will send the remaining 18 points to the barrage in the form of 666."

"It's such a tight fit. The last time I saw it fit so well was the mortise and tenon structure."


(End of this chapter)

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