The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 31 Reward from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 31 Reward from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
In the evening, the sunset falls on Dingxiang City.

Weining stood on the south gate of Dingxiang County with his hands behind his back, looking up at the land beyond the border wall.

Here, it is like a natural moat, blocking the official road between Dingxiang and the outside of the Great Wall. When the relationship between Han and Hungary was harmonious before, merchants and merchants would leave the fortress and go west, selling silk, porcelain, etc. from the Han Dynasty to Western Regions and gain huge profits.

After Zhang Qian opened the Hexi Corridor, the trade between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions was opened up.

However, due to the deterioration of relations between Han and Hungary, everyone on this road is now in danger. The people on the frontier can only huddle in the city. Most of the occasional adventurous merchants will die miserably on the Silk Road.

This is also the reason why Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty Liu Che started the battle of Monan Hetao.

I don’t know where General Wei and Huo Qubing are now. Have they found the Huns? Has the war started?Did you win?
Wei Ning looked longingly at the outside of the wall, but unfortunately he couldn't get out.

A servant climbed to the top of Dingxiang City, found Wei Ning, and said respectfully: "General Wei, our prefect invites you to come over for a banquet."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had promised Qin Chuan, the prefect of Dingxiang, to meet with the envoy from Chang'an in the evening.

Wei Ning nodded: "Okay, please lead the way."

After half a stick of incense, Wei Ning followed the servant to the prefect's mansion.

Qin Chuan was already waiting for Wei Ning outside the mansion. He was very polite. When he saw Wei Ning, he smiled and said, "General Wei, please come inside."

"Thank you, Lord Qin."

Wei Ning followed Prefect Qin into the middle hall.

There are nine positions in the middle hall. There are four low -row cases in the east and west. Seven officials have been made in the position. After Qin Chuan came in, everyone got up politely.

Just after seeing Wei Ning, everyone was a little suspicious, but did not know who the young man was, he would get such a courtesy.

Qin Chuan smiled and saluted everyone, then led Wei Ning to the front right position and motioned for Wei Ning to take a seat.

Although Weining has never read a book, he knows from his mother that in the Han Dynasty, the right was respected.

The first position on the right front is extremely noble.

Wei Ning hesitated for a moment, but didn't say much. Under the leadership of Qin Chuan, he took his seat in the first place on the right front.

Qin Taishou, the eunuch, said with a smile: "Go to the wine."

After the dishes were served, Qin Chuan introduced Weining to the Dingxiang officials present.

After saying that Weining killed 31 bandits alone yesterday and rescued his eldest daughter, the group of officials stood in awe.

But when Qin Chuan introduced Wei Ning's official position in the army, he was a little stunned.

Wei Ning didn't have any sense of inferiority when he arrived, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Wei Ning, the new soldier of the Han Dynasty, is staying in the cavalry camp in Dingxiang."

New recruit?

Just a new recruit?

The respectful eyes, disappearing at this moment, nodded freely.

Dingxiang Juncheng was the first official under the prefect. He smiled and cupped his hands and said: "The imperial envoys haven't arrived yet. It's a bit boring for us to wait here. How about we drink to cheer up?"


Everyone was in high spirits, and Wei Ning didn't know what the Han Dynasty's drinking order was.

Not long after, a small pot with a narrow mouth was placed in the middle of the hall.

Toss the pot.

A common entertainment item in the Han Dynasty's drinking culture, those who didn't win drank.

Wei Ning glanced at Prefect Qin, clasped his fists and said, "Master Qin, I'm going out for a while."

Qin Chuan nodded awkwardly: "Okay."

He had promised not to let Weining drink before, but now he broke his promise. However, this was not his original intention, but an impromptu decision of his officials.

"General Wei, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Let's go after throwing it."

Wei Ning walked to the door and was silent for a moment. He picked up the small wine cup from the servant and threw it back.

The wine cup fell neatly into the mouth of the wine jug.

Forehead.Everyone looked at this scene blankly, a little dazed. Looking at Weining again, he had already left.

It's not that the opponent is not good at throwing, it's just that he doesn't want to bully others.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other, feeling the hot soup on their cheeks.

"I still don't like this kind of banquet."

Wei Ning sighed and walked aimlessly in the courtyard of the Prefect's Mansion.


"Social networking can increase your network. Why not seize such a good opportunity?"

Wei Ning looked around vigilantly and found a woman standing behind the rockery with her hands behind her back.

It's Qin Ziyu.

Wei Ning recognized her and saved her today.

Wei Ning said: "I have never experienced this kind of situation since I was a child. I always feel that civil servants have too many thoughts."

Qin Ziyu said: "But no one will go through this occasion since childhood? If you become a general in the future, you will also be entertaining."

"You can't fight outside the Great Wall every day, right?"

Wei Ning thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

"Don't care too much about what others say, and don't care about what they think of you. If they look down on Soldier Bai Ding, that's not your problem, it's their problem."

"This shows that their emotional intelligence is very low and they will not last long in the officialdom. You see, those who really know how to be officials will be very kind to the people at the bottom, at least on the surface."

"The higher you reach a high position, the more comfortable you will be, but you don't know how they will plot against you."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment and glanced at Qin Ziyu blankly.

Governor Qin actually gave birth to a daughter who was as smart as ice and snow.

Qin Ziyu hid his face and smiled, saying: "You are a soldier now, but you will not always be like this in the future. Wei Qing was still a riding slave before."

"So, you should be happy because you met a bunch of idiots instead of a bunch of calculating and smiling tigers."

Wei Ning also laughed. He looked at Qin Ziyu seriously and said with a smile, "Thank you, Miss Qin."

"Then I'm going back."

"Yes." Qin Ziyu nodded and watched Wei Ning leave.

After Weining returned to the banquet hall and sat down again, his mind became much calmer.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside.

A group of envoys from Chang'an anxiously entered the middle hall.

The prefect of Qin and all the officials stood up to pay homage, as did Weining.

The leading eunuch said in a sharp voice: "Oh! Master Xiao Wei, I searched around the military camp and couldn't find you."

"They said you were here. I'm glad they finally found you."

The officials in the middle hall looked at the envoy with some suspicion. Did they come specifically to find this new recruit?
Wei Ning also looked at him with some confusion, and then heard the eunuch scream: "Soldier Wei Ning takes the order."

Wei Ning hurriedly came out of the queue and bent down to receive the order.

"Soldier Wei Ning has made great contributions to the country. I will give Wei Ning five thousand coins and three hundred pieces of silk!"

After finishing speaking, the entire audience fell silent, staring at Wei Ning in stunned silence, their hearts surging.

Isn't he a new recruit?

But what ability does a new soldier have that can alert the emperor in Chang'an to personally reward him?

The eunuch reminded Wei Ning and said, "Master Xiao Wei, take the order."

Only then did Wei Ning react. He hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for the gift, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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