Chapter 539 Everyone was shocked

Qi Bin was confident in his camouflage skills, and he didn't think the town's meticulous craftsmanship was better than his own.

He entered the city with more than ten agents from the Detective Department disguised as a caravan. Qi Bin was very curious and wanted to find out what secrets were buried in this mysterious town. All subordinates disappeared for no reason.

What he never expected was that as soon as he entered this small city in the northeast of South Vietnam, he seemed to be watched. This intuition was very strong.

The facts did not disappoint Qi Bin. Less than an hour after he entered the city, he was arrested. There were many people on the other side, and the army was directly dispatched. He had no chance to resist.

When Qi Bin was thrown into prison, he saw that all three groups of spies under his command were imprisoned here. No one talked to them. They still don't know where and why they were exposed.

Qi Bin didn't even have time to set off the fireworks, so he was imprisoned for no reason. During this period, he wanted to talk to someone and test the other party's origin. Qi Bin felt that the other party's espionage techniques were too clever, at least from a distance The Detective Division is higher than the Han Dynasty.

But it's a pity that no one here will pay attention to him at all. Everyone is well-trained, and the entire detention place is terrifyingly quiet.


Wei Qing told Wei Ning that this was the fourth batch of spies coming in, and it seemed that Chang'an was eager to know the secrets inside.

Weining cannot be exposed yet, after all, he is not strong enough to fight against the Han court.

All the spies in Chang'an have been withdrawn. Chang'an is too dangerous, and Wei Ning rarely contacts things in Chang'an now.

Anyway, sooner or later the two sides will meet each other in battle, so there is no need to waste the power of spies to go to Chang'an.

The other party could be caught so easily by them. If Wei Ning sent people to Chang'an, I'm afraid the final result would be the same.

While Wei Qing and Wei Ning were discussing the matter, Lu Chongguo walked over anxiously from outside, with a solemn expression on his face, and said to Wei Ning: "Your Highness, something happened."

Wei Ning looked at Lu Chongguo in confusion and asked, "What?"

Lu Chongguo Road: "Mountain, mountain fire!"

Early this morning, the people in the mountains were cutting down the forest. I don't know who had been stabbed a thousand times with an open flame on his body. Then the forest was ignited, and now the fire has started a prairie fire.

The most terrifying thing is that the mountain is densely packed with people, all trapped in the fire. It is difficult to save people now.

Once a wildfire breaks out, it is almost impossible to put it out with current technology.

When Lu Chongguo finished explaining the whole story, everyone's expressions turned extremely ugly.

Sang Hongyang asked Lu Chongguodao: "Have you gone to see the Zhengxi imperial court?"

Lu Chongguo said: "King Zhengxi has already come this way."

But it's useless. There is a high probability that there is still nothing to do. In the face of such a large mountain fire, it is almost nonsense to try to put it out. The expedition to the west can at best appease people's hearts. It is impossible to do anything.

Weining looked solemn and asked Lu Chongguo, "How many people are there on the mountain?"

Lu Chongguo's expression became more and more solemn and he said, "I'm afraid there are thousands of people on the mountain."

Wei Ning didn't have time to think too much and said to Lu Chongguo and others: "Let's go up the mountain with me!"


A group of people rode horses and rushed towards the mountain. When they arrived at the edge of the fire, they found that the place was surrounded by the army conquering the west and was surrounded by people.

Sang Hongyang went in to report, and soon he led Wei Ning and others in. Zhengxi didn't look very good either. She stared at the fire in front of her, shook her head and sighed, wondering how she would explain to the people after this time.

If it is not handled well, the people may feel dissatisfied.

Weining didn't say anything, he just squinted at the mountain fire in front of him. The fire was running vertically from north to south. The fire was very large and the smoke was billowing.

Zhengxi glanced at Wei Ning and said, "It can't be saved. Such a prairie fire requires a lot of water, but we don't have it here."

"The water is transported from the bottom of the mountain. I'm afraid the forest has been burned."

The old Prime Minister of South Vietnam closed his eyes in despair, with tears streaming down his face. So many people died in front of him, but he could do nothing, and he felt panicked for a while.

Wei Ning shook his head and said to Zheng Xi, "It is not necessary to use water to put out a fire."

One sentence made everyone present stunned.

Wei Ning said to Zheng Xi, "Go and order the army to cut down all the trees on the left and right sides."

He looked at the wind direction and found that it was blowing towards the south, so he said, "Run quickly to the south and light the fire in the south."

What do you mean?
On the contrary, the old South Vietnamese asked Weining: "Wouldn't this increase the source of fire? Then the burning will be even more intense."

Wei Ning shook his head and said, "Listen to me and do it now!"

Zhengxi glanced at the old prime minister. The old prime minister didn't know what Wei Ning wanted to do, so he could only order the army to do what Wei Ning wanted.

About an hour later, a huge fire dragon appeared in both the north and south phases. Because the dense forests on the east and west sides were cut down, the fire stopped when it reached the border.

Looking around, we can only see two huge fire dragons approaching at high speed from the north to the south.

Thick smoke billowed, and the fires on both sides suddenly converged together within a short time. When they met, a sky-high flame appeared, like a mushroom cloud in the sky!

But something strange happened. When the fires in the two bones alternated, the fires in other places stopped spreading and all moved towards the center.

After another half an hour, the fire in the center became smaller and smaller, and there was thick smoke all around, but the red firelight gradually disappeared.

Seeing this incredible scene, everyone was shocked on the spot and couldn't help but gasp.

Zheng Xi's face was dull, and he turned to look at Wei Ning blankly, with strong shock in his eyes!
Who can see such a huge fire and not be helpless?

How could he stop the fire from spreading so easily?
This is breathtaking, but why?
Why do the two fires stop spreading to other places when the fire is lit in the south direction, and move closer to the center as quickly as possible?
Zhengxi couldn't understand this at all.

The old prime minister of South Vietnam couldn't help but gasp at this moment, looking at the incredible scene in shock, swallowed his saliva, clasped his fists and bowed to Wei Ning with sincere submission.

The situation at the rear was even more exaggerated, as thousands of people burst into applause, as warm as thunder.

Although Lu Chongguo and Sang Hongyang were well-informed, they had never seen such a scene. They thought that their prince was so powerful. He could do this almost impossible thing. Such magical skills, said It’s not too much to say “Destined Son”, right?

When Wei Ning saw that the fire had been extinguished, he said to Zheng Xi: "Find someone to investigate and investigate. Don't leave an open flame."

Only then did Zheng Xi react and immediately ordered someone to investigate!

(End of this chapter)

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