The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 401 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty’s Strategy

Chapter 401 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty’s Strategy
In the Qilin Hall, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty squinted his eyes and said to the left and right: "Go and call Jin Rixi for me!"

This was introduced to Weining by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and he is now the horse supervisor.

Not long after, Jin Rixi arrived at the main hall, clasped his fists and said, "I see your Majesty."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty nodded and said: "You go and help me do something and spread the news to the people about the Han Dynasty's practice of law."


After he left, Wei Ning curiously asked Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Father, what are you doing?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "If you want to fight with the officials, you must first muddy the water."

"First test the public opinion. If the public voice rises, it will prove that the direction is correct."

"When the voices of the people get louder, officials will naturally suppress them. That's when they will be dealt with."

"These officials are not all of the same mind. If you break them down internally and deal with the main contradictions, things will eventually become clear."

"Study well."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Wei Ning and said: "In the future, you will not only face a group of obedient ministers, but also some ministers who disobey you. If you can't kill them all, then find a way to subjugate them! "

Wei Ning nodded and said, "Okay!"

He also wanted to see how Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would deal with these righteous ministers.


On the second day, the people of Chang'an began to discuss the new law that the imperial court was preparing to promulgate.

At the beginning, everyone held a negative attitude. The laws of the Han Dynasty were promulgated year by year, and many of them did not know what was illegal and what was not illegal.

The laws of the Qin Dynasty were strict, and although the Han Dynasty was relatively relaxed, no one is sure whether some regulations will be added to the law this time.

If the laws increase and become more stringent, it is better to maintain the status quo.

It is normal for people to worry. Now that society is stable, no one wants to cause trouble for themselves.

But soon, news came out from Jin Rixi that the core of this revision of the law was that everyone was equal, and no matter whether the rich or the poor broke the law, they would be treated equally.

The law protects people's private property from infringement by anyone.

Just by releasing these two pieces of news, public opinion in Chang'an immediately began to change. There were as many people as crucian carp crossing the river who supported the imperial court's revision of the law.

The people of all dynasties have been accustomed to being enslaved. Now that they see that the new law is actually considered by the people, they naturally support it enthusiastically.

When public opinion among the people began to get high, the doctor from the Ministry of Punishment immediately began to send people to suppress the people.


Inside the Qilin Hall.

The news reached the ears of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Weining. Weining said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Father, public opinion is rising. What should we do next?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said calmly: "Don't worry, let's take a look first. The doctor of the Ministry of Punishment has already taken action, and then we will see who else will end up."

Weining didn't understand Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He thought that at this time, he began to use methods to deal with the people in the Ministry of Punishment. Why did he continue to watch him suppress the people?

If you don't care, wouldn't they be even more unscrupulous?

As a result, more and more officials are suppressing the people. How will it end?

However, seeing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looking calm and composed, Wei Ning could not say anything else and could only quietly watch Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deal with it.

On the third day, as expected, more and more officials suppressed the people.

But the head of the Ministry of Punishment unexpectedly wrote a memorial, impeaching the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment for enslaving the people.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty placed the memorial in front of Weining and asked: "How do you deal with it?" Wei Ning thought for a while and said: "Father, although the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment suppressed the people, he did not use excessive means. The person in charge of the Ministry of Punishment was obviously He is using this matter to attack his boss."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "Yes, that's it."

"You don't have to go through three provinces to draft an edict, and the three provinces won't approve it."

"Remove the doctor of the punishment department and promote the head of the punishment department to the position of doctor of the punishment department."

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment, as if he could taste some of Emperor Wu of Han's intentions.

He said in shock: "Father, are you waiting for them to be in chaos first?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "Isn't this already in chaos? Even though they are a whole, there are many interests entangled in them."

“Who doesn’t want to step on others’ bodies to get to the top?”

"Not everyone wants to consider their own interests as a powerful person. Those who are not powerful people want the other party to die early."

Wei Ning looked shocked. His grasp of people's hearts was extremely good!
In this political struggle, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty basically did not take any action. He was waiting for the other party to have internal chaos first.

"Do you know what the most critical step in this is?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Wei Ning and asked.

Wei Ning shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and explained: "The most important thing is to let other voices have the right to speak."

"Let them speak in the court."

"If the water is clear, there will be no fish. It is not a good thing that the court is full of clean water and good officials."

Wei Ning suddenly realized and said: "So you promoted the doctor of the Ministry of Justice just to let others know that as long as they stand on your side, they can now get real benefits?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "Yes, but you can't be too radical. If you really promote a group of people who only know how to flatter horses but have no real ability, it will be very difficult to govern the country in the future."

"It's just temporary now. I need them, so I promoted them."

"When I don't need them, if the other party no longer has enough ability to support his current position, then I will find a way to lower them."

"In short, they are all chess pieces in my hands. Good officials can be used by you, and corrupt officials and traitorous ministers can also be used by you. There is no distinction between good and bad, it is all based on interests."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave Weining a vivid political lesson today.

When the head of the Ministry of Punishment was promoted to the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, this aroused the anger of many civil servants. A large number of civil servants went to the outer walls of the imperial city to ask Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to take back his orders.

This move is tantamount to forcing a woman to have a wife.

After Wei Ning learned the news, he immediately came to Qilin Hall to see Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He had never seen such a large battle. More than fifty officials, large and small, begged Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to take back their orders.

If they are all dismissed, the central government will be paralyzed and the court will be paralyzed.

If it is not handled properly, the country will immediately fall into chaos.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Wei Ning calmly and said: "Don't panic, don't be anxious, let them kneel."

"Wait two days and see who hasn't come. Then go visit his home in person."

"Huh?" Weining was a little confused.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "It doesn't matter what you are visiting. What is important is to show off to others so that they will start to doubt each other."

"If you want to defeat the opponent, you don't necessarily need brutal suppression. Letting them have internal chaos first is undoubtedly the best way."

Weining listened carefully. He really learned a lot this time! Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's methods really made him applaud and praise him!
(End of this chapter)

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