Chapter 267 Showdown with Liu Huan

Weining simply informed Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty of the matter, which made him laugh and cry for a while.

"You kid, your head is full of crooked ideas."

"This is not the way to govern the country. Whether you govern the country or be a human being, you must be upright."

Wei Ning nodded with a smile: "Yeah, okay, then I'll let them come in."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pressed his hands and said: "No need."

"Forget it, I'm out of trouble with this group of people anyway. The New Year is coming soon. You go back and come to the palace in two days to celebrate the New Year together."

Wei Ning groaned and said, "Okay."

Looking at Wei Ning's leaving figure, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty narrowed his eyes slightly, with a complex meaning in his eyes.

He was silent for a moment in Qilin Hall, then stood up and said to his left and right: "Go to Tianlu Pavilion."

"Ask Liu Huan to come over."



In the classroom of Tianlu Pavilion.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sat on his knees on a futon, with tea and sandalwood placed in front of his desk. It was not clear whether it was the heat of the tea or the white smoke of the sandalwood that mingled with each other, causing white smoke to rise.

Not long after, Liu Huan hurriedly came over. When he saw Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he saluted respectfully, clasped his fists and said, "Father, are you looking for me?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty clicked on the futon seat under the hall and motioned for Liu Huan to sit down.

After Liu Huan sat down respectfully, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said seriously: "Those Confucian people, let them stop."

Liu Huan was startled and pretended to be confused: "Ah? Father...what do you mean? My son is stupid."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shook his head and said: "You are not stupid. You have grown a lot. I am very pleased."

"I have always felt that you are too weak. We men in the Han Dynasty should not be so weak."

"But to put it another way, you are wise."

"At least that's how it is in the eyes of Confucians."

Liu Huan was in a state of confusion. He always felt that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to him today for a more complicated purpose.

Looking at the gloomy face of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Huan felt uneasy.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty continued: "But you have grown a lot and changed a lot during this period. Men should go through things before they can grow."

"You have been receiving the influence of Confucianism, etiquette and sages in the palace. You will find that this set of things does not work in your code of conduct."

"We are all ordinary people. If someone attacks you, you will naturally have hatred in your heart. How many saints are there who repay hatred with kindness? At least I am not one of them."

"It is a good thing to achieve goals by any means, but unscrupulous means does not mean that there is no bottom line. If a person's bottom line is gone, will he still have the master of heaven and earth in his eyes in the future?"

Liu Huan looked frightened and said: "Father, how dare I, my son?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty glanced at him and sneered: "Why don't you dare?"

"When you asked people to slander Weining's mother, when you asked people to spread those dirty words and bottomless words, you didn't tell me that you didn't dare?"

Liu Huan suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably. He looked at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in horror and wanted to refute, but he couldn't muster any courage.

He did not dare to look at Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty because his father's eyes were full of wisdom and shrewdness, a kind of confidence that he was in control of everything.

This shows that his father knew what he was doing from beginning to end.

"My son is guilty of death!" Liu Huan touched his head to the ground and admitted his mistake piously.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ignored him and did not let him get up.

He just stated the facts indifferently and continued: "Your goal has been achieved, so many Confucian people have been used by you." "So now you dare to let them come to force me?"

Liu Huan took a breath and said excitedly: "Father! How dare I, my son! How dare I, my son, do such a treasonous, unfaithful and unfilial act!"

"Father, please give me a clear warning!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shook his head and said: "You don't need me to tell you. You may not have warned anyone, but any hint you give will contribute to today's situation, right?"

Sure enough, nothing could be hidden from his father.

Knowing son Moruo father.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty let out a long sigh and said: "I have not treated you badly. It is a good thing to make you a king. At least it can ensure your safety for the rest of your life. You can take your mother to the fiefdom."

"At that time, you still had endless wealth and honor, and no one in the fiefdom dared to bully you."

"As a father and a husband, I should consider everything perfectly for you, right?"

"Everyone in the world says that the most ruthless emperor's family is there. I am not a ruthless person, at least I think so myself."

"Otherwise, after I knew everything you did, I wouldn't have ignored you and didn't come to you until now."

"Do you think I can't notice what you are doing? Your little cleverness is not enough in my eyes."

"Or in other words, you are still too eager for quick success. This kind of layout and planning is no different from that of a child. It is full of loopholes!"

Liu Huan looked defeated. He really didn't expect that his careful layout and planning would be criticized so completely by his father.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sighed deeply and said: "After the new year, you can go to the fiefdom with peace of mind. You can tell me where you want to go, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

It is undeniable that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had done all the responsibilities of a father.

To Chen Ajiao, he fulfilled the responsibilities that a husband should have, and he also fulfilled his responsibilities to his son.

He was not bad to Liu Huan, because Liu Huan had always been very filial, whether it was true or false, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw through it without telling him.

It's time to let him go now, and he shouldn't be allowed to continue in Chang'an, otherwise the ambition he has nurtured will be difficult to extinguish and will eventually lead to a catastrophic disaster.

This is about the inheritance of the Han Empire. It is not about dividing the property between the landlords and giving you a little and giving him a little.

The world is like this, and the Han Empire must also inherit it.

Even if I give him to you, will you be able to hold it?

Relying on those Confucian people to help you govern the country? This is tantamount to the greatest absurdity in the world.

Or are you relying on your small means to govern the country?

The empire has finally come to this point, and I don’t want the foundation built by our ancestors to be destroyed so quickly!

Liu Huan's mind was groggy. He heard the determination from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's tone, and there was no hope of recovery.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty actually had something to say. He knew that Liu Huan should already know Wei Ning's identity.

It's okay, he won't pierce this layer of window paper now, leaving some dignity for Liu Huan.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finished speaking, he said to Liu Huan: "Stop kneeling and get up."

Liu Huan thanked him, stood up, his eyes were red, and kowtowed three times, saying, "The kids understand."

"Father, I can no longer stay with you to fulfill my filial piety. I hope that my father will be safe and healthy in the future."

"The child is gone."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Liu Huan's leaving figure with some melancholy. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only close his eyes weakly.

The moment Liu Huan turned around, all the muscles on his face were trembling violently. After a while, his teeth bit his lip, and blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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