Chapter 23 Taking Huo Qubing hostage

Huo Qubing came to Wei Qing's camp and questioned Wei Qing with a red face.

Wei Qing glanced at him lightly and said calmly: "I asked him to stay in Dingxiang without going out."

Huo Qubing was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "Why?"

"Uncle, do you still think he is a new recruit? He is really... not weak!"

Huo Qubing didn't say that Weining was very strong, because Huo Qubing still doesn't know Weining's actual combat ability.

When we went to suppress the bandits that night, no one saw Weining's performance on the battlefield.

However, training after training was enough to prove that Wei Ning was very strong, and he had easily fought against two veterans just now.

With such comprehensive qualities and individual soldier abilities, as well as proficiency in riding and crossbows, from any angle, Huo Qubing could not find any reason not to let him go out.

Huo Qubing really didn't know what Wei Qing was thinking.

Wei Qing did not open his mouth to explain, but said to Huo Qubing: "It's done, you can go down."

Huo Qubing said: "But uncle, I don't understand the reason why you don't let him go out! Isn't it a waste to store such good materials in Dingxiang?"

"He is a soldier. Whether he has made great achievements or is buried in horse leather, this is the fate of a soldier. Why should we stop him from killing the enemy outside the wall?"

Wei Qing: "I don't need to explain to you what I'm thinking. You won't teach me a lesson until you reach my position, Huo Qubing! Get down!"

When Huo Qubing saw that his uncle was really angry, he didn't dare to talk back anymore, so he could only leave the camp angrily.


Wei Ning silently returned to the cavalry camp. Over at the weapons warehouse, all dry food, armor, and weapons had been delivered.

Hundreds of people from the cavalry battalion will begin to distribute supplies to individual light cavalry soldiers by name.

Weining could only watch in silence.

The commander of the cavalry battalion glanced at Wei Ning, who was silent. He walked to Wei Ning, patted his shoulder and said, "General Wei has someone send you a horse."

"You should train well in Dingxiang."

"If you don't leave the fortress this time, General Wei must have his own arrangements. Don't blame General Wei."

The chief patted the horse and said to Wei Ning: "General Wei specially asked the stable to pick out the best horse for you."

"Get along with it and don't be disappointed. There are many opportunities."

Wei Ning nodded gently: "Thank you, Chief."

The chief waved his hand: "Hey, thank you for what I did. It was given by General Wei. It shows that the general values ​​you very much."

Do you value me?

Weining hummed noncommittally.


Huo Qubing was walking on the streets of Dingxiang with his hands behind his back, looking worried. He didn't know how to explain it to Weining.

No one can change the outcome of what my uncle has decided.

But why?My uncle had such good seedlings, why didn't he use them?
This was something Huo Qubing couldn't figure out.

On the side of the street, an old man was walking on the dirt road carrying a load. Because of the slippery road, the old man accidentally fell on the dirt road.

Huo Qubing walked over, helped him up with one hand, and said, "Old man, look at the road. It just rained and the road is slippery."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

The old man was grateful. Huo Qubing nodded and walked forward again with his hands behind his back in meditation.

The next moment, a sharp weapon pressed against his waist.

The old man said in a hoarse voice just now: "I know you are an officer of the military camp."

"Take me out of Dingxiang City!"

Huo Qubing frowned and walked forward indifferently, saying, "Who are you? Do you know the consequences of holding me hostage?"

The old man said hehey: "I know, but I also know that if I continue to stay in Dingxiang, it is very likely that I will be cut into pieces."

Huo Qubing hesitated for a while and then said, "Are you the spy in Dingxiang City?"

"So what?" "If you dare to move, I will stab you to death immediately."

Huo Qubing didn't say anything else and walked step by step towards Dingxiang Nancheng as per the other party's request.

The south gate of Dingxiang County is the only official road from Dingxiang to the outside of the Great Wall.

Once out of the city, the opponent can be as high as the sky and let the birds fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump.

But tens of thousands of people in Dingxiang were looted, and 510 three colleagues died. Who will repay this debt?

When Huo Qubing came to the south gate, the defenders immediately surrounded Huo Qubing and shouted: "Leave quickly!"

Huo Qubing raised his hand and said, "I am Colonel Piao Yao. Kill the people behind me and leave me alone!"

The expression of the old man behind Huo Qubing changed. He put the dagger directly against Huo Qubing's neck and shouted: "Prepare a horse for me! Otherwise I will kill him immediately!"


Inside the Dingxiang military camp.

A soldier hurriedly found Wei Qing: "Report! General, Huo Qubing was kidnapped at the south gate."


Wei Qing stared angrily, stood up suddenly, and said: "Who is so bold!"

"Lead the troops over!"

Huo Qubing was also Wei Qing's nephew. In addition, he was the heart of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He could die on the battlefield, but he couldn't die so cowardly!
Wei Qing shouted loudly, got on his horse, and galloped towards the south gate with hundreds of soldiers.

Crossbow camp.

A force of one hundred generals was moving forward rapidly at this time.

Wei Ning was bored and feeding the horses in the cavalry camp, but when he saw the crossbow camp marching in such a hurry, he immediately got on his horse and chased after them.

"Uncle Li, are you in such a hurry? What happened?"

When Lao Li looked at Weining again, he felt sad. After not seeing him for several days, this boy had such superb horse skills.

He hurriedly said: "I heard that Huo Qubing was kidnapped. They are at the south gate. Let's go and shoot each other."

After a brief exchange, Lao Li and others marched hastily.

Weining's expression changed slightly, kidnapping Huo Qubing?He thought for a moment and quickly realized what was going on.

The traitor who was dormant in Dingxiang appeared. In these days, the whole city of Dingxiang was under martial law, and the traitor who opened the city gate and let the Huns into Dingxiang was hunted down.

I was afraid that the enemy was about to be exposed, so he kidnapped Huo Qubing and prepared to escape from the city.

Wei Ning frowned, dismounted from his horse, and entered the camp. He held a black dragon and black iron overlord on his back, got on his horse again, and rushed towards the outside of the military camp.

The horses kicked up waves of mud.

The horse is a good horse!

Ding Xiangnan City.

Hundreds of soldiers and crossbow battalions surrounded Huo Qubing and the old man behind him.

The prefect of Dingxiang found Wei Qing and hoped that Wei Qing could be captured alive.

This is a good breakthrough point to prevent any fish from being caught in Dingxiang City, so it is best to catch them alive.

The Gongnu camp received the order from above, and everyone was in a dilemma at this time.

Although the crossbow has an angle to shoot the opponent, there is no way to capture the opponent alive.

Just when the entire Gongnu camp was in trouble, Weining had appeared five hundred steps away.

The maximum range of the bow and arrow is about 200 steps, and the maximum effective range is 120 steps.

The standard equipment of the crossbow battalion is the Wujun bow. When the bow is fully drawn, the shooting range at an elevation angle of 45 degrees can reach 300 steps. This kind of shooting angle usually results in thousands of arrows being fired on the battlefield.

Fixed-point parallel shooting range will not exceed 100 steps.

The opponent was obviously proficient in the properties of weapons. He held Huo Qubing hostage and kept the distance between him and the crossbow camp at [-] steps, so that he could guarantee that he would not shoot him.

Unless the Han soldiers shot at an angle of 45 degrees, Huo Qubing would die, so he was not afraid at all.

 Here, the ancient step is the same as the unit of 1 meter for easy calculation.
(End of this chapter)

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