The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 255 The Wrath of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 255 The Wrath of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

The salt manufacturing technology of Han Dynasty is still relatively backward, and most of them rely on the sun-salting method, extracting salt from sea salt and supplying it to the world.

Because of the backward refining technology, Dahan's salt was strictly controlled and sold very expensively.

Ordinary people would just dip it in a vinegar cloth and it would become salt, and they would reuse it repeatedly.

In this era when all technologies are in short supply, people's lives are not very good, and the class gap is unimaginably huge.

Salt was an important financial revenue of the Han Dynasty, a major source of business, and the largest tax after agricultural taxes.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty naturally would not let Weining mess around. Moreover, Haiyan in various places has special officials to control the distribution. If you want to intervene, even if I agree, the officials will not agree.

You kid is serious too. Didn’t I just take a million dollars from you? As for being so anxious?

He looked at Weining and sighed: "Don't get involved with this salt man."

"Even if you get it, local people can't afford it."

Wei Ning said: "I can sell it cheaper."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense!"

"How can salt be sold at such a low price? The country relies on it to increase its fiscal revenue every year."

"To say the least, the production of salt is scarce. If you sell it at a low price, a large number of merchants will immediately buy it. In the end, the convenience will not reach the hands of the people."

"You sold all the salt at a low price, and finally transferred it all to the merchants. Does the country still have to look at the merchants' faces?"

Wei Ning said in shock: "Is sea salt so difficult to extract?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "Nonsense, there are specialties in the art industry. I admit that you know a lot, but it is normal that you don't understand the technology of refining salt."

"Okay, don't make such an idea."

Wei Ning snorted and said, "No, I just came to ask my uncle for the certificate to sell salt. I don't want your salt."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "What? Are you really planning to smelt salt yourself?"

"Then how many people do you need to hire to go to the coast? Have you considered the labor costs and transportation costs?"

"It's not enough to refine that little bit of salt, so what's the point?"

Wei Ning: "Well... I really just want a certificate of approval for sale, and you can leave the other uncles alone."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sneered: "What? Are you still planning to use the salt mountain you bought to refine salt?"

"I'm telling you, kid, don't mess around. You can't eat that thing, let alone sell it. If something goes wrong, do you know how many people will lose their lives?"

"At that time, I may not be able to protect you. Do you know that?"

Weining was really speechless.

He really just wanted to ask Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty why it was so difficult to obtain a sales certificate.

"No, I know what I'm doing and I'm not stupid."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded and said: "That's pretty much it. Let's do it. You go to Zongzheng Da Nong Mansion to find Sang Hongyang. I will give you a voucher for selling one hundred catties of salt."

Weining: "..."

"Can you have more?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "You have a big appetite, how about a thousand pounds?"

Wei Ning: "More."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at him suspiciously and asked tentatively: "Ten thousand catties?"

Wei Ning said: "One hundred thousand catties."


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not pretend to be asleep. He jumped down from the bed and said, "Which salt official have you colluded with? Can they send you 100,000 catties of salt?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty probably knew that Weining must have used his connections and had contact with officials in the coastal salt industry.

Just get some salt and sell it in Chang'an, just let him do it. Who wants me to owe him money?

Ten thousand kilograms was already the bottom line for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

If you give him 100,000 catties of salt, what will the people eat? What do people in the world eat? What else does the country make? Just give the salt tax to this guy.

Your kid has really grown up now and started doing these crooked ways to make money. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty taught Wei Ning: "A gentleman is upright and does not take ill-gotten gains!"

"You must be upright and aboveboard. A gentleman loves money and gets it in the right way. How old are you that you think of these crooked ways?"

"Will we have to take a wrong path in governing the country in the future?"

"Can the people still trust you like this? If the country is handed over to you, it will be a disaster for all people!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was really angry and scolded Weining with a straight face.

This kid is good at everything, but his mind is getting more and more flexible.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't think anything of it before, but now Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty always feels that this boy is becoming less and less afraid of him, and is challenging his bottom line more and more unscrupulously.

How could he allow this?

Even if you are a father and son, you must abide by the bottom line!

He was very satisfied with Weining as the heir, extremely satisfied with his wisdom, his magnanimity, and his gradually growing aura as a superior, etc.

All satisfied Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

So he couldn't let Weining go astray!

This would be a national disaster.

If a monarch behaves in a crooked way, what kind of country will he govern in the future?

If the people below follow you and learn evil ways to make money, is there any hope for this nation in the future?

Wei Ning was confused.

What's up with him?

Why did you suddenly get angry?

Why did you suddenly start talking about the road to governing the country?

What are you talking about? I don’t understand why.

Wei Ning took a deep breath and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Uncle, I didn't collude with anyone, and I don't know any salt officials."

"Um, can you stop having so many dramas?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty squinted his eyes and said expressionlessly: "Okay."

"I'll give you the right to sell 100,000 kilograms of salt. Come on down."

"Go to Zongzheng Da Nong Mansion to get the voucher."

Weining: "?"

He always felt that something was not right with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so he said: "Then, am I going?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave a faint hum, and when Wei Ning left, he narrowed his eyes and said with a straight face: "Here comes someone!"

"Let me check carefully and see if there is any correspondence between the salt officials of the Lianghuai Salt Fields and the Marquis of Zhenbei!"

"Check carefully and let Zhang Tang do it. Don't let him have any selfish motives!"


If someone is found to have colluded with Wei Ning... Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's face gradually became fierce!

Weining can be fine, but the officials who led him into trouble must die without a place to die!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took a deep breath, sat on the dragon throne, sighed, and said, "You brat, do you know the meaning of salt to a big man?"

"How can you control the most important weapon of the country at will?"

"I can allow you to mess around, it doesn't matter how you mess around, but this salt is related to the future of the Han Dynasty, you can't touch it! The people don't allow you to touch it!"

"How many people are in desperate need of food, and they don't even have a little salt for three meals a day. If you continue to increase the burden on them, I will not let you off lightly this time!"

"Little bastard! The wings are getting harder and harder!"


Weining went to Zongzheng Farming Mansion, got a sales license for 100,000 kilograms of salt, and left.

At this time, there is no statement about Shiohiki.

Sang Hongyang was a little frightened. The sale of such a large amount of salt was not a small amount. He immediately went to Weiyang Palace to report to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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