The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 308 The Crown Prince of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 308 The Crown Prince of the Han Dynasty

The East Palace has been decorated. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty equipped Weining's East Palace with 500 forbidden troops, more than 100 maids, and 35 eunuchs.

Everything is of the highest specification.

When Weining moved into the East Palace, he happened to see Liu Huan leaving alone on the road to the palace.

Liu Huan could not hide his jealousy towards Weining in his eyes.

Wei Ning seemed to have thought of something. He finally understood why Liu Huan had always been against him before. He must have known his identity a long time ago.

He was afraid that he would take away the crown prince position that should belong to him.

In fact, many things cannot withstand scrutiny. When Kong Anguo died, it is unknown whether Liu Huan was obstructing it, whether Weining was escorting the baggage to Hexi, and whether Liu Huan was plotting secretly. These are all unknown.

Chen Ajiao planned to assassinate Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. Wouldn't Liu Huan know about it?

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty just wanted to leave a way for Liu Huan to survive, so he did not order Zhang Tang to continue the investigation.

Perhaps demoting him to a commoner was the best arrangement for Liu Huan.

Liu Huan's jealous eyes gradually dimmed. Only at this moment did he realize that he had completely failed and would never have a chance to make a comeback.

But he had saved his life, so that was all he could do to comfort himself.


The next morning, Wei Ning got up early. The maids from the East Palace brought Wei Ning robes, rugs, skirts, and a long-distance crown symbolizing power.

The princes and princes of the Han Dynasty would all wear the three-beam traveling crown. The beams are the decorative strips running across the front and back of the crown. Different numbers represent different levels of power.

After everything was put on, Wei Ning walked towards the Qilin Hall under the guard of the eunuchs and imperial guards.

When Wei Ning appeared in front of the officials in the official uniform of the prince, the officials already knew what happened.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty announced in today's court meeting that Weining would be crowned the crown prince of the Han Dynasty and his surname would be changed to Weining Liu.

All the officials bowed and saluted Weining.

This is just the first step, there is still a lot to do today.

The establishment of a country is a major event, and the first thing to do is to offer sacrifices.

For most of the next day, Weining followed Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to worship his ancestors, ancestral temples, mountains and rivers, and the country.

There are many complicated etiquettes during each sacrifice. In this era when ghosts and gods are popular, nothing is more important than sacrifice, especially in the royal family. Only when this series of sacrifice etiquette is completed can the legitimacy of your status as prince be declared.

In the evening, the sacrificial ceremony finally came to an end, and it was announced that a new prince of the Han Dynasty had officially entered the stage of history.

After Wei Ning returned to the East Palace, he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, so he lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

In Jiaofang Hall, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had ordered Wei Zifu to arrange the marriage for Wei Ning.

Wei Ning and Qin Ziyu's marriage has been decided for a long time. Now that everything has settled, Wei Ning needs to get married.

Wei Zifu asked Qin Tianjian to calculate the auspicious day, which was the third day of the next month.

That night, Wei Qing just returned exhausted from the sacrifice and was walking on Zhuque Street when he was severely beaten.

After Huo Qubing learned the news, he immediately went to visit Wei Qing. Wei Qing was seriously injured and his whole face was swollen.

Huo Qubing was furious, wondering who in Chang'an had such boldness.

Wei Qing naturally did not tell Huo Qubing who beat him, but Wei Qing's servant secretly informed Huo Qubing.

Li Gan!

On the battlefield in Hexi, Wei Qing scolded Li Guang a few words, and Li Guang died with hatred, so Li Gan took a grudge against Wei Qing.

Wei Qing has such a big spirit, Huo Qubing does not.

... After Weining was designated as the heir apparent, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made another personnel arrangement, and appointed Huo Qubing as the Grand Sima Hussar General, sharing the military and political power with Wei Qing.

On May 3rd of the second year of Yuanshou, Wei Ning and Qin Ziyu got married, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty granted Qin Ziyu the title of Crown Princess.

In June, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took Wei Ning, Huo Qubing, Li Gan and others to Ganquan Palace for summer hunting.

"Tian Qianqiu reported Southern Xinjiang's tax revenue last month. Southern Xinjiang's tax revenue has almost caught up with Jiangnan County."

"You are right. Southern Xinjiang can be used as a food production area to feed back the Central Plains."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is still grieving. If he had not exempted southern Xinjiang from taxes for half a year, he doesn't know how much the economy would be increased now.

Weining said helplessly: "Now that the matter has come to this, let's take a loss."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Weining and asked: "In the war in Hexi, the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Western Regions sent troops to reinforce the Huns. Their ambitions are clearly exposed. How do you think we should deal with it?"

Wei Ning thought for a while and said: "Issue an edict to go to the Western Regions, and use both kindness and power to make them afraid, but not too afraid."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty narrowed his eyes and asked Wei Ning: "Tell me what you think."

Weining said: "The domestic economic cycle always has an end. If we want to bring the domestic economy to a higher level, we need external economic supplies."

"Countries in the Western Regions can increase our economic and tax revenue. For example, tea, silk, pottery, etc. from the Han Dynasty can be sent to the Western Regions for trade."

"If we scare them, how can we do trade in the future?"

"Their reinforcements to the Xiongnu were simply because they were intimidated by the strong fighting power of the Xiongnu. I guess they are already trembling in the Western Regions now, and they are always afraid of the thunder of the Han Dynasty."

"It's better to take the initiative and write the next edict to make them feel more at ease."

"The Western Regions are different from the Xiongnu. They do not pose much military threat to the Han Dynasty. If they attack the Xiongnu just because they united with the Xiongnu, the gain will not be worth the loss."

The war losses were too great. The current Han Dynasty had only experienced a massive war. The domestic economy was in a sluggish state and could not afford a second war.

Therefore, Weining does not recommend going to the Western Regions again. Just scare them and appease them to let them know their mistake. After all, the Han Dynasty still wants to make money from them.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "That's right. You have to remember that even if we have the capital to fight another war, there is no need to fight in the Western Regions."

"Because there are no strategic resources or purposes, and fighting just for revenge is not the magnanimity a man should have."

"Waging a war is either economically beneficial or politically beneficial. If not, then don't start a war easily. Do you understand?"

Wei Ning nodded and said, "Yeah!"

The father and son were sitting in the pavilion of Ganquan Palace to escape the summer heat and chatting when Huo Qubing came over boasting about his tiger stride.

He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fist and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Uncle, I killed someone."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "..."

"Oh, just kill. Who should you kill?"

Huo Qubing said: "Li Gan."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked calm and composed just now, but now his face turned pale with shock. He stared at Huo Qubing in amazement and said angrily: "Are you crazy?!"

"What dare you do to kill Li? Who gave you the courage?!"

Wei Ning also looked at Huo Qubing in shock, and then quickly persuaded Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Father, please calm down, maybe my cousin killed him accidentally."

Huo Qubing stretched out his head and said: "If there is no manslaughter, I will kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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