Chapter 318 Five Disaster Relief Strategies

In fact, the imperial court did not have a programmatic order on how to provide effective disaster relief. It was governed based on the actual situation and the experience of the chief officials.

Many of the rules and regulations of the imperial court were not standardized, and the great Han people had too little to learn from the experience of their predecessors, so they mostly crossed the river by feeling the stones.

While the officials were deep in thought, Wei Ning was already out of the queue.

All the officials focused their attention on Wei Ning, and Wei Ning said loudly, "Your Majesty."

"I have five strategies."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "Speak."

Weining said: "First, organize the local army to build shantytowns and manage them uniformly to arrange for the victims to move in."

“Secondly, quicklime is sprinkled around the shanty towns to isolate the crowd.”

"Third, wash and soak bowls, chopsticks and other tableware in hot water."

"Fourth, feces should be discharged uniformly and toilets should be established."

"Fifth, transfer high-ranking officials to organize disaster relief and appeasement work on behalf of the emperor."

After Wei Ning finished speaking, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not speak.

However, one of the councilors asked Wei Ning: "The first and last items of the Prince's favor are all understood by me. What do the second, third, and fourth mean?"

This is what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and all the officials wanted to ask.

No one would have thought that such processes would happen during disaster relief operations in the past, which was mainly meaningless.

The officials couldn't figure it out and stared at Wei Ning suspiciously.

Weining pondered for a moment and said, "Although I don't want to, I have to be prepared. Every natural disaster is followed by a major epidemic."

“Disaster prevention is only one of them, epidemic prevention is also included!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Looking back carefully, it seems that plagues in previous years have occurred during floods, earthquakes, and droughts. If a plague breaks out, the degree of destruction will be even more terrible than natural disasters!

Weining said: "Quicklime can isolate viruses...plague."

"Hot water washing, and manure management, all aimed at preventing plague."

"Water sources must be managed well to prevent cross-infection..."

Weining said a lot, and then all the officials came to their senses. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded in agreement and made a decisive decision: "In the future, disaster relief will be strictly implemented according to this set of regulations!"

He looked at Wei Qing and said, "General Wei, on my behalf you will set off for Handan immediately."

Wei Qing clasped his fists: "I obey the order!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty waved his hand and said: "Let's do this for today and retreat from the court."

Wei Ning accompanied Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to the side hall and sat down. After sitting down, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked Wei Ning: "I didn't get angry in the court hall."

"I didn't deal with King Zhao in the court either."

"Because he is a real brother, and I don't want to kill each other, but he is too presumptuous!"

"If you were me, how would you deal with this uncle of yours?"

Is this... a test given to me by my father?

Weining actually didn't know how to deal with it. He didn't understand the past grudges between Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and his relatives, so he hesitated for a while.

"Speak confidently, it doesn't matter if you are wrong."

Wei Ning hummed, thought for a while, and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "The matter still needs to be investigated first. My uncle can't go to Handan alone. I suggest that Zhang Tang come too."

He must be responsible for this earthquake. The court ordered Handan to impose martial law repeatedly. Why can't Handan do what Bashang County can do?

Isn’t it because Handan is under the rule of King Zhao?

But isn’t the land of Zhao the land of the Han Dynasty?

King Zhao and Liu Pengzu were all careless when it came to such things. What was it like to be ordinary? No one knows.

"Let Zhang Tang investigate all the reasons before he can deal with the other party according to the law."

Weining gave his own answer. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's right. Don't be carried away by anger at any time, and don't let your emotions influence your judgment."

"Making decisions without finding out the truth can easily lead to tragic mistakes."

The emperor always sticks to his word, and whatever he says or does, even if it is wrong, he must carry it out to the end.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had never done such wrong things before, but even if he knew that he was wrong, even if he knew that he had killed the wrong person, he could not take back his life.

The emperor's prestige and credibility must not collapse at any time.

"Summon Zhang Tang later and tell him to do something."

Wei Ning: "Ah? Me?"

The main reason was that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was still alive, so he could go beyond the emperor to take care of his ministers, which would inevitably mean that he was overtaking his subordinates.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "I agree, don't worry so much. You and I, father and son, don't care so much."

"The country has been in trouble recently, and I also need your help."

Since the Xiongnu were defeated, and since Weining was appointed as the heir apparent, the country has not been idle for a day, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has also been busy.

Wei Ning nodded: "Okay!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "A man should be so responsible. In the future, you will become the leader of a country. This is how a man should be. You don't want your mother-in-law or mother to do it, do you understand?"

Weining nodded heavily.

As if remembering something, he said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Father, this natural disaster has given me some ideas for expansion."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty poured a pot of tea for Weining and said: "Drink some water and speak slowly. There is no rush. No matter how urgent the things below are, we at the helm cannot be in a hurry."

Weining took a sip of tea and said: "The medical technology of the Han Dynasty is really backward nowadays. Whenever people or officials get sick, they are mostly treated by witch doctors. There is still no complete medical theory, which leads to widespread premature death and decline in the population." Increase."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded calmly. This boy has indeed done his homework recently. It seems that after becoming the prince, he will not be idle when he returns to the East Palace.

The population of the Han Dynasty was declining, and the premature death rate remained high. In times of peace, developing population and land was the empire's top priority.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty listened quietly as Wei Ning continued to speak.

Weining said: "I want to recruit a group of talents who understand medicine to join the imperial court and let them study medical theories together."

At present, national medical theories have not yet been developed. Some medical knowledge and theories such as Bian Que's all disappeared during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The greatest harm caused by the war to the Chinese nation was the disappearance of many precious classics, which is the most distressing.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "Then I will allow you to open another office in the East Palace. You can decide the name yourself. Once you have decided, go to Sang Hongyang to record the salary."

"Thank you, father." Wei Ning smiled.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty waved his hand and said: "It's done, go ahead and summon Zhang Tang to explain everything to him."

"Remember, when communicating with subordinates, don't speak clearly. Let them figure out what you mean."

Wei Ning scratched his head: "Is it wrong to guess?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "That means this person is not suitable to sit in his current position. Find an opportunity to remove him!"

Weining: "..."


Sometimes when I stay with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, I can really learn a lot of theoretical knowledge that I can't usually learn, as well as the political tactics of politicians.

His occasional words can make you enlightened.

Weining stopped disturbing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the main hall. He walked out of the main hall alone and summoned Zhang Tang in the East Palace.

In the manner of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wei Ning had a specious conversation with Zhang Tang. After Zhang Tang figured it out, he immediately left Chang'an and headed for Handan of Zhao State.

(End of this chapter)

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