Chapter 5 The legend about the Wei family

At this moment, Wei Qing's soldiers arrived at Gongnu Camp.

He also carried a large bow on his back.

Without waiting for several infantry battalion commanders to ask, Wei Qing's soldiers came to Wei Ning indifferently and said, "This is the two-stone bow given to you by the general."

General Wei actually gave him the bow himself?What an honor this is, the new recruits and veterans all around are as jealous as rabbits.

Old Li laughed loudly and teased the captains of the infantry battalion: "Did you see it? General Wei's two-stone bow!"

"Don't come here to rob people. Go back where they came from."

The captains of the infantry battalion frowned. They originally planned to come over to grab new recruits, but now they have no idea.

Lao Li smiled and said to Wei Ning: "My dear, how about you try the two-stone bow?"

Wei Ning hummed, followed the example of the veterans, put the arrow on the crossbow, and stretched the two-stone bow to a weight of 240 kilograms. Only then did Wei Ning feel a little comfortable.

An arrow was fired, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, the arrow missed the target.

Wei Ning scratched his head in embarrassment.

The veterans of the Gongnu Battalion were all laughing, but it was not ridicule, but more tolerance.

Lao Li patted Weining on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. It only takes a few practice sessions. No one is born a perfect archer. If you really hit the mark the first time, we old guys can just die."


"Practice slowly, kid. It's still a long journey."

Weining nodded heavily: "Okay! I will work hard."

In the afternoon, Wei Ning continued to train hard with the veterans, and Lao Li personally guided Wei Ning to practice shooting skills.

In the evening, the hundred-man general of the Gongnu Camp issued an order. Starting tomorrow, the entire army will march towards Northern Xinjiang.

Inside the camp, a group of veterans snored one after another. Wei Ning couldn't sleep, so he went to sit on the grass outside alone.

Old Li tiptoed over, sat next to Weining, and asked softly: "Why don't you sleep? Are you homesick?"

Weining shook his head and nodded again.

Lao Li smiled and said, "Do you want to or don't want to? Who else is at home?"

Wei Ning was silent for a moment and then said: "There is no one left, my mother is dead."

Lao Li was stunned and asked in confusion: "Then why do you want to be a soldier?"

Wei Ning said nervously: "Uncle Li, let me tell you secretly that I came to serve as a soldier on Brother Ma's behalf. The recruitment order was sent to our village. Grandpa Ma didn't sleep well for several nights. I know he was very worried..."

Lao Li sat quietly next to Weining, listening to Weining ramble about the shortcomings of the parents in Qianshui Village.

After listening, Lao Li suddenly stood in awe of this 14-year-old child!
"Good boy."

Lao Li patted Weining's shoulder and said, "In the future, you will make great contributions and become a person like General Wei. Your mother will be proud of you."

Wei Ning tilted his head and asked Old Li, "Uncle Li, tell me about General Wei."

When it comes to the Han Dynasty, there are a few people who cannot be avoided, including Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Wei Ning is lucky enough to travel to this era, and it is impossible to say that he is not interested in Wei Qing.

Old Li smiled and said: "Actually, there is nothing to say. The birth of General Wei was not very good. He was initially a riding slave in Princess Pingyang's house. Later, his fourth sister was called into the palace and became the queen of our big man. The Wei family Become prosperous."

"But I heard that something strange happened to the Wei family more than ten years ago."

Wei Ning became interested and asked curiously: "What?"

Old Li thought for a while and said: "It is said that the third sister of General Wei disappeared for no reason more than ten years ago, and her whereabouts are still unknown. No one knows where the third sister of the Wei family has gone."


Wei Ning looked at Lao Li in shock, didn't he say that Wei Qing only had two sisters?One is Wei Junru and the other is Wei Zifu.

Why is there another one?
Wei Ning had some knowledge of the Han Dynasty in his previous life, so he knew Wei Qing's family relationship.

At this time, I heard that Wei Qing had another sister, so I was so surprised. "Shhh."

Lao Li made a gesture of silence and said: "Don't spread these things indiscriminately, don't gossip about them, otherwise General Wei will find out about them and it will not be easy."


"Okay, it's getting late, go to bed quickly."

Lao Li gave a few words of advice and went back to his tent.

Wei Ning sat on the grass, looked up at the stars, and said to himself: "Mom, General Wei was not born tall."

"Mom, when I get back, will I build a big tomb for you?"

"Mom, I miss you a little."

During these 14 years, Weining has been living with his mother. Now that his mother is dead, he misses her all the time, but it is a pity that he can no longer see her.

Weining opened the system mall.

In the afternoon, I gained 60 reputation points that have not been used yet.

You can no longer exchange for power. If you continue to exchange, there will really be no weapons in the military camp.


Wei Ning searched for it in the mall for a while, and spent 30 reputation points in exchange for the Hundred Steps Penetrating Yang Archery.

Thinking of this, Wei Ning came to the shooting range alone with a big bow on his back.

The moonlight was like a hook, and there was no one on the shooting range.

Wei Ning used his bow to shoot arrows.

An arrow shot out of the air and penetrated the bullseye fifty steps away.

Wei Ning tried to take another fifty steps back.

One hundred steps, take the bow and shoot!
Hit the bullseye again!


Wei Ning breathed a sigh of relief. Now his archery skills were not inferior to those of the old soldiers, or even better.

But Weining still discovered a problem.

My physical fitness is still too weak.

He still has thirty reputation points, which can be exchanged for physical enhancement products in the system mall.

Wei Ning did not hesitate and used all the last 30 reputation points.

For a moment, an indescribable force filled his body, just like a martial arts novel washing the marrow and cutting the bones. It took a long time to calm down.

Weining was sweating profusely. He felt that his body was improving in all aspects, both in terms of endurance and physical strength.

Although his body is still very thin, the energy stored in his small body has reached a terrifying level!

At the same time, Wei Qing's Chinese army tent was in the process of controlling the march route.

This time Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent a total of 10 troops to northern Xinjiang.

They are Wei Qing, the main army in the middle, Li Guang, the strange army in the east, and Zhao Xin, the strange army in the west.Among them, Wei Qing led [-] troops, Li Guang had [-] troops, and Zhao Xin had [-] troops.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was determined to regain control of Monan this time.

Previously, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had sent troops to the Xiongnu twice, but the results were not very good. Only Wei Qing won.

At this time, the Huns were still entrenched in the Monan Hetao area and continued to harass Dingxiang and other important Han military towns.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty couldn't bear it anymore, so he brazenly launched this unprecedented scale of the Northern Conquest!
Previously, the Han Dynasty had been humiliated too much by the Xiongnu. What he got for his marriages again and again was not peace, but intensified bullying by the Xiongnu.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is obviously not an easy emperor to deal with. Since you are so aggressive, let's compete on the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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