Chapter 64 Give Huo Qubing a bigger reward

Mie Huyuan is very quiet.

Quiet, quiet.

Needle drop can be heard!

When the envoy issued the imperial edict to confer Wei Ning on the title of concubine and lord, everyone was dumbfounded!
Eighteenth-class knight!

If you take one step forward, you will be granted the title of Marquis!

You know, Li Guang has not yet been granted the title of Marquis!

Moreover... from the imperial edict, the group of scholars around him knew that he had already become a nobility before that!
Their father was an official, and there was still a gap between officials and nobility in the Han Dynasty.

An official may not be a noble, but a noble must be a noble!

What's ridiculous is that they were mocking Weining just now, saying that he was just a lowly pariah!

At this moment, the faces of this group of people were unpredictable, and in short, they were very ugly.

The eldest concubine has an eighteenth rank, while the Han Dynasty has a total of twenty ranks!
How much great achievements must be made to be granted such a title?

Oh my God!He is still so immature.

Everyone seemed to be dreaming, staring blankly at the group of envoys announcing the decree, and then glanced at Wei Ning, feeling ashamed!

From beginning to end, Weining never argued with them.

Is disdainful.

You are not on the same level at all, so why are people wasting their time talking to you?
At this moment, everyone's faces turned extremely red.

Several envoys from Chang'an reminded Wei Ning: "Chief Wei, please accept the order."

Wei Ning said oh and took the order with both hands.

Qin Ziyu stood in the corner of the crowd, silently looking in the direction of Weining, with a faint smile on his face.

happy for him.

The envoys left after issuing the imperial edict.

Wei Ning glanced at Huo Qubing, whose eyes were as red as rabbits, and said, "Let's go."

Huo Qubing thought for a moment and said, "Wait a moment."

Wei Ning looked back suspiciously.

But Huo Qubing came to the scholar arrogantly with his hands behind his back.

He squatted down, grabbed a handful of dust, and sprinkled it from the opponent's head.

The scholar stared at Huo Qubing with a red face.

Huo Qubing said angrily: "Your silk clothes are dirty now, what happens next?"

The scholar took a breath of cold air, his body trembled slightly, but he did not dare to speak.

Huo Qubing continued: "My brother is now an [-]th-class knight. What about you? Who are you?"

"My brother didn't have to be born into a good child. He became a knight based on his own ability. What about you? Who are you?"

He reached out and patted the other person's cheek, saying contemptuously: "You, ant."

"So is your dad."

"Not even your whole family."

"Work hard and see if you can be reincarnated into a marquis' family in the next life, or let your father work harder and kill a few Huns outside the Great Wall?"

"Okay, I'm done."

Wei Ning: "..."

In fact, he didn't have much resentment in his heart, and Wei Ning didn't pay attention to the other party's quick words.

Huo Qubing couldn't do it.

He can't suffer any loss at all, not even with words and words!

Huo Qubing came to Weining's side with his hands behind his back and left together.

He seemed to remember something and turned back: "A bunch of untouchables! Do your best!"

Whatever the other party said to Weining, Huo Qubing has now returned all of it.

Seeing this group of people who dared to be angry but dare not speak out, Huo Qubing felt a refreshing feeling in every pore.

After leaving Mie Hu Garden, Huo Qubing said to Weining, "Why don't you scold them?"

Wei Ning: "But scolding them won't make them lose a piece of meat."

Huo Qubing said: "You are stupid! They say that about you!"

Wei Ning said: "It didn't hurt me. If you want to hurt me, just do it." Huo Qubing: "..."

it is good!
I'm shallow.

You guys are cruel, I just want to scold them back, but you want to beat them to death.

Fortunately, those scholars didn't make fun of Weining's mother, otherwise they might have been beaten to death by Weining!

Huo Qubing felt that Weining could do it, and this was Weining's bottom line.

Huo Qubing said to Wei Ning enviously: "You have been knighted... No, you have been knighted before, even though it was a low-level knight."

"How did you seal it? Why didn't I know?"

Wei Ning thought for a while and said, "Maybe I gave advice to the court? Anyway, I don't think it's important. The emperor is too polite."

Huo Qubing: "..."

OK!You kid is starting to learn how to act cool now, right?

You don't think it's important, can my uncle still give you a knighthood?What do you make those soldiers who died on the battlefield think?
It's a good thing you said that to me, otherwise those soldiers would have sprayed you to death for being such a pretentious person!

"It's really not important. Compared with the common people, it's not important, right?"

Wei Ning: "Well, that's not what I meant."

Huo Qubing laughed loudly: "You're joking."

While talking, Huo Qubing patted Weining's shoulder and said, "I'll go back to the military camp first. Remember to come back early."

not together?

Huo Qubing waved and left, and Wei Ning discovered that Qin Ziyu was following behind.

Wei Ning smiled bitterly, Huo Qubing was really good at doing things.


Qin Ziyu came to Weining. She saw him when Weining was knighted just now.

But she didn't share Weining's brilliance, she stood silently in the corner and was happy for him.

"But you deserve it."

Qin Ziyu added.

Weining's outstanding achievements in Dingxiang alone are enough to match this reward.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not know that Wei Ning rescued Gongsun Ao outside the Great Wall and killed a group of Huns. If these achievements were counted together, it would be normal for him to be granted the title of Marquis.

Wei Ning smiled and said: "Miss Qin, you are smarter than me. I have a question that I don't understand. Can you tell me about it?"

Qin Ziyu smiled and said, "Okay."

The two of them walked slowly on the remote streets of Dingxiang County. Wei Ning asked Qin Ziyu: "Huo Qubing also made great achievements outside the Great Wall. He killed Luo Gubi. He led the small bone cavalry deep into the desert grassland and killed Luo Gubi. The enemy is too strong."

"It stands to reason that this merit is no less than mine. Why didn't His Majesty give him a reward?"

This is a question that Weining has been thinking about since he destroyed Hu Garden.

Although Huo Qubing said he was happy for himself, he must be very disappointed in his heart.

Qin Ziyu thought for a while and said, "Can you tell me Huo Qubing's life experience?"

Wei Ning asked suspiciously: "Is there any problem?"

Qin Ziyu said: "Only in this way can I think about why His Majesty did not give him a reward."


Wei Ning informed Qin Ziyu of Huo Qubing's tough background, and she couldn't help but gasp after hearing this.

"Because His Majesty wants to give him a bigger reward in Chang'an."

"Maybe he will be granted a title of marquis."

Qin Ziyu spoke immediately.

Weining: "?"


Qin Ziyu said: "He may have to replace his uncle's position in Your Majesty's heart."

"Your Majesty wants to introduce a general to replace Wei Qing."

"Otherwise I won't just ban you this time."

Wei Ning figured it out quickly and asked Qin Ziyu softly: "Is it because of me that the emperor is afraid of General Wei?"

Qin Ziyu shook his head: "Yes and no."

(End of this chapter)

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