The Great Han Dynasty: From Feng Lang Juxu to the Eternal Emperor

Chapter 542 I don’t want to be the crown prince

Chapter 542 I don’t want to be the crown prince
It's another New Year in Chang'an, and heavy snow falls on Weiyang Palace.

The inside and outside of Jiaofang Hall were covered in silver. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to Jiaofang Hall alone with his hands behind his back, but the place had lost its hostess forever.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was extremely sad and desolate. Thinking of Wei Zifu's death, he couldn't help but feel extremely ashamed.

Liu Zhi came out wearing a big cloak and carrying some tributes in his hands. He was surprised to see Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty here. He really didn't expect that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty would come to pay homage to his mother.

If it weren't for you, would my mother have committed suicide?
Although Liu Zhi hated Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in his heart, he still hid this hatred very well. He just pretended to be curious and said: "My son has seen my father, father, what are you?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty shook his head and asked Liu Judao: "What are you doing?"

Liu Ju said lonely: "Pay homage to my mother and exchange a batch of tributes for her."

"Do you need so many tributes?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw that he was carrying a lot of big and small bags, and there was inevitably some paper money in them.

Liu Ju hesitated to speak, but finally said the truth: "Back to my father, I still have some paper money that I plan to leave the palace to burn for Third Yiniang."

"The eldest brother of the prince is gone. I can't go so far to pay homage to him alone. I can only help him pay homage to his third aunt first. He probably can't let go of his mother the most, for fear that no one will visit his grave."

Hearing this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty felt a sore nose and sighed quietly: "I will accompany you."

Liu Ju hurriedly said: "Yes!"

After paying homage to Wei Zifu's spiritual tablet, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty followed Liu Zhi out of the palace to pay homage to Lord Wei Ping.

On the way back, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty specially asked Liu Zheng to ride in a carriage with him. Liu Zhi was flattered.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw his appearance, he couldn't help but sigh: "Ju'er, my father is old."

Liu Ju cupped his fists and said, "Father, don't say such things. You are still in your prime, how can you be old?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pressed his hands and said to Liu Ju: "Although my father no longer takes pills, my body is getting worse day by day, and my father can feel it."

"Recently, reviewing memorials has become a problem. You have been with my father for a long time, so try to help him review a batch of memorials."

Although this son was usually unremarkable, and although his ability to govern the country was average, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could not find a better successor.

Liu Ju is now the most suitable prince in his mind. Although this prince may not be the most ideal, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could not find a more suitable successor.

If the country wanted to pass on the legacy, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had to set his sights on Liu Zhi and spare no effort to train him.

But what surprised Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was that Liu Zhi said: "Father, as well as the third and fourth brothers, I think they are all willing to share my father's worries."

"My son has little talent and little knowledge. Although I have been reading the memorials with my father these days, I am still a little confused. I don't know how to deal with some things and review them. I may waste my father's good intentions. If I go on a business trip again, I would like to ask my thoughts. Shame on you!”

He rejected the kindness of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and pushed this good thing to Liu Hong and Liu Dan. One of the two heirs of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was born to Mrs. Wang and the other to Li Ji.

Liu Ju's mother was Wei Zifu, so it stands to reason that he should be the legitimate crown prince... at least after Wei Ning's death. But what surprised Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was that he actually refused?

It's not that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had not considered Liu Hong and Liu Dan. If these two people could be of great use, why would he bother to train Liu Zhi?
Liu Hong was ambitious but cruel. At just over ten years old, he was able to kill people at will in Chang'an. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was so angry that he almost killed him, but he ended up hastily.

Liu Dan is a bit similar to Liu Huan to some extent, with a weak temperament. Liu Huan can at least pretend on the surface, but Liu Dan doesn't even pretend, so he shows his weakest side to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

How could Emperor Wu of Han regard these two sons as the future of the empire?
Although Liu Ju was quite satisfactory in all aspects, he also confirmed the Confucian saying of moderation.

Since the death of Wei Ning, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has been unable to find a more powerful successor than Wei Ning. It is impossible to say that he does not regret it. Now, how is it possible for the empire to have another Crown Prince Wei!
Huo Qubing died, Wei Ning also died, Wei Qing escaped, and was dormant in South Vietnam, ready to attack me at any time. Only now did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty truly feel the powerlessness of being alone.

Now that Liu Zhi, who was relatively satisfied with him, didn't want to take over my position, why wasn't Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty curious?

He stared at Liu Zhi like a tiger, but it was useless. Liu Zhi was not afraid. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty admired Liu Zhi's quality very much. He looked at everything very lightly, including life and death. He didn't have much desire. , If you have no desires, you will be strong.

That's why Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty focused on Liu Zhi, hoping that Liu Zhi could become the next crown prince.


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty suddenly asked this question.

Liu Zhi knew what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was asking, and he said speciously: "Father, I told you that I am not capable enough and cannot approve many things well. Criticizing memorials to my father will only make my father more disappointed. So why?" Are you going to do something to disappoint your father?"

"Father, you might as well give second brother and third brother a try. Maybe they are my ideal people."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was silent for a while and said: "According to my son, there are not many gatherings in life. It does not mean that we will have many opportunities when we are born in an emperor's family. On the contrary, there are fewer opportunities here."

"But there are only one or two opportunities. If you miss it, it will really last a lifetime."

"You should think about it carefully. I will not force you. I will ask you again in two days."

While they were talking, the father and son had already returned to Weiyang Palace. Liu Zheng said goodbye to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and returned to Jiaofang Palace with his hands behind his back.

He looked at the departing figure of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, thoughtfully, and said to himself: "Now that my father wants me to criticize the memorials, he is putting me on the fire."

Prince Wei is dead, and Liu Huan is also dead. If I go up, the main attack force of my second and third brothers will be directed at me.

Why don't I step back and let them fight? Let them fight for the position of prince.

At that time, the civil servants outside were looking at these two princes who were fighting against each other. Can you still use them?
It's not that I don't want to sit in this position. If Prince Wei is still alive, I know I'm not worthy of it, but he is gone. Even if it's not for you, for my mother, and for Prince Wei, I should charge for this position.

But there are two people in front of me, and they are staring at me all the time. Instead of doing this, I might as well step back and let them fight first. One day they will fight to the death.

Only in this way can the general trend be finalized, and then I can safely review the memorial for you, right?
Father, you are really old. Can't you see that it is so simple to retreat in order to advance?
(End of this chapter)

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