The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 100: The Emperor attaches too much importance to Concubine Wei, right?

Chapter 100: The Emperor attaches too much importance to Concubine Wei, right?

Chang'an, Weiyang Palace.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had already arranged many things. As the new year was approaching, he had far fewer memorials to deal with.

Huo Qubing has planned to form an intelligence agency under the emperor in accordance with his will, and is training and selecting personnel. These matters are left to Huo Qubing, so Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty can rest assured.

He stood in front of Tianlu Pavilion with his hands behind his back, and behind him stood Shi Qing and Dong Zhongshu.

Tianlu Pavilion is the royal school where princes of the Western Han Dynasty were educated. When Liu Che was young, he received education here with Prince Liu Rong and others.

Time has passed and this place has become deserted.

Shi Qing, the internal historian, suggested that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty resume royal education and let Liu Huan, Liu Zhi and several little princesses come to receive education.

That's why Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty brought Shi Qing here.

Liu Huan is slightly older, already 13 years old, Liu Ju is five years old, and the other princesses are also seven or eight years old.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had not paid much attention to their education before. It was only after the internal historian and other bureaucrats wrote to them repeatedly that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was touched.

It is time to start cultivating a national foundation for the empire.

He glanced at Shi Qing and said, "From now on, you will be responsible for the prince's moral and intellectual education."

"It is decreed that all princes and princesses above the age of four in the palace must come here to receive education."


After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finished speaking, he took Dong Zhongshu and left.

Dong Zhongshu is very strange. Logically speaking, he is also an internal historian, and his status and knowledge are higher than Shi Qing's.

Although Shi Qing came from a famous family and was extremely knowledgeable, he was still inferior to Dong Zhongshu.

From any point of view, the education of the royal prince, and even the foundation of the future prince's kingdom, should be left to Dong Zhongshu.

But he didn't understand why Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Shi Qing full responsibility for this task.

Now that the Han Dynasty has not established a heir apparent, officials in the outer court are all guessing whether it will be Liu Huan or Liu Zhi. Who is qualified? It all depends on the emperor's whim.

Now that two princes are coming to receive education, could it be that the emperor is inspecting them?

Dong Zhongshu had this suspicion in his mind, but he couldn't think of a reason. After all, no one could figure out the emperor's thoughts and will.

"Master Dong."

Upon hearing the emperor's words, Dong Zhongshu hurriedly pulled himself out of his thoughts, clasped his fists respectfully and said, "I am here."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty glanced at him and said, "I still have a task for you. You can teach another person for me."

Dong Zhongshu was stunned for a moment and asked me to teach another person?

Who else in this world is worthy of my teaching?

He really couldn't figure it out.

Not qualified!The only qualified people are Liu Huan and Liu Zhi, who else is there?

Son of Heaven, what does this mean?
Dong Zhongshu was a little unsure and said cautiously: "I obey the order, I wonder... who is it?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought for a while and said: "My chief concubine is the chief concubine of Wei Ningwei."

Dong Zhongshu was a little confused. It was undeniable that Weining had made great contributions to the Han Dynasty. Whether it was horseshoes or the initials and vowels of enlightenment education, they all promoted the science and technology education of the Han Dynasty.

His performance on the battlefield was also remarkable.

But he is just a minister!He is the emperor's domestic slave. What qualifications does he have to let me teach him knowledge?
Dong Zhongshu couldn't figure it out. This was against the rules and not in line with Zhou etiquette!
Makes no sense!
If this matter spreads out, there will be an uproar in the officialdom, the officials will strongly oppose it, and the censor will impeach Wei Ning to death!
Such a great transgression!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty squinted his eyes and said: "There is no need to tell others, lest someone shouts and kills him again."

Isn't it?You are the emperor. I have never seen you be so considerate. Are you thinking too much about Concubine Wei?

Huo Qubing has never seen you treat me like this! "Go over today and give him a test to see how much he has learned."

Born as a farmer, he has not received education for more than ten years, and his knowledge can only be determined in a small area.

This was what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was most worried about.

Even though he already has a favorable environment and noble status at this time, it is uncertain whether he will fall because of this.

Military generals kill enemies bravely, but in the end they can only be generals who charge into battle.

The transformation from general to marshal requires knowledge and strategy.

Isn’t it like this when governing a country?

Without knowledge, everything is a castle in the air, let alone teach him how to govern people and govern the country.

These all need to be consolidated bit by bit on the basis of knowledge.

13 years... 13 years of delay...

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't care if he was just a concubine or even a marquis. As long as he had the powerful martial arts to charge into battle, it was enough for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

He didn't expect what Weining would transform into.

But now it's different.

He is my son!
He shouldn't be like this!I also want to see if he is just like everyone else, or if he is extremely talented!

Dong Zhongshu couldn't react for a while.

He was trying to figure out what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was thinking.

Go now?Why rush it?
He was born as a military commander, while Dong Zhongshu was a great Confucian and a scholar. The two of them were not at the same level at all. They would probably play the piano to each other in a conversation, so what could they learn from it?
Dong Zhongshu looked at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty incomprehensively.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "I don't know what I need you to test him for. You can make up your own mind. I will listen outside. Let's go."

Dong Zhongshu: "..."

Your Majesty, are you putting me in a bit of trouble?

Dong Zhongshu gritted his teeth and followed Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty outside.

After the Ba Ling assassination incident, although Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty went on patrol incognito this time, many hidden lines were deployed around him, and there were several highly skilled guards around him to ensure the safety of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

It's snowing late.

The heavy snow during the day subsided, and the extreme cold began again in the evening.

On the outskirts of the countryside, it was a vast expanse of white and the cold wind was biting. Two fast horses kicked on the snowflakes and walked slowly towards Qianshui Village.

After arriving at Weining's mansion, Zhao Ce hurriedly went to inform him. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pressed his hands and said indifferently: "No need to inform."

He glanced at Dong Zhongshu, who nodded, respectfully saluted Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and then walked towards the middle hall.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stood outside the central hall wearing a large cloak.

Wei Ning was sitting on his knees reading a book under the light. The room was very warm. He sipped his tea before putting it down. He saw a tall and thin man wearing a black velvet cloak walking towards him. After flicking the snowflakes on his body, he put down the cloak. Remove.

Wei Ning looked at him strangely. He didn't know who it was, but he didn't know why Zhao Ce didn't come to report it. He couldn't help but frown slightly.

Dong Zhongshu did not hold his own status and looked down upon Wei Ning. Anyone who could be so valued by the emperor, regardless of his title, Dong Zhongshu had to look down upon.

He cupped his hands and said to Wei Ning: "My internal history officer Dong Zhongshu has met Chief Wei."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment. He had heard of Dong Zhongshu. Even if he had not read the book, he would still know about this man who had a profound influence on the entire feudal dynasty.

It was Dong Zhongshu who proposed the idea of ​​deposing all schools of thought and only respecting Confucianism!

His contribution to the Western Han Dynasty, and even to the entire feudal and imperial society, was so profound!

(End of this chapter)

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