Chapter 68 Kill his clan!
In a dark prison.

Zhao Chunli's heart had jumped into his throat, his eyes were blurred, and his whole figure was like a willow catkin that had been emptied out.

He was very frightened. He didn't know why Zhang Tang wanted to arrest him and put him in jail instead of arresting Weining.

The sound of footsteps sounded at the end of the dark prison. Every step made his heart tremble.

Not long after, a man with deep nasolabial wrinkles on his cheeks came over sinisterly and stood outside the cell with his hands behind his back.

Zhao Chunli knew him and had had contact with Zhang Tang when he was in Chang'an.

"Zhang Zhongcheng, what are you doing?"

Zhang Tang said indifferently: "Kill you."

Zhao Chunli trembled in fear: "Fart! Fart!"

"Your Majesty will not kill me if you deceive me!"

"Your Majesty will never kill me. I support Your Majesty in ascending the throne. I have saved the emperor's life!"

"I want to see the emperor, I want to see the emperor!"

Zhang Tang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty will never see you again."

"Your Majesty asked me to bring you a few words. Please listen carefully."

Zhang Tang was silent for a moment and said: "Chunli, I already know everything you did in Dingxiang. Your son let the Huns enter Dingxiang. This is not a big crime."

"If I want to make this crime public, then no one of you or your family will be left alive."

"You make me feel very sad. I am not an ungrateful person. It is precisely because I miss my old relationship that I only dealt with you."

"Here is a confession. Please sign it. It will count you and me as kings and ministers. I will help you one last time."

After Zhang Tang finished speaking, he threw a bamboo slip in front of Zhao Chunli and looked at Zhao Chunli coldly.

Zhao Chunli's eyes widened and he said tremblingly: "No, that's not the case. I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty!"

Zhang Tang frowned and said indifferently: "I don't have much time or patience. If you don't sign, I will order people to kill your whole family!"

"Zhao Chunli, don't be ignorant of praise!"

After he finished speaking, absolute silence fell into the dark cell again, with only the sound of rain hitting the roof tiles outside.

I don't know how long it took, but tears fell down Zhao Chunli's vicissitudes of face. He raised his hands tremblingly, and his hands were shaking violently.

Xunri's hands were used to give orders, but today... he had to decide his life or death.

How can I not tremble so much.

He is also afraid of death, he is very afraid of death.

A man with perseverance cannot be calm when facing life and death.

Yellow liquid was already flowing out of his clothes, and his hands were so twitching that he couldn't write at all.

But he knew that if he didn't write, all his family members would die, he would die, and the whole family would be punished.

If he writes it, he will die on his own.

Of course he knew how to measure it, but he just couldn't hold the pen and his hand was shaking so much.

He didn't know how the emperor knew about Zhao Wu's opening of the city gate. He couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't think about it now.

I don't know how long it took before he signed the three words tremblingly.

The moment he finished signing, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength and immediately collapsed to the ground.

Zhang Tang glanced at the signature on the bamboo slip and said indifferently: "Okay."

"I might as well tell you something."

"Everything I said just now is false."

Zhao Chunli's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Zhang Tang in disbelief.

Zhang Tang said calmly: "Your Majesty doesn't know whether your son has opened the city gate, so it would be a lie to kill you alone."

"His Majesty has always wanted to kill your entire family, but he didn't know how to explain it to others, so he asked me to concoct evidence."

"Now that you have signed, you will be the eternal sinner. This crime is so serious that it is not too much to punish an entire clan, right?"

Zhao Chunli's eyes were split open, his face was very ferocious, and he roared hysterically: "Zhang Tang! You beast!"

"You harmed me! You will not die a good death!" "Your whole family will not die a good death! I curse you to die without a burial place!"

Zhang Tang nodded calmly, and then said something that made Zhao Chunli even more desperate.

He stared at Zhao Chunli and said, "Do you think I'm so bold as to concoct evidence?"

"How dare I do it without His Majesty's approval?"

"Then why did His Majesty not deal with Wei Ning, but instead asked you to kill the clan?"

"Because only by eradicating you can this matter be settled, nothing will happen to Weining in the future, and His Majesty will not make any misjudgments."

"Don't you understand yet? His Majesty has given up on you."

"You might as well think about it for yourself, who is more important to the current situation, you or Weining?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be stupid enough to make a big deal out of this."

"Use your brain and think about what it means for your memorial to be sent to Chang'an."

"After so many years as an official, you still haven't made any progress."


Zhang Tang glanced at him indifferently and left with his hands behind his back expressionlessly.

He already had everything he wanted, and he had enough reason to kill the Zhao family members.


"Wait! Don't leave! Liu Che! You are so heartless!"


"As expected of the Emperor of Han, hahaha."

Zhao Chunli looked up to the sky and laughed crazily, "What a cruel emperor! Haha! If I had known, I should have let him die in the hands of Liu Rong!"

"Let me go, I don't want to die, wuwuwu, please, let me go."

He's crazy.


Zhang Tang returned to the prefect's office, threw the bamboo slips to Qin Chuan, and said, "Zhao Chunli has recruited them all."

"This person deserves to die the most. This crime is so serious that he is ashamed of the big man and his father. It is not a pity to die!"

"There is no need to report it to the imperial court and punish the whole family. The evidence of his crime will be made public immediately."

"Come here, arrest all the Zhao family members, send them to Caishikou at noon, and show their heads to the public!"


Qin Chuan's heart suddenly pounded, he looked at Zhang Tang suspiciously, and then said: "Okay!"

He clearly informed His Majesty of everything in Dingxiang County, which meant that His Majesty already knew that there was no substantial evidence to prove that Zhao Wudi opened the city gate.

But now Zhao Chunli has pleaded guilty.

From the time Zhang Tang entered the prison to the present, it would take less than a stick of incense to count.

In such a short time, he got the other party to sign.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but start to be afraid of Zhang Tang!
This person is really a qualified cool official. He is really very capable and does things vigorously and resolutely without any sloppiness.

The one who is more ruthless is naturally the emperor.

In other words, the emperor directly abandoned Zhao Chunli, who had originally been a disciple of the dragon, and chose Weining.

Qin Chuan was still worried about Weining before...

At this time, his mood actually started to become a little complicated.

Qin Chuan went out immediately and made the evidence of Zhao Chunli's crime known to the public.

After the people heard about this, they were immediately in an uproar, and the resentment among the people soared. All the people in Dingxiang were filled with indignation and shouted that the entire Zhao Chunli family should be killed!

In the Dingxiang military camp.

A subordinate official sent by Qin Chuan wore a raincoat and hurriedly walked towards Wei Qing's tent.

(End of this chapter)

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