Chapter 57 Let him out!

Five days later, Wei Qing's army arrived outside Dingxiang City.

Dingxiang County was very quiet, which made Wei Qing's heart start to tremble and his face became very ugly.

Five days have passed since the Chang'an cavalry sent the news to Wei Qing. Before that, the Huns attacked Dingxiang for several more days.

After this period of time, the entire Dingxiang County may be massacred with blood.

The quieter Dingxiang City is now, the faster Wei Qing's heart beats.

If something happened to Dingxiang, how could Wei Qing have the nerve to return to Chang'an!

Huo Qubing seemed to notice Wei Qing's nervousness. He was now more nervous than Wei Qing, and there were his good brothers and good friends among them.

Weining...don't let anything happen to you!

Huo Qubing turned to Wei Qing with red eyes: "Uncle, let me go and take a look."

The army was now exhausted from all the fighting, and Huo Qubing dragged his heavy body towards the city gate of Dingxiang County on horseback.

Whoosh whoosh!
Above the city, several crossbowmen fired downwards and landed in front of Huo Qubing's horse.

"Who are you waiting for?"

On top of the city, a Han soldier shouted loudly.

Huo Qubing was stunned for a moment, Han soldiers, actually Han soldiers?
He shouted: "General Wei Qing is back in the city! Open the door!"


Wei Qing led his army as he walked through Dingxiang County. Looking at everything that was both familiar and unfamiliar, he felt mixed emotions for a moment.

There are ruins everywhere in Dingxiang, which shows that there was indeed a brutal fighting here not long ago.

The only thing Wei Qing couldn't understand was who saved Dingxiang?
Relying on the three thousand soldiers in the city?

He had all the questions in his mind and ordered Huo Qubing to lead the army back to the military camp to wait for orders, while he rode a fast horse towards the prefect's mansion.

Inside the Dingxiang military camp.

When Huo Qubing returned, Zhao Ce and more than 20 Yulin rushed to Huo Qubing with tears in their eyes.

"Captain Huo! Are you... okay?"

"General Wei, it's so hard to find you!"

General Wei... Huo Qubing cursed in his heart, "That guy is pretty good. How can he make these people willing to call him General in such a short time?"It's more awesome than my title.

However, Huo Qubing was not jealous, but was pleased. The better Weining was, the happier he was, which showed that he had a strong personality.

Zhao Ce told Huo Qubing everything about Weining's departure from the fortress.

He and Huo Qubing guessed well that the boy knew that he had disappeared, so he took Yu Lin to look for him outside the Great Wall.

Huo Qubing couldn't help but be shocked when he heard that Wei Ningzhen led a hundred Yu Linqi to break up the besieging Gongsun Ao army.

Although he had already guessed this, he was still surprised when he actually heard it.

When he heard Zhao Ce say that Yu Lin had lost more than 20 horses outside the Great Wall, Huo Qubing sighed, patted Zhao Ce on the shoulder and said, "You guys did a great job."

"By the way, why are there only about twenty of you now? Also, is that boy Weining here? He didn't come to greet me when he came back?" Huo Qubing said with a smile.

Zhao Ce's expression turned a little gloomy.

"When we were in Monan, we heard that Dingxiang had been lost, and General Wei brought us back..."

Zhao Ce spoke slowly. When he heard that Wei Ning entered the city alone and killed a hundred Huns soldiers guarding the city, Huo Qubing's whole body trembled with excitement.

This is so awesome!

This kid is getting stronger and stronger!
Huo Qubing was extremely shocked and said, "What's behind? How about it?"

Zhao Ce informed Huo Qubing of what happened in Dingxiang County that day. When he heard that Wei Ning had almost killed the Huns cavalry by himself, Huo Qubing's heart beat wildly.

Is this a fucking person?It’s too fierce!
In addition to this meritorious service, he killed high-ranking Xiongnu officials... Huo Qubing couldn't imagine what kind of title Wei Ning would be awarded in this battle. Even starting at the fifteenth level, he would not be surprised if he was awarded a title.

"Okay, okay! That kid is now rich and doesn't recognize me as his brother, right? Where is he?" Huo Qubing asked with a smile, sincerely happy for Wei Ning.

Everything was like a big dream. In the past three or four months, a recruit who looked silly and naive grew at an alarming rate, which is staggering.

Huo Qubing always felt a bit dreamy.

Back when they were still on the march, they dreamed of making great achievements together, and now both of them have achieved it. This has to be said to be a happy event for everyone.

I also want to take him to drink and find women!
Huo Qubing has not forgotten the agreement he made with Weining before setting off.

After Huo Qubing finished speaking, Zhao Ce and the twenty Yu Lin behind him all fell silent.

"What?" Huo Qubing looked at them puzzled, "Why are they all silent?"

Zhao Ce said angrily: "I was caught and in the prison of the prefect's Yamen."

Huo Qubing: "Who?"


"Prefect Dingxiang wants to die?"

Huo Qubing's eyes turned red and he said angrily: "Are you fucking trash? Are you being taken away like this? What's the use of the knife in your hand?"

"Take the knife and follow me!"

Huo Qubing got on his horse, and more than 300 Yu Lins all mounted their horses and went straight to the prefect's office.

On the way, Zhao Ce told Huo Qubing what happened.

Huo Qubing didn't bother to care so much. He just killed people. What happened?
After half an hour.

Huo Qubing led Yu Lin to surround the prefect's office.


Yu Lin all dismounted and said, "Watch, no one is allowed to come out."

"Zhao Ce brings a few people."

"Go in."

The guards of the Prefect's Mansion stopped Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing took a tiger step and pointed the knife at the opponent: "If you take another step, I will chop you!"

The guards had never seen such a killing scene, and they all retreated in horror.

The journey was smooth, and Huo Qubing arrived at the prison.

The jailer did not dare to stop Huo Qubing and Yu Lin beside him.

a while.

"You boy."

Huo Qubing laughed loudly and cut off the chains in the prison with one knife.

"Let's go back and have a drink." Huo Qubing said loudly.

Wei Ning looked at Huo Qubing in shock, stood up and said, "Are you back?"

"Are you all right?"

"I looked for you but couldn't find you. I thought you were dead."

Weining choked up a little.

Huo Qubing's eyes were also a little red and swollen, so he hugged Weining and said, "Good brother!"

"How can I die if I'm so awesome?"

"I detoured into the desert and led [-] cavalry to kill the Huns Shanyu's uncle Luo Gubi... How about that? Not worse than you, right?"

"Okay, let's talk while we go back and have a drink."

Wei Ning shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I can't leave now and kill someone."

"It's a big deal. Don't worry about it. If anything happens, it's my fault." Huo Qubing didn't care.

Wei Ning still stood where he was and said, "You go back first."

Huo Qubing said stubbornly: "Afraid of Mao? Who dares to touch you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a deep voice came from behind, and Wei Qing looked gloomy and said to Huo Qubing: "Go back!"

"Who sent you here?"

Huo Qubing said: "Uncle! I'll take Weining back!"

Wei Qing said angrily: "He killed someone and is a criminal. Go back!"

"I won't do it!"

Wei Qing walked up to Huo Qubing and whispered: "Don't cause trouble, I will handle it. I will take him back and wait in the military camp."

Huo Qubing was overjoyed and said: "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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