The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 441 Li Guangli takes charge of the Ministry of War

Chapter 441 Li Guangli takes charge of the Ministry of War

Today is Wei Qing's wedding. Wei Ning and Huo Qubing came to Wei Qing's mansion together.

When the two arrived at Wei Qing's residence, they discovered that many civil servants and generals from the imperial court had arrived.

This shows how high Wei Qing's status is in the Han Dynasty.

Huo Qubing didn't look too good and complained to Weining: "Princess Pingyang is not worthy of my uncle."

Wei Ning didn't know what happened to Princess Pingyang, so he said, "Princess Pingyang married twice, but it was not what he wanted."

"There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Huo Qubing said: "Not only that, Princess Pingyang also had a male pet before. Does Jiang Chong know about it?"

Wei Ning was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it him?"

Huo Qubing sighed and said, "The most outrageous thing is that not long ago, my uncle saw the two of them traveling together on the street."

Wei Ning said in shock: "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Huo Qubing said: "You are busy every day, and uncle doesn't want to disturb you, so he didn't tell you."

"Anyway, my uncle doesn't want to marry her, but he has given the order and he can't refuse."

Wei Ning didn't say much. He knew that Wei Qing must have his own considerations.

While they were talking, Zhang Tang came from the side, and Huo Qubing left voluntarily.

Zhang Tang came to Weining's side and said: "Your Highness, during the meeting today, Your Majesty asked Li Guangli to take charge of the Ministry of War. He also planned to let Li Yannian enter the three provinces, but he was rejected."

"He gave Mrs. Li's son the title of King of Changyi."

After Zhang Tang finished speaking, he said meaningfully to Wei Ning: "Your Highness, please don't get angry with Your Majesty."

"This is a very bad political signal."

Wei Ning said: "Is this a political signal that he intends to change the position of crown prince?"

Zhang Tang sighed and said: "Since Your Highness knows, I won't say anything more. I know that Your Highness is not ignorant of the general situation, and there must be a reason for you."

"But we are all dependent on you, Your Majesty. If you don't take that position in the end, our group will definitely be purged by His Majesty."

"Strengthen your whole body. Don't be willful, Your Highness."

Wei Ning was silent for a moment and said: "Even if I please him, the decision-making power is still in his hands. No matter what I do, if he doesn't like me, there is nothing he can do about it."

"Let it go."

Zhang Tang sighed. He always felt that Weining was still too willful, but what he didn't understand was that Weining had his own ideas.

He always believed that he was right, and now that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was getting more and more powerful, sooner or later there would be problems in the country, so let him govern first, out of sight and out of mind.

Today's wedding banquet ended quickly, and Wei Ning returned to the East Palace early.

In the second half of the first year of Yuanfeng, Wei Ning spent time in the East Palace writing, painting and cultivating his sentiments, accompanying Xiao Liu Jin and Qin Ziyu, and never asking about outside affairs.

The Academy of Sciences has not had any research results recently. Occasionally, they came to Weining for something, but Weining dismissed them all and asked them to go to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

There were also some officials who approached Weining, such as the Ministry of Punishments revising laws, the Ministry of Households increasing commercial tax rates, etc. After all, these were all presided over by Weining, but Weining still ignored them.

Tian Qianqiu from southern Xinjiang wrote to Weining several times, and Weining forwarded all the letters to Weiyang Palace.

In short, he has been very free recently and doesn't have to worry about anything.

In Weiyang Palace, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has become increasingly angry recently.

"Let me do everything! Can't they make decisions themselves? Ask me this! Ask me that!"

It was true that he had been idle for too long. Wei Ning had been handling almost everything in the past and had managed the country in an orderly manner. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only needed to enjoy the results and did not need to worry about it at all. Now that everything has to be decided by him, he understands how difficult it is for Weining.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty couldn't help but feel a little angry again. I just said a few words to that brat, and he is still angry to this day.

However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also had a temper, and he was unwilling to take the initiative to find Weining.

Ministry of War.

After Li Guangli served as Minister of War for six months, he has gradually become familiar with the Ministry of War.

However, today he suddenly discovered that there was a problem with a previously approved official document.

This was an arms trade with the Western Regions. He sold all the latest Han armor to the sixteen countries of the Western Regions.

The most important thing is that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also approved this official document.

Weining was previously responsible for the arms trade with the Western Regions. In the past, all official documents had to be sent to Weining for approval before the Ministry of War would sell the weapons.

But now Wei Ning returned this matter to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave the approval. He was too busy and did not carefully review the document.

This mistake was naturally not made by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but he also had an unshirkable responsibility.

Li Guangli is a little at a loss now. What he is selling is armor, which is the latest armor developed by the Han Dynasty and has extremely strong defensive power.

If this kind of thing is sold to the Western Regions, the big man will have no advantage in defense.

Li Guangli was extremely frightened, thought tremblingly, and then quickly entered Weiyang Palace.

When Li Guangli told Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty about this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious. He pointed at Li Guangli and said, "I have shown my sincerity to you and entrusted you with important responsibilities. This is how you repay me?!"

Li Guangli hurriedly admitted his mistake and said: "Your Majesty, I was only qualified to serve as Minister of War at that time. I didn't understand many things yet, so I made such a big mistake. Please forgive me."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's eyes were filled with anger. He really wanted to kill this loser Li Guangli!

You are the Minister of the Ministry of War whom I personally favored. I pushed you to the position of Minister against all opinions, but now you have opened such a big hole for me!

But seeing that he was Mrs. Li's biological brother, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not blame him too much. He just frowned and said to his left and right: "Quickly call the three provinces and six ministries to come over!"

Not long after, the Han Dynasty's three provinces and six departments all gathered in Qilin Hall.

When they heard that Li Guangli had sold the Han's most elite defensive armor to the Western Regions, everyone was at a loss for what to do.

Sang Hongyang cupped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to inform His Highness the Crown Prince about this matter?"

After all, Weining was responsible for organizing the weapons and armor that were eliminated from the pawn sale, so Sang Hongyang immediately wanted to ask Weining.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said angrily: "Without him, wouldn't you be able to do anything?"

Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak, and they all remained silent.

This mistake was obviously made by Li Guangli. Your Majesty is blaming so many people now, which makes no sense both emotionally and rationally.

Dong Zhongshu lost his temper at this time and said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Your Majesty, I suggest that Li Guangli be killed first!"

Master Fu Yan also came out and said: "I second the proposal!"

The six ministers of the three provinces all clasped their fists and begged Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to kill Li Guangli, which could be regarded as an expression of attitude.

They have done no wrong, so why do you, Your Majesty, inflict sin on them? If I want to deal with it, let me deal with Li Guangli first.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at everyone angrily and said sternly: "Are you threatening me?"

He never thought that one day he would feel powerless in controlling the imperial power!

(End of this chapter)

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