Asked to mediate family disputes, you will make people divorce

Chapter 81 What oil?Your car is already good at driving here!

Chapter 81 What oil?Your car is already good at driving here!
At this moment, everyone who had just seen it in a fog suddenly understood.

All of a sudden they were very angry.

Especially those who watched the entire process.

The middle-aged man is so pitiful, yet these evil-hearted people still bully him like that.

Damn it!

And many of the people present were drivers of large trucks.

They are deeply aware that the experiences of middle-aged people may one day happen to them.

So even if they knew they would offend the checkpoint, they couldn't help but speak up.

"I've paid the fine for overloading, and now I find out that the truck is empty. Isn't this a joke?"

"It must be made clear which link caused the problem."

"We earn hard-earned money, and we don't bully others like you."

"The fine must be refunded to others, and you dare to collect this money."

"If you do this, no one will dare to come here in the future."


Hearing the voices of the people around him, the inspector turned red with anger.

He looked at Su Yang, the instigator, angrily, "Who are you!"

"What's the matter with you?"

Su Yang smiled and said in an angry tone, "I'm just a passerby."

"But when I see injustice on the road, I yell, cough, cough!"

This sentence is so poisonous that I almost sang it!
However, this playful smile made the inspector so angry that he almost passed away.

Now, the middle-aged man doesn't want to just let it go.

He cooperated with Su Yang and ran over to question, "Boss, where's my oil?"

"I paid the fine, so you can't just deduct gas from me too, right?"

"Look at my mother who is so ill, and there is still a wife and children waiting for dinner at home."

The words were exactly the same as before, but the mood was completely different.

In order to get the money back, he even squeezed out a few tears.

The investigator was so angry with these two people that he pushed the middle-aged man away and cursed,
"Oil what oil?"

"This car was out of gas when it came here."

"Don't even think about blackmailing me."

Before he could finish speaking, he shut up with a look of horror on his face.

But the information he revealed was enough to cause an uproar.

"Damn! I knew I had no gas and I still impounded the car."

"I thought it was something wrong with the weighbridge, but it turns out there's something wrong with people's hearts."

"There is such a moth on the highway. Is there any way to stop this?"

"He also said that others were blackmailing people. He probably wanted to blackmail people."

"If you do such an immoral thing, be careful not to give birth to a son without skin."


The inspector directly aroused public outrage, and the people around him scolded him increasingly harshly.

Su Yang didn't intend to let him go, and asked loudly, "What did you say?"

"There was no gas when you drove here?"

"Then why does it show overload when crossing the weighbridge?"

"An empty car that ran out of gas was ticketed for being overloaded. Please give me a reasonable explanation."

At this moment, Su Yang had already put away his playful smile.

The momentum he showed was even stronger than when he was in the High Court.

The inspector was always arrogant, and he had never been questioned so forcefully.

For a moment, I panicked.


"What explanation!"

"There's nothing wrong with the weighing scale. I'm following the rules."

"He's just overloaded."

After he stammered, Su Yang's voice followed closely.

The tone was harsher and the volume louder.

"Since it's overloaded, where's the oil?"

“Where did the oil go?!”

This roar made the inspector tremble.

He probably never expected to encounter such a situation.

There is not even a way to deal with it.Drivers in the past would overload their vehicles if they were told they were overloaded, and they would be fined if they were asked to pay a fine.

Which one doesn't obediently pay the money and leave.

what is it today?
The payment was not done well, and there were so many things left after the payment was made.

The inspector was going crazy.

At this time, he was just like the middle-aged man just now.

Pulling his hair and spinning around.

As if thinking of ways to fool him.

But the people around him wouldn't give him time to think about this. Seeing that he didn't answer, they all urged him.

"Tell me, where did the oil go?"

"Young man, you said someone else's empty car is overloaded. Since it is overloaded, where is the oil?"

"Answer quickly, don't try to fool us."


At this moment, the emotions of the people around him had reached their peak.

They seem to be seeking justice, but in fact they are protecting themselves.

If this is not true, they will be the next unlucky ones.

Some people even took out their mobile phones to record the incident, fearing that the inspector would not admit their fault.

Don't you know that this scene has been broadcast live by Su Yang?

Thanks to the efforts of netizens, the relevant departments have also received reports and are on their way here.

Faced with the questioning of everyone, the inspector just wanted to escape.

But the matter was not resolved, who allowed him to leave?
At this time, the onlookers spontaneously formed a circle. No matter where the inspector wanted to go, there was no way.

Those with a better temper just block and don't let them pass.

If you have a bad temper, just push him back.

This investigator was already fat, and now he was being pushed around like a rubber ball.

Seeing the situation, the middle-aged man stepped forward, grabbed his collar, and asked eagerly, "Tell me quickly, where is my oil?"

It looked like 60 tons of oil had really been lost.

I have to say that this acting skill is countless times better than Su Yang's.

Even the boss who wanted to buy oil was deceived and helped the middle-aged man to question him.

"Tell me, where did you get the oil?"

"Hurry up and bring it back to him, I want to buy more."

The middle-aged man is just showing off, but this boss is serious about it.

He grabbed the inspector's arm and shook him until he rolled his eyes.

This turned the inspector's already confused mind into a mess.

Admitting to cheating is a violation of law and discipline. Not only will you be severely punished, but you will also lose your job.

If you don’t admit fraud, how can you explain the missing 60 tons of oil?

At this moment, the inspector completely collapsed.

"how could I know?"

"Don't ask me if you're all on horseback."

He threw away the middle-aged man's hand like crazy.

Regardless of whether you admit it or not, it's not good to fall behind. It's better to cheat directly.

After making up his mind, he started to tell lies, "Your oil has been stolen."

"There are so many people coming and going in the service area. You don't know who to blame."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was laughed at by the people around him.

"Do you think we are all three-year-old children? Not to mention that there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the service area, who would dare to steal things in public."

"This is not Chinese cabbage. You can just pick it up and run away? Are you kidding me about dozens of tons of oil?"

"Even if it was stolen, it was stolen on your territory, and you will have to pay for it if you failed to supervise it."


As people around me say, even if it is stolen, the checkpoint is still responsible.

You can't deny it anyway.

When Su Yang heard this, he didn't react at all.

Just watch him with cold eyes and continue to perform.

Even though the situation was like this, the investigator still naively believed that the excuse was feasible.

He kept shouting, "You deserve to be stolen."

"Don't try to rely on me."

(End of this chapter)

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