Chapter 1 A boy joins the army!

In the second year of Jianyuan, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che ascended the throne for the first time. After worshiping his ancestors at Bashang, he returned to the palace and temporarily lived in Princess Pingyang's mansion.

That night, Princess Pingyang presented the singing girl Wei Zifu to Liu Che. It happened to be Wei Zifu's menstrual period, and her twin sister Wei Pingjun replaced Wei Zifu to serve Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

A few months later, Wei Pingjun, the third wife of the Wei family, disappeared from the world and became an eternal mystery of the Wei family unknown to outsiders.


14 years later, Lantian.

Qianshui Village.

In a dilapidated wooden house, Wei Ning carefully hung the jade pendant around his neck.

This was the only relic left to him by his mother before she died.

Weining is a maternal-fetal time traveler. He traveled to Han Dynasty 14 years ago and lived with his mother in Qianshui Village, Lantian, the moment he was born.

Over the years, he often saw his mother crying late at night while holding a jade pendant. He would often say sorry to Wei Ning and let himself suffer with her.

In fact, Weining has never felt miserable. Although he usually works in farming, the time when he and his mother depended on each other were Weining's happiest times.

Wei Ning was abandoned in his previous life and grew up in an orphanage. He had never felt maternal love. In this life, he felt it, so hot and sincere.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. On the winter night last year, her mother fell seriously ill and passed away. That night, Wei Ning felt that she had lost everything and cried heartbrokenly.

Last month, a conscription order from Chang'an was sent to Qianshui Village. Originally, the conscription order was issued to the son of Village Chief Ma.

During those nights, Village Chief Ma and his family felt that the sky was about to collapse. They were born and raised farmers in Han Dynasty and had never experienced a big storm in their lives. In this era, few people who went to serve as soldiers could come back.

Weining took the initiative to find Village Chief Ma and expressed his willingness to join the army instead of Village Chief Ma's eldest son.

Village Chief Ma disagreed with anything he said, but Weining was very stubborn. In the end, Village Chief Ma couldn't resist Wei Ning. He was grateful to Weining and handed over all the valuable things in his family to Weining. He was very grateful to Weining.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Weining's mother was pregnant out of wedlock at the time, and after having Weining, she wandered all the way to Lantian.

That's right, Mother Wei is not from Qianshui Village. In this era, it was relatively common to get pregnant out of wedlock. For example, the famous Huo Qubing didn't know who his father was for a long time.

Weining was very surprised. He didn't know why his mother wandered here. This matter was not tolerated by the world.

However, Wei Ning never asked his mother about these things. He knew that her mother was unwilling to talk about it. Weining had always been very sensible. If her mother didn't tell her, he stopped asking.

The past is like smoke, it was the villagers of Qianshui Village who adopted Wei's mother and gave her half an acre of land, so that Wei's mother worked hard to help Wei Ning grow up.

Weining is grateful to the villagers of Qianshui Village.

This time, being able to replace the eldest son of Ma Village as a soldier is a way of repaying the favor.

"Mother, you often tell me that a good man must be polite and kind."

"My child has not disappointed you. If you go to enlist in the army this time, you may have a narrow escape. If you are lucky enough to come back, my child will be with you again."

"But maybe... the child will be able to go down to see you soon."

Weining murmured in a low voice. Under the light, there was a helpless and thin little boy with firm eyes, but he looked so distressed.


Early the next morning.

The morning light, the crowing of cocks, and the barking of dogs began an ordinary day in Qianshui Village.

Many people gathered at the entrance of the village. On the trail behind, the young man carried his luggage and walked calmly to the entrance of the village, waving and greeting the kind villagers of Qianshui Village.

"Grandpa Ma, Uncle Chen, I'm leaving. You should take good care of yourselves. When I come back from my achievements, I will make you rich and prosperous together."

Many elders had tears in their eyes and kept nodding, telling Weining to be safe and to be careful when going out.

Wei Ning looked at the concerned eyes of the villagers, said nothing, waved behind him, and stepped onto the official road resolutely.The early morning sunshine stretched the young man's back very, very long.

This is the only way he can repay the villagers of Qianshui Village. Even if he knows that he will escape death on the battlefield this time, he will never look back!

Young man’s kindness!

The villagers of Qianshui Village stood at the head of the village and watched Weining leave in silence.

Regarding Weining's life experience, the villagers in Qianshui Village were unwilling to mention it. At that time, her mother came to Qianshui Village with a pregnant belly and no man around her.

The villagers had actually speculated that Wei's mother might have been abandoned, or she might have gotten pregnant out of wedlock. No matter what the situation was, Wei Ning would undoubtedly be pitiful.

Oh, what a poor child.


Han Dynasty, the sixth year of Yuan Shuo.

The glory of the pre-Qin Dynasty was replaced by the great Han Empire, and the First Emperor, who once aspired to be emperor for eternity, disappeared into the smoke of history.

Now, the hesitant and ambitious emperor who is determined to eliminate the humiliation of marriage has ascended the throne and brazenly launched the third Northern War against Beisei at the beginning of this year!
Chang'an suburbs.

Scenes of thunderous shaking of mountains and mountains were staged in this area.

The dragon flag of the Han Dynasty fluttered in the wind. Every time the soldiers waved the flag, rows of phalanxes squirmed like dragons and giant beasts.

The horse phalanx ran on both sides of the infantry, setting off waves of yellow sand and white mist!

"Wind, wind, wind!"

The soldiers' high-pitched shouts filled with murderous intent seemed to tear the sky apart, making people's blood boil after listening to them!

Wei Ning stared blankly at the scene in the military camp, secretly clenching his fists.

Among the swarming crowd of recruits, Weining was not conspicuous, and even said that his presence was very low.

Compared with other strong recruits, Wei Yi's figure is too thin.

The new recruits registered at the front have completed the registration process. Wei Ning trotted up to the soldier responsible for registering new recruits, stood up straight, and said loudly: "Lantian Qianshui Village, recruit Wei Ning reports!"

The veteran in charge of registration carved Weining's name and place of origin on a bamboo slip and handed it to Weining.

"Thank you, General." Wei Ning took the bamboo slip with both hands and said shyly, "General... I didn't drink much water along the way. Can I have a sip?"

The veteran in charge of registration hummed and said, "Stand aside and drink, don't waste the time of the people behind you."


Weining drank the porcelain cup on the table in one gulp, and then filled the porcelain cup with water from the kettle.

The coldness in the eyes of the veteran who was responsible for registering was slightly lessened. At this moment, Wei Ning was more pleasing to his eyes. Apparently, Wei Ning's inconspicuous act of pouring water just moved him.

He is a young man with a heart.

"Thank you General, the villain has gone in."

"Wait a moment."

The veteran stopped Weining and said, "Go to the crossbow camp and wait for me. I'll go there later."


Weining walked into the military camp.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
A group of black-armored heavy riders rushed from behind, kicking up waves of dust.

When passing by Weining, the leading general looked back at Weining deeply. After a startling glance, the group of heavy cavalry disappeared from Weining's sight!
(End of this chapter)

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